
In the middle of the Marauders Era

From CEO to harry potter, watch Oliver join the Black family and become the dreaded middle child. Will he choose good or bad find out with a pain in the ass system (disclaimer I only own my characters I personally make) probably a lot of grammar errors and this is purely for fun with me planning 0 chapters ahead. If you don't like it leave a comment and I will try to curve the story later on. no lemons but some love story

Jaden_Chen · Book&Literature
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Well here we go

Being raised in the Black family home tough love. First off you got kreacher that creepy little house elf with droopy ears. You don't understand this dude just pops into your room and makes you crap yourself. I guess though all is nice we are rich so that is okay. cousin Bellatrix comes over sometimes and now I know how crazy she is. But wait this is what annoys me the most my system. you don't understand how annoying this thing is first of it always tells me to wether follow the dark lord or join sirius in the path to being good, it's like I don't know I am baby right now but besides that all is good.

Timeskip 4 years---------------->

Well now I am 5 years old and have done a crap ton of magic. For once though the system is actually useful with it telling me to practice occlumency. wanna know how he told me though he went through my mind to the memory of me getting pulled out of my mom and made me relive it till I got him out of my mind. Exactly tough love from the most annoying ass system. Sirius ain't all to bad he wild and loud and always getting those muggle newspapers full of girls don't know what he sees in them.

Since we are from quite a dark family I decided to be a good Black in order to gain my first wand despite the face that my magical reserves were not big enough to perform and spells still a wand is cool and all.Flashing from our fireplace to the pub right outside diagon alley my dad opened it up and I have to tell you it was bustling with people. you could see stores filled with books, brooms, accessories and where future Harry Potter first meets Draco, Madam Milkins.

Since we lived in a mansion with no quidditch field I decided to screw brooms and instead buy the books necessary to educate myself. Now walking to Ollivanders I "consequently" bumped into James Potter is what my system says but you know what I think. Since I was in front of my father I had to pretend I didn't know who he was so I sad sorry and we were on our merry way. Of course though the system didn't like that so guess what James Potter called back to me and introduced himself in a not so proper way. Now I was forced into a corner, either be a proper pureblood and make James think I was a discriminating Pureblood or make me seem like Sirius with no care in the world for blood supremacy.

Since I was with my father I knew what i had to do, "Hello Heir Potter, nice to meet you I am Oliver Black from house Black". I thought I did a pretty good job but nope the system told me that James though I was a stuck up prick and just walked off. seeing my failed attempt to secure a friendship with James I walked off knowing what I was going to do when Voldemort rises to power.

shoutout to Duke_Night_Hawk for being the first to comment

comment what kind of wand you want him to have.

Creation is hard so my story is pretty short

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