
Episode 10

Brick's POV:

I drove down back to the forest road where I'd drop off those girls like I'd promised, I've been waiting up for them for more than an hour for them to come out but there was no sign of them showing up. Could it be they tricked me into coming back here when they knew they have other plans of hiring another cab man? Or are they still in there in the forest? I stood there confusedly and checked my wristwatch it was 7pm. I guess I should wait up for another fifteen minutes if they don't show up by then I'll finally decide to leave.

I went back inside my car and sat down in it while I listened to music and read newspaper to while away time. In a blink of an eye it was past fifteen minutes already, I groaned frustratingly and took out my phone to dial Natasha's phone number who had hired me. The call bounced back immediately, I tried again same thing happened.

'Well, I've tried my best, maybe I'll check up on her tomorrow at her house to know what had happened. I entered my car and drove out of there.


Natasha's mom (Beatrice) POV:

For the umpteenth time tonight I glanced at the clock and it was 9pm and my only daughter wasn't back home yet. I was getting more worried. I couldn't eat the dinner I'd prepared two hours ago for my family hoping our daughter would join us as she had said earlier this morning before she left with her friends.

All means of getting in touch with her was futile. I've dialed her line more than thirty times but it was unavailable. I'd also dialed Bernice and Trisha's line but unreachable as well.

I touched the screen of my phone and scrolled down through my contacts list in search of both girls mum and I found it. The first person I could reach was Trisha's mom. I dialed her line and it rang through four times before she picked up.

"Hello Beatrice, how are you tonight?" Trisha's mum, Victoria answered on her end in a cheering tone that got me furrowing my brows here.

"Hi Victoria. I guess I'm fine" I replied with a halfhearted smile.

"You don't sound like it. What's wrong Beatrice?" she asked.

"Er...nothing. I'm fine really. I was just wondering if my daughter is at your place with Trisha that's why i called" I answered and waited calmly for a positive reply.

"Natasha?" she asked.

"Of course! Who else would I be asking of?" I retorted getting almost pissed with that question.

"You mean my daughter is not at your home?" she asked somewhat surprise.

For real? Is she really asking me after her daughter when I'm asking her about mine?

"Beatrice?" she called my name making me to come alive back to our conversation.


"Thank goodness. I thought the network went off. I was asking about..."

"Victoria I called to ask after my daughter and you're answering the opposite of what I asked you. Is Natasha there or not?" I questioned cutting her mid sentence.

"No. She's not here. I thought she was home with Bernice at your place?",she asked confusedly making my heart to beat faster than normal.

"N..o. They're not home..yet. In fact I haven't set my eyes on them since morning they left home" I gathered the courage to explain while my hands shook in nervousness.

"No,no,no. Where would they be? Just hold on let me dial Trisha's line...."

"I already did but its been unreachable just as Natasha's is",I interrupted.

"Bernice, she's with them. Hers must be...passing through" she said in a stutter out of nervousness I guess.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I already tried their lines and its been unavailable for two hours now before calling you" I said calmly and as bold as I could be at this moment. The truth is I don't want to break down while on a call with her and I still had Bernice's mum to confirm from lastly before any other step to take.

"Do...you...think..something bad..has happened to our girls?",she asked in a cracked voice.

I sighed. "I hope not,Victoria. Give me a minute let me get Bernice's mum on the line, okay?",I said.

"Okay",she replied weakly and hanged up.

I dialed Betnice's mom, Liz and she picked up immediately.

"Hi Beatrice, I was about calling you. Is my daughter at your home?" Liz asked.

I was dumbstruck with the question. I couldn't found my voice to reply to her greetings neither to answer her question.

A minute I've passed and I haven't said anything. All I could hear was a faint voice saying "hello hello, Beatrice" on my phone.

I gulped the lumps of saliva down my dried throat and then I adjusted my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I heard Liz voice half-yelled again.

"Hi." I replied with a croaked voice.

"Are you okay?",she asked.

"Er..yeah?",I answered with a question.

"Yeah? You sound like you've been crying, were you?" she asked and I can tell with the tone of her voice she was concerned about me.

"N..o. I wasn't crying",I replied quickly trying to sound cheerful.

"Then you were sleeping earlier before you..."

"I didn't fall asleep either, Liz",I interrupted.

"Oh. Okay. So, is Bernice having a sleepover at your home tonight? Is that why you called? Because I've been trying her line and its unreachable for more than an hour now" she asked.

"Uhmm...er... Bernice is not here, neither is Natasha" I replied.

"Wh...what do you mean?" she asked confusedly in a stutter.

"I haven't set my eyes on them since morning they left home saying they were going for a beach picnic" I explained weakly.

"Wait. I don't understand, are you trying to say they're not back yet?" she questioned on her end.

"Yes, Liz. They aren't back home yet. I was thinking they were back and Natasha was at your home that's why I called" I said and gulped.

"Oh, no. Did you try getting Victoria to know if our girls were at her place?" she asked breathing heavily and I could tell she was pacing around.

"I already did before giving you a call" I replied.

"Oh no. Oh no. This can't be. Our girls are in danger. What do we do now?" she asked beginning to sound worried like I am.

"I'm as confused as you, Liz",I replied and there was deafening silence on our ends for more than a minute. "I'll get back to you, let's give them a little more time if they'd be back" I added and she mumbled an "okay" before I hanged up.

Slowly I found my butt on one of the dinning chairs and placed my phone on my ear to pass the current information which is no good to Victoria before I hanged up and placed it on the dinning table.

I used my hands to sweep my face then to my hair. I was now so weak, worried, scared and any other word you could use for my state being right now.

I used my palm to cover my face and I felt like screaming and crying but I couldn't because my boy, Ethan might see me doing that and..'

"Mom? Are you okay?" I heard my boy's voice interrupt my thoughts. He's here already. How do I pretend in front of him?

Slowly I removed my hands from my face and look at my son who was standing in front of me with those puppy eyes which I can't resist for a minute.

I flashed a smile at him and nodded my head.

"Where is my sister? Why isn't she back yet?" he asked with a pout.

I stared at his crystal eyes and all I could see is her sister in it. "Er...she'll be back soon honey" I answered and bit my bottom lip.

"But she told me she won't stay this long, mom. Why isn't she here yet?" he asked his eyes looking like those tears will start spilling soon. He's so glued to his sister that her absence always makes him sick.

I pulled him closer and gave him a teddybear hug. I didn't know when tears started streaming down my cheek.

"Mom, is my favorite and only sister I've got okay?" he whispered to my shoulders as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Y..e..s" I said between sobs and hugged him tighter. I hope she's really okay.