

Sam was tired of being a species that was nearing extinction. It was not that he disliked being human, but rather that he disliked what had become of humanity. Humanity was once a free species with a world of their own, but after the invasion, that freedom was replaced with cages. Humanity had not advanced fast enough, leading to their fall.

Sam, however, did not suffer in slavery as he was even educated by the one who purchased him. He had never been on Earth, but he was taught all about it from the Records of the Captured. He studied the records of not just humanity, but other captured species to learn about all of their downfalls.

Sam researched not just the past, but also the present. He learned all that he could and kept computer records on what was more complicated to learn from later.

The older being that purchased him did not mind Sam's drive for learning. He purchased Sam only so that he would be taken care of in his old age. The old creature was kinder than most.

At some point, Sam came to learn how to do the unimaginable, time travel. It would be a one way trip, but it was worth it. He was unsure of how he would pull it off, but he then heard by chance about how the old creature had willed him everything as well as his freedom. Sam prepared everything while taking care of the old creature and showed his gratitude. He knew the old creature did not have much time left in his life, so he ensured that the old creature could die in peace.

Once the old creature had died, Sam finished his preparations and put all that he could into one stealth ship that he would time travel in. He was not going to look back. He set course for after the end of the second World War. He set his eyes on the middle of the Cold War. He has done the calculations of how to save humanity. He had just hopped that humanity wouldn't mess up his plans.