
Venom Puppet

Though these Ten Rings members didn't know who was driving towards them, they were certain that the approaching vehicle wasn't one of their own.

Since it wasn't their own, they didn't need to consider much.

Of course, their indiscriminate firing might accidentally hit the wrong person, resulting in so-called collateral damage.

However, that wasn't important at all.

This was Afghanistan, after all.

Here, killing a person had consequences less severe than killing a donkey.

The moment the gunshots rang out, Russell, who was in the driver's seat, wasted no time and immediately transformed into his Venom form.

Although his body's strength could resist bullets, having the capability to resist bullets didn't mean he had to resist them.

The seat, which had been spacious, immediately felt cramped the moment he transformed into Venom, as if an adult had sat on a toddler's chair.

Bullets from afar continuously struck the off-road vehicle's body, shattering the windows, glass, and tires.

Russell, now in Venom form, didn't pay any attention to the bullets and glass fragments hitting him. Several thick black tentacles emerged from his back, entwining the firearms and various equipment on the rear seats.

After securing everything in the back, he gave a slight burst of power, breaking through the roof, and jumped out of the car with the weapons and equipment behind him.

Although this process sounds complicated, it all happened in the blink of an eye.

The Ten Rings members in the distance were completely unaware of what had happened.

They only saw a massive black figure leaping out of the car.

Before they could even clearly see the specific appearance of the black figure, this huge black form, carrying various equipment, rushed towards them like a cheetah at full speed.


Not a cheetah!

Cheetahs aren't this fast!

Though Venom wasn't known for his speed as an anti-hero, his speed was anything but slow.

When bonded to an ordinary person, Venom's running speed could surpass that of a helicopter.

When utilizing all four limbs to run like a beast, his speed was twice that of running on two legs.

At his fastest, Venom could easily catch up to bullets fired from rifles or sniper rifles.

At that point, Venom's speed could reach supersonic speeds, exceeding Mach 2.

And all this was just Venom's performance when bonded to an ordinary person.

If he was bonded to someone more than an ordinary person, like Russell, a super-powered individual, Venom's speed would be even more astounding.

The stronger the host, the stronger the symbiote!

In the blink of an eye, Russell in his Venom form arrived in front of them.

Before the Ten Rings members had time to be shocked or counterattack, his demon-like hands slashed out consecutively, tearing apart several of the Ten Rings members' bodies in a primal and bloody manner.

Crimson blood sprayed everywhere, and dismembered bodies littered the ground.

As he tore apart these Ten Rings members with his hands, dozens of thick black tentacles, as thick as fingers, emerged from his body.

Like the tentacles of an octopus, the black tendrils immediately transformed into black spears, shooting like lightning towards the surrounding Ten Rings members.


The black tendrils punctured the bodies of the Ten Rings members without any suspense.

Those lucky had their thighs and arms impaled by the black tendrils.

Those less fortunate were pierced through their hearts.

However, regardless of which part of their bodies the black tendrils pierced, they didn't stop after piercing through them.

The tendrils circled around from behind, resembling pythons, and coiled around their right hands.


The sound of bones breaking echoed repeatedly.

The excruciating pain caused by their arms being forcibly broken made these Ten Rings members involuntarily cry out in agony.

But their cries of pain didn't last long before they were choked off.

After breaking their right arms, the black tendrils didn't stop there. They continued to climb up their arms, wrapping around their necks.

Just a slight pressure on their windpipes silenced the Ten Rings members who were yelling due to intense pain.

Russell didn't immediately snap their necks. He merely silenced them temporarily.

As the Ten Rings members turned red in the face, attempting to pull the black tendrils off their necks, Russell manipulated the tendrils, lifting them up.

At the same time, he peeled off a portion of the symbiote from his face, revealing his right side.

"Where is Tony Stark?"

Russell raised one of the Ten Rings members in front of him and asked calmly.

He slightly loosened the grip of the black tendrils around the Ten Rings member's neck, allowing him to breathe and speak freely.

Unfortunately, this Ten Rings member didn't appreciate his kindness.

Upon hearing the question, the Ten Rings member glared fiercely, cursing vehemently.

Russell wasn't in the mood to listen to his profanity.


The black tendrils snapped the guy's neck directly.

After killing him, Russell gave the body a light toss, flinging it aside like trash.

As the body hit the ground with a thud, Russell manipulated another black tendril to lift up the second guy.


A few minutes later.

Russell reverted from his Venom form and checked the map and GPS device to confirm the location.

The Ten Rings members generously provided the specific location where Tony was currently being held captive.

After confirming Tony's location, he turned to look at the completely wrecked off-road vehicle in the distance.

Need a new mode of transportation!

With a thought, the remaining three surviving Ten Rings members were brought in front of him by the black tendrils.

Although he had reverted from his Venom form, he hadn't dismissed all the black tendrils.

These three Ten Rings members were deliberately spared by him.

Apart from their right arms being broken and pierced, these three Ten Rings members didn't have any other injuries, making them relatively well-off.

After glancing at these three Ten Rings members, Russell used the black tendrils to directly bond the symbiote to them.

Their broken right arms and wounds quickly healed.

In less than a second, their injuries were completely healed.

Once he had healed them, Russell manipulated the black tendrils to lower them to the ground.

At the same time, thin black tendrils, as thin as baby's fingers, emerged from the back of their necks, connecting to Russell's right hand.

When testing Venom's abilities with Sloan, he had an idea.

To create so-called Venom puppets through symbiote bonding.

Now, he intended to formally test this idea.

Although these three Ten Rings members were alive and even stronger and healthier than ever before, they had lost complete control of their bodies.

Under Russell's control, they picked up weapons such as sniper rifles, rocket launchers, and Gatling machine guns from the ground.

Apart from handguns and daggers that they still carried with them, Russell handed over all the other weapons to the Ten Rings members who had become Venom puppets.




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