

While tracking a most recent target for elimination, a wealthy veteran hitman finds himself crossing paths with a troubled teenage runaway turned streetwalker in the late hours of the night when conducting business at a sleazy roadside motel in the middle of nowhere.

Eric_Brazen · Realistic
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Chapter 2: Something Like A Crying Shame

Seedy Back Alley, Town of Erickson, Pennsylvania, United States, 1990...

 Aches and pains had been something of a way of life to a rather disoriented and decidedly sore and worse for ware blonde by the name of Kelly Taylor Ross, who found herself with a good deal of bruises and scraps in the wake of her latest venture into the night as she attempted to get her bearings and make sense of the world around her upon awakening in a seedy back alley accompanied by the chill of the morning and the presence of dew along her exposed pale skin once the night had passed. She had not known how long she'd been out this time around, but it had been something of an occasional occurrence whenever it did happen. She took a moment to catch her breath as she noted the damage with gingerlike touching as she ran her slick pale fingers along her face, which had some definite bruising and mouth. 

There was blood there and fine bruising alright, she'd be puffy for days if she had not outright had a black eye. It was nothing a good deal of makeup and shade had not been able to hide and wouldn't interfere with her work at the club so she had been grateful for that at least. She had felt a bit sluggish and her body had been heavier than usual but she'd been in one piece if a bit worn and battered. Her legs were oddly enough the heaviest she had ever known them to be and the odd sensation of dry-stickiness had been between them oozing down her pale inner thighs as she struggled to recall what had been the cause of such excessive strangeness. 

 A gingerly questing hand and finger had told her all she needed to know about the oozing drip between her cool air-kissed folds as her index finger collected a glob of it in the wake of her inspection. A moderate flash of a body, a larger naked and sweat-slick body towering over her own and in between her pasty thighs had come to mind and she had been reminded of the random faces of angry, dirty, and desperate men with vile hatred behind their eyes as they towered above her their eager cocks taking turns and drilling her insides as if they had the right to treat her in such a dastardly way. 

She recalled being slapped, punched, kicked, spat on, and harsh words being thrown in her direction as each of the dirty men stroked their collective cocks and left her alone to the elements after they had their fill of her body, a beautiful body that would have been far out of their reach having she not been driven to desperation due to an affliction that controlled her every waking hour and haunted her dreams for many days and nights since she'd first been introduced to the twisted and altogether perverse desires of dirty men. 

The recollection had filled her with shame and a good deal of sickness as she made sense of what happened once more finding herself at the mercy of the urge that dictated her life since the beginning. It disgusted her in more ways than one that she'd been a relative slave to it and as a result, she turned and vomited along the ground before slowly getting herself onto her knees and then her feet before making it a point to get as far away from this place as possible. 

This had been far from the life she had envisioned for herself when she'd been a mere child happily at play beneath a warm summer sun with endless dreams and possibilities ahead of her. Her life had not been perfect even then but she had a chance for a better future and it was all she had before the most vile bastard she had ever laid eyes on darkened her otherwise sunny outlook on life. The traces of his vile influence had been the catalyst for her urges, the sickness spread from him to her in the process of his twisted nature shattering her former innocence. 

The disgust had only increased as Kelly made her way as far from the place she'd awoken as possible, half naked with her red dress ripped and in tatters, the chill of the morning air battered her already bruised and bloodied body, she had longed to get back to her apartment and hide away from the world and drown her never-ending sorrows in the bottles of booze and the pile of drugs that she had at her disposal. 

She had been an addict, a shameful thing for quite some time in a bid to numb the pain and suppress the vile memories that plagued her night and day of that bastard that seemed to be around every corner. He had sought her out and there had not been a moment when she didn't still feel his rough calloused hands moving along her thin pale frame squeezing her tiny ass and pressing his rather firm and sizeable erection against it. He'd been heavy, much heavier than she was and he reeked of booze and cigarette smoke. 

His mouth tasted like ash when he opted to force his tongue into her mouth and his eyes were filled with hatred and lust like so many men after him that she found herself in the company of in the days and nights following what happened to her then. The vile man who created the urge that had ruined her in more ways than one had been long dead but the effects of his twisted evil remained inside her no matter how many years passed or how far she elected to run from it, he was always there in the dark shadows of her mind the urge his final parting gift as she sought relief in the dead hours of the night. 

Kelly had longed to be free of that bastard and the urge that destroyed her inside and out, but she had known it was easier said than done as she slowly made her way back toward the street where her apartment complex had been, the desperation for a drink never more powerful than at that moment as the ooze from before continued to run down her pasty inner thighs. 

This had not been the life she had wanted nor planned for herself but it was the life that perverted evil old bastard had left her with nonetheless.