
In The Multiverse as a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

I decided, "Hey why not wash some of my sins by writing and entertaining you who is getting bored day by day so drop some prayer in the reviews or comments and enjoy me violating one of the masterpieces of the anime world." No Harem.

Dio_Za_Editor · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Father and Sons vs Aoi.

Itachi and Satoru charged in from both sides as Fugaku used Amaterasu again. Aoi had to dodge either side now. So he chose Satoru's side. For him, Satoru's death was a top priority as the entire plan depended on it.

Satoru picked up a Katana lying around and imbued Cursed Energy in it as he confronted Aoi.

'As excepted, he is going for Satoru,' Itachi thought as he swung downwards towards Aoi's head. Aoi blocked it with Murasame in his right hand. He then pushed back both Satoru and Itachi.

After pushing them both back, he proceeded to dodge and parry several Kunais that were thrown by Fugaku, some of which had paper bombs that somewhat affected him.

'Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu'

Itachi used a fire style(katon) jutsu.

'Disaster Water: Shark school'

The water coming from Aoi extinguished the fire as shark-like shikigamis attacked Itachi.

(A/N: Shikigamis are familiar curses conjured and controlled by jujutsu sorcerers.)

'Summon's but when did he' Itachi was ready for the water coming towards him but not the sharks.

'Substitution Jutsu'

Itachi was able to substitute himself with a log. The sharks munched down on the log thinking it was the target and then proceeded to vanish away with the water.

While Itachi was occupied with the sharks, Aoi was beating the shit out of Satoru by putting him in a corner. Fugaku, from using Amaterasu so many times, had exhausted himself with blood coming out of his eye which was also red from all the veins popping.

'Katon: Shuriken no Jutsu'

Flaming shurikens came from behind and hit Aoi. However, he was only scratched by them. Aoi then slashed Itachi with Murasame only for him to be disintegrated and exploded into fire.

'Katon: Yojin Bunshin no Jutsu'

'A clone made from fire style, no wonder it was so slow,'.

Itachi came from Aoi's blind spot and thrusted his sword towards Aoi's heart which actually went through, but Aoi didn't even flinch as he swung his regular sword towards Itachi's face only for him to be replaced by another log.

Satoru came from behind and swung his sword at Aoi's open back. only to be blocked by Murasame, but the next moment Satoru let go of the sword and punched him right in the back of the thigh, essentially hitting the hamstrings and IBT muscles, slowing down Aoi's movements.

(A/N: Hamstrings and IBT are part of the muscles that help us run and walk.)

Fugaku took this chance to burn Aoi with an Amaterasu. And it hit, but Aoi didn't cry in pain or panic instead he calmly turn to Fugaku as he spoke,

"Amaterasu, a never-ending flame that doesn't go out until the target is burned away. But even so, its burning capabilities are quite low compared to other flames, it will still take about 10-12 minutes just to burn through my skin,

"More than enough time for me to finish you all out and take the Chakra away from these flames to extinguish them," Aoi said out loud.

'So even Amaterasu can't stop him, also did he say he could extinguish it by taking the Chakra away, so there is a way out of it for him, no wonder he is so calm..., shit'

Fugaku faced excruciating pain in his left eye from using Amaterasu again and again

Satoru made his way toward Aoi with another sword in his hands, Itachi came from another direction as both of them engaged Aoi.

The coordination between them was not that good at first, but slowly, they adapted. Aoi's injured hamstrings and ITB didn't let him make a quick run or jump.

A hit and run between Itachi, Satoru, and Aoi started but the result was already starting to appear as Aoi adapted to their fighting style and coordination.

'I have to do something otherwise Itachi and Satoru,' the image of Itachi and Satoru getting hit by Murasame popped up in Fugaku's head as Chakra started to concentrate in his eyes, and a dark red aura revolved around him.

While Itachi, Satoru, and Aoi were fighting, a giant dark red sword came out of nowhere and hit Aoi with a downwards swing.

The giant wielding this sword picked up Satoru and Itachi with its large hands and retreated.


This was Fugaku's Susanoo a dark red giant with a red sword.

(A/N: Itachi's Susanoo was mostly orange so please don't mix up the two.)

"To-san," Satoru shouted as he saw Fugaku coughing and wrenching in pain from using Susanoo. He jumped inside the Susanoo as Fugaku allowed him to.

He went to Fugaku's side and started to use Reverse Cursed Technique on him. Fugaku who was feeling his eyes go hazy and the pain all over his body felt much better and his eyes were clearer than before.

(A/N: Obito was able to heal his eyes from going blind because of the regeneration provided by the Hashirama cells in his body. Reverse Cursed Technique promotes the body's regenerative factor so they both work on the same principle, and so Satoru was able to stop Fugaku from going blind by healing his eyes.)

"Itachi nii-san"

"On it," Itachi got the signal and charged toward Aoi who emerged from the smoke while bleeding from his forehead.

'Damned Monster,' Itachi cursed as he swung his sword only to get cut in half by Murasame and turn into a puff of smoke.

'Kage bunshin no Jutsu'

Itachi appeared from behind as he was again cut in half by Aoi but this time instead of blood or a puff of smoke, it was a fire that burst out.

'Another fire clone'

The purpose of this fire clone was not the damage Aoi but instead to blind him.

"Haa!!" Fugaku swung his Susanoo's sword at full strength hitting Aoi in the torso and sending him flying.

After which, Aoi stood there among falling dust and debris, with his right arm cut off, but instead of red stuff gushing out of it, black stuff came out instead.

Yes, Aoi was a shadow clone of Satoru made up of shadows and his Technique holding it together so that it wouldn't disappear even upon damage.

With his right hand gone, Aoi had lost up to 40% of his battle efficiency but his hamstrings and IBT muscles were healed and he still charged towards the three with Murasame now in his left hand.

Dodging the attack from the Susanoo he slammed right into it and pushed it back at, at least 20 mph breaking through several buildings and finally cracking open Susanoo's defense.


The next chapter will be named Mahoraga so please be reading.