
In the Multiverse as an Demon Overlord

Samuel was your typical teenager. He studied for school, socialized with friends, etc. However, this was about to change on one special day after he saw something he shouldn't have. As a result, a contract killer was set on him, which he was fortunately able to knock out due to his prior knowledge of martial arts and spear arts. Inexperienced as he was, he only knocked out the assassin, which would cost him his life ultimately. When he had already accepted his death, he found himself in a new world as a half-demon. Equipped with a system, he sets out on a journey through the multiverse to conquer as many worlds as possible, and let his name roam the stars. +++ Of course this book doesn't contain NTR or YURI,

LouisLF · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 Prologue

[Wordcount: 1400]

*Ah* "Shit"

*Hahaha* "Boy, you are still too inexperienced. The fact that you didn't kill me is going to cost you your life."

In a living room stained with blood, two people can be seen after a fight. One of the two is kneeling with a knife in his back while the other is mocking the boy.

The boy with the knife in his back turns out to be Samuel. A normal high school student who, unfortunately for him, saw something he shouldn't have.

As a result, a contract killer was hired to kill him.

He was able to subdue the assassin through his experience in Martial Arts and Spear Arts.

However, in the end, he was just a normal high schooler who had never killed anyone, so he only knocked the attacker unconscious.

The moment he turned his back to the attacker, his fate was already sealed.

When Samuel turned around, the attacker stood up again and rammed a knife that he had hidden into Samuel's back.

"Boy, you can only curse yourself for being in the wrong place at the wrong time."


"Boy, since I have nothing against you, I'm not going to torture you any longer and just kill you. said the attacker." "Any last words?"

At that moment, Samuel had already given up on living.

"Shoot me quickly in the head," were the last words that came from him while closing his eyes.


<Congratulations, on obtaining the Demon Overlord System>


In a visibly destroyed forest, a young man with short black hair could be seen lying inside a crater.

The trees around him were burning, and the young man's outfit was destroyed.

Wounds and cuts covered his body, while his armor was no longer an armor, but only a piece of metal.

The young man's face was so pale that one would have thought he was dead.

In the next moment, something unbelievable happened.

Blood flew through the air, and wounds healed themselves back together.

For someone from the modern world, this image would be considered impossible.

After a short time, the boy's face began to regain color. As his face regained color, his body began to move slightly.

The boy's eyes twitched slightly, and then opened slightly, revealing sea-blue eyes in the process.

As the eyes opened, the young man's facial expression changed to one of disbelief.

What am I doing in a destroyed forest? the young man asked himself while his lips moved slightly.

"Impossible!" his voice rang out again in disbelief.

When he collected himself for a moment, he raised his body slightly.

`How can I be in a forest? Am I still alive?` the boy asked himself. `And shouldn't I have wounds everywhere?`

As he thought about the state of his body, a ringing sound was heard in his ear the very next moment.

<Congratulations on obtaining the Demon Overlord System>.

<For more information please check your status>

`System? Status? Is that like a game?` Samuel asked himself, a bit confused.

The terms System and Status weren't foreign words to him, since he played MMORPGs with his friends from time to time. He also watches some anime.

How can this be real? And am I still in my world? Questions about questions that made him look at his status, hoping for answers.

`Status` he spoke into his mind.


<Host: Samuel Asqarath>

<True Name:???>

<Age: 17>

<Race: Human/Demon>

<Bloodline: Lesser Demon>

<Bloodline Skill(s): Lesser Demon Transformation(D), Lesser Regeneration(E), Lesser Demon Aura(E)>

<Affinity: Wind>

<Mastery: Martial Arts(E), Spear Arts(E), Wind Manipulation(F)>

<Soul Weapon: Spear(F)>


<Inventory: Starter Pack>

<World Travel:-Locked->


<Rank: Intermediate Demon>

<LV1 XP 0/100>

<HP: 150/150>

<MP 100>

<STR: 11>

<VIT: 15>

<AGI: 9>

<MAG: 10>

<INT: 8>


After a short moment, a blue transparent screen appeared in front of him. His eyes could be seen glancing over the screen.

Whatever he saw there was what he had more or less expected.

However, there were a few things for which he wanted an answer.

`System? What is the deal with Human/Demon? I know that I seem to be half human/half demon, but I would like to know more.`

<Understood Host!> the robotic voice sounded again.

<A half-human/half-demon is produced by the mating of a human and a demon. This race has some advantages, such as a stronger body, regeneration, and a demon aura.>

<In addition, half-human/half-Demon have two forms.>

<The Human form, and the Demon form. In the Demon form, the body and magic power is 1.5 X stronger.>

<However, the energy consumption is also higher.>

`Seeing that I can level up, I assume my race/bloodline can evolve.`

<That's right Host!>

`System, while I understand what a Soul Weapon is, I would like to know if it is upgradeable. After all, I would be fucked with an F Rank Soul Weapon.`

<Soul Weapon: Spear(F): A Spear that is evolvable. Next evolution: 0/100 souls.>

<As the host can see, this Spear can absorb souls. With enough souls, the Spear can evolve and get new abilities, as well as become stronger and sharper.>

`Perfect, at what point will World Travel be unlocked? And what worlds are we talking about here?`

<The World Travel is unlocked at level 25. The worlds that are accessible are the worlds that the host knows as anime, manga/hua/wa, and novels.>

`Well, I'll find out more about that when I unlock it,` thought Samuel with his first goal in mind.

`System, open my Strong Pack.`

<Congratulations host, for receiving a new skill.>

<New skill: Eye of Truth(D)>

<Eye of Truth(D): You can see the race and level of your opponents. For more information, you need to level the skill.>

`Eye of Truth? A normal skill,` Samuel thought.


As Samuel examined the skill, he heard a growl from behind him.

The next moment, he felt something running at him, causing him to pull out his Spear on instinct and stab backward.

* GRRRRR GRRRRR grrrr grrr gr*

The growling from behind him went from mad to weak to silent.

<Wolf LV.5 killed +25XP>

After Samuel received a notification from the system, he turned around and saw for the first time what was actually attacking him.

In front of him was an immature wolf, with a spear through his heart.

Next, he pulled his spear out of the wolf and examined him for the first time.

In his hand was an approximately 5ft long spear with a double-bladed tip. Samuel himself was only about 5"8 ft, making the spear appear huge in his hand.

"Not bad," he commented. `Reminds me of my old Spear.`

He trained with the Spear in his last life, since he was little, so he had some basic understanding.

`Perhaps I should try out my demon form first to get a better understanding of my full strength,` Samuel thought before looking around the area to make sure no one was there.

15 minutes later

Samuel now checked out his surroundings and got acquainted with the forest a bit.

On the way, he found a cave, which he decided to use to test his demon transformation.

<Lesser Demon Transformation> Samuel thought as his body transformed.

As he activated the demon form, two black horns grew out of his head, his eyes turned red, and his body size went from 5"8 to 6"0.

Once the transformation was finished, he was excited to check his new stats.

<HP 150/150 ---> 225/225>

<MP 100 ---> 150>

<STR 11 ---> 16,5>

<VIT 15 ---> 22,5>

<MAG 10 ---> 15>

`Not bad,` he thought delightedly. `I shouldn't use this form permanently for the moment though, after all, I don't know where I am here. It would be bad if demons and humans are enemies, and I am here in a human realm.`

When he looked at himself, he noticed that his armor was now destroyed and he was practically naked.

`Fuck! Where am I going to get clothes now?` Samuel thought to himself, embarrassed.

"Maybe I should deactivate the dem.."

Samuel couldn't even finish his sentence as a feeling of fatigue took over him.

In the cave, a young man was now visible, sleeping naked without a care in the world. Xext to him was his destroyed armor lying.

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Edited: Grammarly(nonpremium)

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