
In The Multiverse as a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

I decided, "Hey why not wash some of my sins by writing and entertaining you who is getting bored day by day so drop some prayer in the reviews or comments and enjoy me violating one of the masterpieces of the anime world." No Harem.

Dio_Za_Editor · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
49 Chs



"Senpai, that noise!" said a girl with lilac hair, lavender eyes, and fair skin. She was wearing some weird type of clothing that was rather too exposing for the Ninja world.

"Yeah! Although, they said something called Chunin Exams was happening today, but I don't think, that exams have such grand explosions." said a girl with orange eyes that don't seem to reflect light, and short red hair with a side ponytail and an ahoge.

"Let's go check, Mashu!"

"Yes, Senpai."


These were Ritsuka Fujimaru aka Gudako, Mashu, and Fou aka Primate Murder. And why are they here... Plot.

Just when they were about to head in the direction of the explosions... something came.

A figure with white hair, a dark blue zip-up jacket with a high collar that was fairly wide and slim-fit matching black pants and black dress boots, and a black blindfold over his eyes came flying towards them.

"Ah!" He crashed right into them.

"Owowowow! Hey, watch where you are flying!" Gudako screamed before being picked up alongside Mashu and Fou.

Black rods appeared where they were a second ago.

"Sorry for the late introduction. The name's Uchiha Satoru, age 14, don't smoke, don't drink, am single, and live in the Uchiha Clan Compound, if you ever want to visit then ask around, I am pretty famous."

"Mashu Kyrielight."

"And I am Ritsuka Fujima- No, that is not what I am meant to do. Let me down!!!"


"Well, nice to meet you three." Satoru jumped around dodging the black rods.

"Anyway do any of you know how to fly?!"

"Huh! Of course not!"

"Then you will have to learn mid-air! After all, there is no better time to learn than the present." He threw Mashu straight into the air as far away as possible.

"Also catch!" He then threw Ritsuka at Mashu.

"And you bud will stay with me!" Satoru put Fou inside his jacket. "That tickles."

"Now then." Black rods suddenly appeared in front of Satoru, frozen in the air.

"Now that all the civilians I cleared, why not go ham?" Satoru said as he took off his blindfold.


Mashu caught Ritsuka mid-air and crash-landed.

"Thanks for the save Mashu."

"You're welcome senpai... would mind getting up?" Mashu said as Ritsuka noticed she was on top of her.

"About that... no! You don't get chances like these often, after all, ~" Ritsuka leaned in pressing Mashu's body as she tried to plant a kiss on her.


But they were cock-blocked by a certain white-haired sweet loving kid.

They both looked at the source of the explosions and saw the cock-blocker fighting with a monk who had weird tattoos on him.

The cock-blocker was using a red nunchuck with three handles, while occasionally frying red blasts of destruction towards the monk guy who was using black rods which came out of thin air from time to time.

Both were so fast that Mashu and Ritsuka who had honed their reaction skills from fighting opponents way superior to them, could only barely see the fight, much less analyze it.


While Ritsuka and Mashu were observing, Satoru was being pushed back as Jigen rushed him. He used Playful Cloud to do tricky maneuvers and got some hits on Jigen but,

'What the hell is that reaction speed!' Every time Satoru tried to hit Jigen, the guy would just shrink and avoid the hit.

And eventually, he was pinned down.

"Now then," He then proceeded to implant the Kama on Satoru, only for it to disappear.

"Nani!" Surprise was evident in Jigen's eyes as that gave Satoru the chance.

Two purple spheres appeared in his eyes as they shot forward. Jigen shrunk himself to avoid the hit but due to being in a daze, his shoulder was scratched.

"Tch! Missed again, but at least I got what I wanted." He looked at the Kama mark that was in hand.

"Now then, How about we take a ride!" Satoru brought his hand together to make a praying hand sign, his signature hand sign, but then he made another hand sign.

(Kira Yoshikage: So many good hands. Ah!!~. Boki.)

"Domain Expansion: Restless Gambler."

Both Jigen and Satoru were now trapped in an enclosed space as a black sphere conjured out of thin air and wrapped around them.

"Now then, let's get excited!"
