
in the multiverse with a op Gacha system

I own nothing

gamefame_2014 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


Akoda was on the ship he stole testing some magic spells with success waiting till he gets to the earth kingdom he decided to get some things for his weapon and learning to link his stats into it

potens telum stats

Durability 1136×60

Strength 1432×60

Magic 1763×60

Resist 1960×60


Lvl max regeneration

Lvl ??? Alchemy

Lv 3 cryokinesis

Lvl 3 aerokinesis

Lvl 4 elctrokinesis

Lvl max Soul eater

Lvl 4 osteokinesis

Lvl max hydrokinesis

Lvl 2 poison

Lvl 5 teleport

Lvl 7 recall

Lvl max spirit infusion

Lvl 5 size command

Akoda:damn I should use it more often spin 6 please


Rare:hephaestus skill (creating stuff) updated wws (now uses firearms) 6000 gold

Epic:74005 exp

Legendary:raid shadow legends Summon (all factions) infinite spin

Akoda lv172

Strength 2132×60

Defense 2136×60

Luck 2645×60


Magic 2763×60

Agility 2260×60

Resist 2960×60



Points ♾️

Spins ♾️

Akoda:holy (beep) that's OP i could secretly help them out and just leave for a little bit,outside of the earth kingdom is the nice place to start

Arriving somewhere around the kingdom a dence forrest was seen Akoda and enper were walking around till they saw a cave it was empty and have a lot of space quite big too (imagine the earth rumble tournament but empty)

Akoda:good place to start

Hours later

After buying things and setting up Akoda and enper finally made a forge/shop/home ready for business Akoda knowing the trio would be here soon he would give them something then leave a double in case something happens

Akoda:system open shop











Akoda:hephaestus and norse dwarves


System:purchase success

Akoda added the Templates in him and felt weird after a minute he was OK and looking in mirror he saw nothing changed about him except a red streak of hair on him

Akoda:I'll change appearance later right now business

Few days later Akoda changes his appearance looking 20 years old bright red hair with orange shades a toned body, Akoda Summoned all 50 dwarves from raid shadow legends to start building stuff like weapons, armor, etc etc during those days Akoda practice hard preparing to leave to another world then he heard someone familiar

???:hey watch it Katara

Akoda:(sokka,katara, Aang finally here)

He sees the trio walking in cautiously they saw the forge and workers they looked surprised as Akoda sat down on a desk looking the same height as them

Akoda:hello there my name is hephaestus or hepha for short welcome to my forge/shop/home here you can buy,rest,smith,sell,trade,so much more here (anyone catches the reference get a cookie) how can I be a services provider

They just stood there looking at him for a minute till sokka decided to break the silence

Sokka:umm we're here for Supplys.

"Hepha":oh go ask enper over there for Direction and have tunnel Steward take you there in case you get lost

They left as he called trunda over and gave her an order to stand guard outside in case they were followed and take slicer,and beast wrestler with her she obey the order and left after a while the trio came back with boxes of stuff and placed it on the desk

"Hepha":OK now let's see (looks inside) that would be 10 silver pieces

Sokka:we don't have that kind of money

Aang:we have 4 copper pieces can you help us out

"Hepha":OK I'll get you this (shows carrots) and no more

Katara:guys let's just leave

Sokka:after I deal with this crook

Hearing that Hepha stood up revealing

His 7 feet height looking at sokka with a disappointing look as the trio looked shocked

"Hepha":what did you call me

Outside trunda,slicer,and beast wrestler were guarding and talking about stuff when Hepha came out with sokka over his shoulders and tossed sokka out

"Hepha": bye-bye have a nice day (goes back in)

Slicer gave some gold to beast wrestler behind his back while inside Hepha sat back down with a friendly smile looking at the remaining 2

"Hepha":sorry for the violence so just the carrots if you do y'all get 3 free things here since you are first customers, a chance to win big at my prize machine ,and a free egg that can Summon anything but random

They bought the carrots and got their things as Hepha pulled out a bingo cage machine with 4 gold ball 6 silver balls and 20 bronze balls katara went first and spin the thing as a silver ball came out

"Hepha":you won this pouch that holds endless amounts of water (give her a pouch that has an ♾️ symbol on it)

Aang went next and got a gold ball as Hepha pulled out a small chest opened and shows gold and scrolls

"Hepha":you won this chest that holds 44000 gold pieces and every type of bending scroll

Sokka appears walks up to Hepha and apologize for his rude behavior and let himself spin the machine getting.....a bronze ball

Hepha: you won this package of old and used boomerang

Sokka:ahh man can I at least try again

Hepha: sorry you must wait 10 days to try again but you can take the 1 egg it could be good or bad it's random

They took the eggs and left after waiting for a while he changed back,leaves 2 double with the same things as him one for the adventure,the other for the shop/forge meaning Akoda can leave to another world and set a link between them incase they got something to share like weapons ect etc after that he unsummon the dwarves as Hepha Summon his dwarves as Akoda 2 Summon misty and left Akoda looking back left to another world at random