
chapter one

In the ages that pass, many humans develop ways of living, but none of those are Charming.

Thrive with me in the adventures of the unknown lands.

It's about in the glitters of the morning, with the rays striving through the mists of the cloudy sky, to give out their lights, a man is laid down somber according to his nature, wailing in agony without crying hiding it within himself from the surrounding nature. In the passed he was revealed to a fatal, un understood incident that sparkled the conscious of the man no one knows what it was, even to himself, knowledge didn't make him understand it. With lots of shivers he advance on his belly rubbing it on the stoney surface that had some water due to the waters that quenched the dryness of the place. He slowly advanced, but his eyes were sunken and pale reflecting fear and terror on his brown handsome face indicating him to be a lunatic to a prejudice.

In the course of advancing. Nothing new seemed to appear, and thus, weakly laid down his head, with a hard breathing he thought on how he will leave the tragic moment. In the meantime, someone seemed to appear closely advancing towards him, since the image in his eyes were blurred with the fatigue and plastic tears, he unfortunately yielded his ghost out of him.

The one who saw him came up quickly and picked him up,with energy he picked him,and since he was a hunter fifty kilos never meant something much. Dressed in brown bark cloth,covering his waist leaving out his big chest uncovered, his head tied with some sort of ancient rug that bore a number, as well as his arms also bearing a number on his left side of the his fine black back. Slowly penetrating through the mob of many trees disturbed by the breezes, rushing to reach home while the corpse on his back, he ran swiftly like a hungry leopard chasing it's pray. Reaching home,the members of the village brought in the patient and started to treat him according to their own traditional way they called embazzi . Thanking the gods for bringing a new creature amidst them with songs that translated to say,

To you the gods we pray none

has ever thought that you will

grant us such a song again you

are welcome you are welcome

thanks to thee out loud from age to age

you bring to us colours that are not like

Us so blessed and so given are we throughout all ages shall we sing that we are blessed.....

After some time of pressing hard and hard his chest using some herbs and laying him in rain and in a dug ditch with fire laid of the ditch. After so many days the person received breathe again sprouting out of his sunken woody bed with a lot of force like that of gravity, when the attendant saw the rising of the patient so creepy like that of a zombie cracking out from the soils. He with a lot of swiftness picked his horn and blew it out loud.

When the sound of the horn hovered the village, the natives sprung out from their homesteads swiftly running towards where they acknowledged as a hospital, which was a very small house, thatched with heavy branches and long grasses, honestly it was the house of the village chief. Towards the house, they found the man they had toiled over and over to recover his life,finally it had been regained, with joy, the again sung and danced to the gods,while telling to the other people in the furthest homes in the village.

When the chief was informed he crookedly walked out from his other house also built the same way as his first house. The chief was so striken with years honestly too old to live, and his only hope was death . With his bent walking stick, advanced with it towards his house in service of two boys, muscular with a fine black colour of their skin, reaching the house he was told that the man was well begging to see him in person, was allowed to go in by the attendant while bowing his head down in awe .

Reaching to the raised dead, he sunk on the woody bed and said, sir.....sir.....ammmm.....ahhhhh.., call me mitigo,.. call...call, one servant running out to call mitigo, and thus mitigo comes in wearing a sweaty skin, chewing some roots in his heaped black chin. Removing the chewed substance from the mouth he responded by lowering his head to the chief what take you long,.me want speak this man.. come...come I want say... (whispering to his ears some words.) Now say...say, slapping him softly leading him to the risen dead, sitting quitely gazing at him with his brown reddish eyeballs stained as if he was crying, where are you from sir?, we often receive aliens like you throughout all generations we have stayed in this village, with all due respect please, where are you from...?.

Sir,...who are you? and where am I?, can I know please? I did I get here and by what virture can someone explain. With blur on his sight and weakness hovering his body he questioned.

Trying to raise from the sunken woody bed which showed that many had slept on it for many years, elevating his right leg off the bed , men gathered around him, ceasing his head and limbs, crying with his cracked voice pleaded to be left and thus left promising to abide the rules.