
In The Palm of His Hand (Rebirth)

Ji Anning: In her previous life, Wen Yuqiang kissed Ji Anning, and she slapped him causing his mouth to bleed. "Fuck you..." He wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth with his thumb, "You just don't want to believe that I really like you, do you?" Ji Anning, a poor student, said coldly, "Your liking is just like a slap in the face to me. " Afterwards, Ji Anning's soul drifted, and she saw this chaebol who had been pestering her, kill her enemy, and paid for it with blood. He stood on the top of the building, looking at the dark night, and said softly, "I've avenged you." With the power of a single thought, Ji Anning was reborn as a freshman. At this time, she hadn't died yet, and he hadn't smeared blood smeared his hands in blood for her. "Ji Anning, don't try to escape from my palm." He let go of her lips and clenched her chin fiercely. "What do you like about me? Aren't you just coveting me?" Ji Anning smiled slightly, stood on her tiptoes, and kissed Wen Yuqiang's thin and sexy lips.  Wen Yuqiang: The first time I saw her in the crowd, I saw her in my heart. I want to shelter her from the wind and rain, and I want to hold her in my arms. 【It's you at a glance, life and death are you. ]

Priya46d · Urban
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9 Chs

Beginning of His Obession

Ji Anning fell into Wen Yuqiang's dark eyes and was speechless for a while.

She didn't put on makeup, but her eyes were moist, her face was like peach blossoms, and she was absolutely gorgeous. The slender snow-white neck and clear collarbone can attract people's eyes. The dazed look made Wen Yuqiang's eyes brighter.

He pulled his gaze from her collarbone, and his voice became gentle: "If it's dirty, don't drink it." He moved to take the porridge bowl from Ji Anning's hand as he spoke.

Ji Anning kept staring straight at him, and when his fingertips were about to touch the porridge bowl, she suddenly wrenched her wrist hard. Wen Yuqiang was unprepared, and she broke free from his hands.

He was stunned for a moment, then whispered to her, "I've sent someone to get you a new meal, wait a minute, don't drink this."

Ji Anning remembered that time, he smiled and apologized for his friend, and then called someone to order her another meal, saying it was compensation for soiling the porridge.

She was really hungry at the time, so she accepted the meal and devoured it.

Since then, Wen Yuqiang has been pestering her.

Later, the gossip, the accusations and criticisms that she was a swindler and a money-worshiping girl, and the contemptuous eyes behind her, all had something to do with him.

In order to prove that she was not what they said, for the last bit of self-esteem she had remaining, she rejected Wen Yuqiang again and again.

But that didn't bring her any dignity. The rumors became more and more outrageous, saying that she had slept with Wen Yuqiang and that she cost 3,000 yuan a night.

Once she left something in the classroom after class and hurried back to get it, but she heard several girls arguing with boys.

"Three thousand for 1 night? It's too expensive, is she worth it?" the girl said.

"It's worth it." The boy said with a smile, "If I had money, I would be willing to pay 3,000 yuan. But I have no money."

Everyone burst into laughter.

They knew each other well enough to joke around.

But Ji Anning was not familiar with them.

In the military training before school started, Ji Anning was specially approved not to participate because he had to take care of his grandmother. After they came back from military training, the students who were strangers to each other were able to laugh and scold each other after two weeks of harsh training.

Only Ji Anning was still unfamiliar with them. In this group, she was like an outsider who couldn't get in.

At this time, she could clearly recall the moment when she pushed the door open and the classroom was silent.

She went in and got her things, turned around and left - she had to go to work, so she didn't have so much time to waste on arguing with others.

A girl's loud voice came from behind: "It seems to be true, if it's not true, why doesn't she defend herself?" But

if she defends, will they believe it? Didn't those rumors come from them?

They chased after Wen Yuqiang, but they couldn't make Wen Yuqiang look at them. That jealousy caused them to spread more outrageous rumors, like a sword, stabbing her. Bleeding all over.

Ji Anning faced Wen Yuqiang for the first time after her rebirth, and her mood was extremely complicated.

She still clearly remembered the many troubles that Wen Yuqiang's entanglement brought her, but she also remembered even more clearly that after her death, it was he who placed the lonely grandmother in a good nursing home and paid all of her expenses.

It was also him who threw her enemy from the hotel she fell from and paid for it with blood.

Ji Anning seemed to see the young and indifferent man standing on the roof in the midst of the night wind.

There was blood on his face and his eyes looked dead, making her afraid.

There seemed to be a black hole in those black eyes, and there seemed to be a huge suction force attracting her.

Ji Anning had a hunch that if she was sucked into that black hole, she would never be able to escape.

Wen Yuqiang looked at her with burning eyes. His companion had already ordered a lunch with meat and vegetarian food, and was walking over with a smile, ready to say to this little beautiful schoolmate, "This is what Brother Wen asked me to buy for you", and give his Brother Wen a helping hand like a good wingman.

Without warning, the beautiful schoolgirl suddenly raised the bowl to her mouth and tilted her neck—


Goo, goo, goo, goo, goo.


"..." The boys were stunned, watching Ji Anning breathlessly and the drank bowl of porridge.

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, glanced at Wen Yuqiang who was also stunned by what she did, and threw the metal bowl on the table with a bang.

"It's not good to waste food," she said.

She picked up her schoolbag and walked directly past Wen Yuqiang's.

The boys watched her walk out of the cafeteria in astonishment.

"What the hell? Brother Wen?" The boy with the meal tray looked bewildered, "What's the situation?"

Wen Yuqiang was also stunned.

For a long time, he was frozen in place, then he covered his eyes and laughed wildly: "Fuck!"

Wen Yuqiang was still shaking with laughter when he returned to his original seat and sat down.

"Isn't this girl too spicy?" Someone said.

"Did she see it just now?" someone said.

"How is it possible, does she have eyes behind her head?" The people next to him didn't believe it.

That's right, these guys threw the paper balls into the porridge bucket when Ji Anning was preparing to take the porridge. It wasn't some accident that they threw it crooked. They did it on purpose, just because Wen Yuqiang wanted to chat up Ji Anning.

Wen Yuqiang covered his eyes and smiled, and he is still in a "fuck" mood.

He finally restrained himself and stopped laughing, but the corners of his mouth still couldn't help twitching and he said, "They said I could get her phone number, but now I don't even know her name.

Chen Hao, suddenly spoke, "I know who she is."

Everyone looked at him.

"I just remembered. I felt she was familiar just now, and I remembered when I saw her going to serve free porridge." Chen Hao said, "She is the girl who was on the news this year, the one who 'carried her grandmother to school'. Do you remember?"

"That extremely poor student?"

"Yes." Chen Hao said, "I saw the photo of the report then and I told you about this extremely impoverished student who was very beautiful. You guys were busy playing games with each other, so you ignored me. Look, the real person is ten times more beautiful than the photo! My eyes are so poisonous. There is only half of my face in the photo, but I can still see that she is a beautiful woman!"

Wen Yuqiang kicked him: " Find the news and show it to me."

Chen Hao took out his mobile phone and searched, found the report and handed it to Wen Yuqiang.

Wen Yuqiang took it over, and the people next to him also leaned over to see it together, and read it out loud:

"In the golden autumn of September, all the students who have just passed the college entrance examination came to their own campus to report. BGI welcomed a new student. A special classmate... Xiao Ning's mother passed away many years ago, her father's business failed and he left home and lost contact. The young Xiao Ning and her grandmother depended on each other Xiao Ning vowed to never leave her grandmother and to take her with her wherever she goes. The school leaders attached great importance to it, and Principal X instructed: Never let a student drop out of school because of family difficulties. The school management quickly mobilized... Balabala, Balabala..."

The official articles and praises later, the boys were too lazy to read them, and directly "Balabala ". Wen Yuqiang spread his fingers and pushed his face, turning his head aside.

The boy was still enjoying himself: "Xiao Ning ha ha ha ha. Xiao Ning."

Even in this kind of positive report, the news will not directly use his real name, most of them use pseudonyms.

Wen Yuqiang rubbed his chin.

Xiao Ning?

He was sitting in the last row that day, next to the back door. When class was about to be over, he turned around and found that someone in the opposite classroom had quietly slipped out of the classroom before the closing bell rang.

She's brave, but she's still a little girl.

Afraid that the teacher would find out, she stooped down and snuck out, as light and dexterous as a cat.

At noon, the old teaching building with a long history had huge windows. The girl had a bag on her waist, and her short top was rolled up, revealing a part of her waist. The sunlight dazzled Wen Yuqiang's eyes.

The girl turned her head, revealing a delicate white face.

Wen Yuqiang's ears suddenly fell silent.

The sound of the teacher lecturing, the muttering of the students, and the flipping of the pages all disappeared.

Wen Yuqiang from the previous life later verified, what a deep mark Ji Anning carved in his heart.

But Wen Yuqiang in this life doesn't know anything yet. I just felt a sway in my eyes and a pull in my heart, a strange feeling that couldn't be described.

To put it simply, that afternoon, when Wen Yuqiang saw Ji Anning for the first time, he was moved.

He stared at her intently until she disappeared from his vision.

He quietly moved to the window and looked out. Sure enough, it didn't take long before the girl ran out of the building.

As light as an elf, if you put a pair of transparent wings on her, she can probably fly.

The next day, he saw her again.

Wen Yuqiang was going to the cafeteria. She had already rushed out of the cafeteria, carrying a large bag in one hand, her forehead was sweating. She passed in front of Wen Yuqiang without seeing him at all.

The bag in her hand looked heavy, her shoulders' are so thin, but she runs fast.

When he saw her running, he greeted the dormitory aunt who was going to the cafeteria for lunch. When the aunt came over, he went over and asked her.

"Oh, her." Auntie said, "That little girl is very good at making money. She orders meals for her classmates in school and collects money."

Giving meals to classmates on campus is nothing new. There are also hot water, queues, etc. It is said that those who occupy seats on behalf of others will also compete for business with each other.

Is she short of money?

Definitely short.

Wen Yuqiang guessed when he saw that she only had got a vegetarian dish in the cafeteria and then went to get free porridge.

She is not losing weight. She's already skinny enough. Wen Yuqiang dared to bet that if the university held a slim waist competition, she would definitely win the title.

Girls who only eat one dish to lose weight will not eat staple foods. Porridge is a staple food, and that staple food will make you fat.

She is purely to save money.

From his dining table, Wen Yuqiang saw her, and several boys were talking about her. Seeing her going to serve the porridge, Wen Yuqiang kicked the person next to him: "Throw it into the porridge bucket, now, right away!"

The boy glanced at the girl beside the porridge bucket, and then at the tissue paper he had just rolled into a ball in his hand, and immediately understood smiling, he did as Wen Yuqiang asked.

Wen Yuqiang then used that as an excuse to step forward to chat her up.

It was a good idea, but he didn't expect that the girl would not follow the script.

However, it's still good to know who she is, Wen Yuqiang thought, just go and ask Director Ma in the afternoon.

Just thinking about it, a few boys next to Chen Hao looked at his mobile phone: "The waist is really thin." They exclaimed.

Wen Yuqiang was silent for a while, then leaned over and took out the phone from Chen Hao's hand opposite him.

There were several photos below the original article, one of which was Ji Anning bowing to the school leader, revealing a portion of her lower back.

The afternoon sun was too bright that day, and Wen Yuqiang who was feeling drowsy, just waiting for the bell to ring soon after class. But it was this small moving waist that attracted his eyes.

Until the shaking reached his heart, itching.

Wen Yuqiang directly closed the webpage, threw the phone to Chen Hao, and raised his eyebrows at a few people.

Several people immediately closed their mouths. Understood, the girl named Xiao Ning is not something they can just judge.

Wen Yuqiang has taken a fancy to her.

Ji Anning shook off Wen Yuqiang in the cafeteria. She didn't see him coming after her, and she didn't encounter any entanglements afterward. She enjoyed this quiet for two days. After school this afternoon, she took the order as usual, and after delivering the takeaway from the girls' dormitory, she packed her schoolbag and walked out of the school to the bus stop.

As soon as she left the school gate, she saw a black Hummer parked on the side of the road. Ji Anning turned her head and pretended not to see it, and walked away quickly.

A horn sounded behind her.

Ji Anning paused for a while, then quickened her pace and ran towards the bus stop.

Wen Yuqiang who was sitting in his Hummer: "..."

Wen Yuqiang found Director Ma who knew him well at school, and got all the information about Ji Anning. From her student number, to her class schedule, to her family situation.

He took the time to wait for her at the school gate today, and when he saw her come out, he honked the car horn.

But she seemed to not hear?