
In the Novel World

April 1,2023 A boy can be seen in an empty class as he is looking out the window. The whole classroom is enveloped in peaceful silence but the same can’t said about the outside. A “ONCE” beautiful girl is being apprehended by the law enforcement and the people around her is giving her a disgusted look. The boy is seeing everything from the second floor of their school building. No emotion can be detected from his face apart from a calm smile. After seeing the police cars left the school premise, he quietly left the classroom. Nobody can tell from his expression that the girl who is being taken by the police is his so-called “GIRLFRIEND”. \ \ \ \ \ It is my first-time writing novel and I don’t have much experience about writing. English my third language and I am not very good at it. So, you guys will find a ton of grammatical or other mistakes. But I will try to improve my writing quality over time. It will of great help if you guys can give me your honest opinion in the comment section. I know there will a lot of criticism because of my writing quality but please keep it in check because it’s not a pleasant feeling to hear people talk crap about someone’s work even if that work isn’t good. Last but not least Enjoy my novel!

Dark_Sider321 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

A Glimpse of the Past-2

Vaelens mother 'Mary' was an talented B-rank adventurer before she met his father.

She was a fire mage. At an young age of twenty she rise to B-rank which is quite rare. It indicates that she was talented than others of his age.

In the human continent, a higher rank adventurer have more power than some nobles, and being an B-rank adventurer Mary was quite a popular genius.

During her journey she met with 'Jack Hart' who later she fall in love with. Jack was a D-rank adventurer with a quite good looking face and a good personality.

By coincidence, they took a quest together, and during the quest, Jack somehow saved Mary when she was being attacked in her blind spot.

A typical hero saves the beauty story....

After that, Mary fell in love with Jack, and later Jack also fell in love with Mary because she was a beautiful and talented.

Then they started dating, but Mary's being a genius fire mage, her reputation started to grow day by day, and there were many suitors from the noble family who wanted to take her into their family.

Seeing this, Jack becomes somewhat jealous and half-forcefully makes Mary marry him.

Mary had grown tired of those noble families and decided to marry him as well.

After that, Mary and Jack left their party and arrived in the 'Kingdom of Daelon' which is on the north-east side of the human continent, and decided to get married.

Two years later they had their first child, and the name of the child was 'Vaelen Hart'.

They both cherished their child and were determined to nurture him to be an upright person.

They vowed to protect him with their life.

Their tiny family was complete, and the world seemed to sparkle with newfound joy.


...all of that happiness was short-lived.

As the days turned into years, the fragile threads that bound their family together began to fray. The laughter that once filled their home now echoed with hollow tones, and the warmth that surrounded them seemed to dwindle with each passing moment.

After Vaelen turned two Mary started to train again to become stronger, it was her dream to become strong.

With her talent she quickly returned to her peak and started doing quest for Adventurer Guild in the 'Kingdom of Daelon'.

Soon, in one year she became famous again with her talent and beauty, and rise to A-rank after she stopped a monster stampede with her magic.

Seeing this, Jack attempted to catch up to Mary, but Jack lacked Mary's talent and consistency.

Mary's name began to travel throughout the Kingdom of Daelom and even into neighboring kingdoms.

People started to respect and admire her, and when they heard she was married, people imagined her husband was also a talented individual.

But when they heard her husband was just an D-rank adventurer they started to badmouth Jack.

People started to talk how she should leave him and search for someone better or how Jack doesn't deserve Mary.

All of that started to put pressure on Jack and he tried even harder to catch up to Mary and stand by her side.

But in the end he failed and various nasty rumor started to spread about Jack because of peoples talk, even Mary tried to resolve the situation.

In the end Jack took the wrong path and started coming home drunk everyday.

Mary tried to bring him back to the right path, but the situation started to get worse day by day.

At first, Jack simply arrived home drunk every day, but his character rapidly deteriorated. He started having arguments with Mary on a daily basis, and the two became distant.

and...the one who was being affected the was the little Vaelen....

(It was the story of Vaelen's parents, and now I'll write about what Rudy sees in Vaelen's life.)




While Rudy was seeing the heartwarming scene of Val and Liza's friendship, his environment started to change again and he found himself in Vals house.

There he saw little Val standing behind her mother and his mother yelling at someone with an angry tone.

When Rudy focused a little, he saw the person Mary was talking with was Vals father Jack.

Jack was quite different from the Jack he saw earlier, this Jack was young.

But anyone can tell that Jack was drunk. Rudy became curious and started to hear their conversation....

"Why did you also come home drunk today!!?" -Mary

"Sorry, I will not do it again."-Jack

"You told me the same thing yesterday!! Do you think just saying sorry will resolve everything!!? Do you realize that you have a child at home while you were drinking!!!"-Mary


Rudy's environment continued to shift once more, and he found himself in the same circumstance with Jack being yelled at by Mary while little Val was terrified and tucking his mother's shirt.

Rudy began to see the same situation over and over again as his surroundings changed.

And, while he was in his eights time seeing the same thing, this time Jack snapped.

"Shut the fu*k up, you bitch!!!" -Jack

Hearing his shout Mary stopped and looked at him with wide eyes, without giving her a chance he continued.

"You are living your life to the fullest right!!?.....ha.....ha... So why are you complaining with everything I do!? Whenever your go outside.....ha.....ha..... you are receiving compliments from whoever you pass by!! You are even appearing on TV ,while I am living a life where whoever pass by me they just look at me with disgust just because I am you husband!! YOU HAVE EVERYTHING ONE CAN ASK FOR!!! SO WHY ARE INTEFEARING IN WHATEVER I DO IN MY LIFE!!!?"

Jack shouted in an angry tone while huffing heavily, after that he started to breathing heavily while he lowered his head.

Mary just stood there froze, its like she was not able to process what is happening at this moment, after that her body started to tremble and she tried to ask him something "W-what are you tryi....."

"ha..ha...ha...ha" She couldn't finish her question because Jack started to chuckle...

"Ah~ I know now.....I know why are you yelling at me almost everyday." After saying that Jack raised his head and look at Mary with a crazed smile..

"You must be getting tired of me right!? You are annoying me almost everyday because you want me to leave you right!? You also think that some like me doesn't deserve you like those people right!!? So who was it? Who was the man you thought deserve you more than me?! Did you meet him during your quest just like how you met me!!? Did he treat you better than me!? Did he have more power than me just like you!? Don't tell me your relationship has already reached that le....."


While Jack was continue his crazy talk Mary slapped him with tear on her eyes.

"SHUT UP!!" She shouted

"H-how can you say s-something like this..." Her voice is trembling, tears continue to fall from his eyes, she is making a face like she was betrayed by the person she trusted the most in the world.

Seeing how Jack was not reacting, only holding his cheek with his hand, Mary ran to her room and shut the door with great force...



While all of this happened they forget that they were arguing in front their four year old child.... little Val was just standing there trembling.....he understand that his parents were arguing but he didn't understand what they were talking about because he was just a child.... he tried to stop their argue but they didn't pay any attention to him. He didn't know what he should do so he just stand there while trembling and tears falling on his cheek because.... he was scared.

He was scared....both of his parents looked so scary to him when they were arguing.

But.....there was someone who was paying attention to him.....its more like he was staring at little Val the whole time.....it was Rudy.

While Mary and Jack was arguing, Rudy didn't pay any attention to them, the whole time he was staring at Val,.....because he can feel it.....sadness, fear, helplessness, frustration .....Rudy is felling all of those emotions through little Val.

After that his surrounding shifted and he started seeing the same situation in different form where Mary and Jack is arguing.

It goes to the point where they started to avoid each other, Mary started doing more quest, because of that she was not at home most of the time while Jack just go whenever he wants, there are times he doesn't even come home.



While Mary and Jack is going on with their life because of their ego, they forgetting that they are neglecting something they vowed to protect.