
In the Naruto world, I'm a teacher: My students save the world

Read up to 12 advanced released chapters: https://www.patreon.com/Pervy_Sennin Plenty of r+18 in this work. The smut will always be brought back into the picture. ________________________________________________ In the Naruto world, I became stronger, and later a teacher. It was all thanks to a system called the Universal Gym. In the Universal Gym, anything you do can make you stronger... Including lemon time... hehe My disciples are the characters of the original world (Naruto, Sakura, Ino...), what could change if they became stronger due to my training? Hmm... How about I give this disciple of mine a Devil fruit? ________________________________________________

Pervy_Sennin · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Hokage meeting

Thank you to: Dani Otaduy; eric; omar amurrio; Angelo Meßmer; NovelLover; Heitor Prado Bortoletto; Galad Yousuf; SlamDatWeeB; Georg Tasche; Haralds Mārtiņsons; for becoming my patrons. I appreciate you guys so much, you motivate me to write.

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The earth was scorched and unearthed a layer of ground due to the huge force that swept through.

The trees were burned and it took a while for things to calm down.

Yugito was sure that not many could survive unscathed from such an attack.

After all, she had perfected her usage of the tailed beast chakra and knew how strong her attack was.

She looked at the area after the smoke dispersed, and as expected, she didn't find anyone there. Not even a dead body.

"I knew they would escape, but how?"

'It must be that plant guy who came from the ground'

Matatabi had a good point and Yugito nodded her head.

"That bastard is definitely still alive, what weird jutsu is he using?"

Yugito couldn't help but wonder. She had cut the guy apart with a casual strike, after all, Hidan only had his weird immortality and curse jutsu, otherwise, someone like the old her was definitely stronger than him in taijutsu and jutsu.

However, she knew he was still alive because no matter how he injured himself before against her, he didn't die from it, but in return, she got the effects and was on the brink of dying.

So, he must be an immortal of some sort.

She just shook her head, deciding to leave this for later. After all, now that she had gained a huge amount of strength, all she had was time.

For now, it seemed like all she could do was get back to her village and start working on the plan of her teacher.

As expected, she was no different from Naruto and Sakura.

She had the same mission as them, and in her case, it was even easier than those two.

Well, at least the first part of uniting the village, since the elders in Kumogakure, didn't have that much authority on the Raikage.

And Yugito knowing this, decided the easiest solution was to become the Raikage herself.

She just needed some time.

"As for those bastards… time will come for you, don't worry!"

As for why they escaped, Yugito wondered if it was because they sensed various chakra signatures approaching her.

One of them was familiar, similar to her own tailed beast energy.


Meanwhile, the same three people she was talking about resurfaced a huge distance from her.

Kakuzu, Hidan, and Zetsu suddenly emerged from the ground.

The first thing Kakuzu did was yell.

"You bastard, why did you take us away? Do you think we would lose against that weakling?"

He was beyond annoyed since Hidan had already wasted his tie, and when he was about to make a move, this guy took them away.

Zetsu chuckled darkly and responded.

"Various chakra signatures were approaching the area, and including them were the eight-tails Jinchuriki, and the Raikage A, do you think you can beat them all?"

His question stumped Kakuzu.

No matter how arrogant he was, he would consider fighting all those people at the same time.

"You bastard, it's all your fault,"

As such, Kakuzu turned his attention to Hidan who Zetsu was putting him back together.

When Hidan's head connected, he turned and cursed back.

"Fuck you, everything was going well, but something weird happened with that blonde Jinchuriki, would you have been able to dodge her attack? Hah, fat chance"

Hidan wasn't one to back down as such, he stated everything perfectly.

And Zetsu confirmed.

"That Jinchuriki suddenly exuded a huge amount of strength after she got up, I'm guessing she either was hiding her real strength, or she suddenly gained complete mastery of her bijuu, either way, cooperation between you would be needed to defeat her,"

Kakuzu snorted but stayed silent. 

He knew that this guy's sensing ability was the best, and if he said so, he was willing to accept that.


He clicked his tongue, his anger still not disappearing.

'If I remember correctly, there is a temple around her, and one of the monks has a bounty on his head…'

After surveying the area and determining where they were, he made the decision.

"Let's go!"



Konoha, in the Hokage building, and specifically inside Tsunade's personnel study.

Inside, there was Tsunade, of course, and finally Naruto and Sakura.

They had requested a meeting with her, in the capacity of the Hokage, and as a close person to them, being like a close family for Naruto and a teacher for Sakura. 

As such, she couldn't refuse these two in front of her.

But at the same time, as Tsunade observed them, she wondered if she could get some answers from them herself.

After all, these two had so many secrets all of a sudden.

"Alright you two brats, spit it out,"

"What is so important, you even had to use this sealed room for?"

This room had the highest levels of seals to prevent anyone from listening by any means. 

'Even that bastard Danzo can't hear shit in here!'

Tsunade smirked internally.

Sakura at this moment, seated next to Naruto and opposite of Tsunade, glanced at her fellow disciple Naruto and nodded her head.

She would do the explaining.

That was what her gaze entailed.

"Master Tsunade, to be honest, under your care and training I have gotten stronger, but you must have noticed that that shouldn't be enough to beat that guy Sasori, no?"

At her question, Tsunade nodded her head.

She did indeed wonder about this.

After all, she had trained Sakura herself and she was pretty sure Sakura wasn't that strong.

Sakura soon confirmed this.

"Well, I've become stronger due to meeting a certain person!"

Sakura looked at Naruto at this moment and Tsunade who followed her gaze, connected the dots.

"So, what you're saying is that you got stronger due to the same guy that made Naruto strong?"

Tsunade said and looked deeply at Sakura.

"Sakura, no matter how you look at it, you suddenly got stronger, at least in the case of Naruto, he had two years when he met this 'Teacher'"

Her words were deep, and she was seriously looking at Sakura at this moment. This wasn't a laughing matter.

But Sakura just smiled.

"There's a reason for that, and it's one of the reasons why we only wanted to share this with you, and not the other elders,"

Sakura stated.

"Well, are you going to say, or keep beating around the bush?"

Tsunade was annoyed at Sakura who kept trying to be enigmatic.

"There's a certain place our teacher, Hayato, can take us to, where time passes faster than this world, that is where I trained, and it is the reason why my transformation was akin to being an overnight change"

Sakura finally spat it out.

And this made Tsunade start to consider it seriously.

After all, she trusted Sakura and Naruto quite a lot.

She soon decided to accept it as the truth, since she couldn't find any other explanation.

'After all, before and after the mission, the aura I sensed from Sakura was different by a huge amount'

Tsunade concluded as such.

'But then,'

"Why did you take two years if this 'Hayato' had such an ability?"

She made a good point.

Naruto scratched his cheek.

"Well, he didn't have it at the time,"

His response made Tsunade stay silent for a while.

Before she smiled in amusement.

That was the last thing she expected, and it was a bit funny since Naruto had to be trained for two years on this side, unlike Sakura.


Naruto was aware the two in front of him were smiling at him and snorted.