
In the Marvel Universe as Wonder Woman's boyfriend

Russel finds himself suddenly transported from your ordinary world to a super dangerous world that has a rabbit hole deeper than a black hole, but luckily he has a cheat code that will help him, but... cough... looks like he is now the boyfriend of the famous and mighty Wonder Woman? . . . . - Credits to Monster Apprentice

XElenea · Anime & Comics
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234 Chs

HYDRA's Recruitment


Sky Apartments.


"When did you start liking this kind of style?"

"I've always liked it, but in the past, there was a power imbalance between men and women, so I endured it."

"But did you have to buy so many all at once?"

"Many? Queen, maid, schoolgirl, gothic... which one are you going to wear first?"


Although Diana usually had a commanding presence as a mature woman, when they were together privately, she treated Russell with a lot of consideration.

Let's not talk about that; whenever Russell wanted to play a game, she almost never refused.

Of course, some things were definitely out of bounds.

Even the gentlest mature woman was still a mature woman!

Overall, Russell had an extraordinary pleasant night.

It was quite enjoyable!

His body and soul experienced an indescribable ecstasy!

The only downside was that when he woke up the next day, his lower back was slightly sore.

He still couldn't keep up!

Even with his extraordinary physique and the blessings, he was still somewhat lacking when compared to Diana.

What was more troublesome was that Diana didn't allow him to use the Venom Symbiote's powers while playing games.

Relying solely on his extraordinary physique and adrenaline control, he wasn't a match for Diana, who was all firepower.

But even so, he and Diana had spent an unforgettable night together.

The next day.

Dining room.

Russell and Diana sat across from each other, eating breakfast that Diana had cooked herself.

"They've discovered a relic over at the Dead Sea. They want me to take a look. I'll be on a business trip for a while."

Diana said while having breakfast.

"How long will you be gone?"

"If things go well, one or two weeks; if not, it might be around a month."

Russell put down his fork and knife and looked at Diana, who was only wearing a white shirt.

No wonder she had been so passionate last night; she was going on a business trip.

"Do you need me to accompany you? I don't have any commissions recently."

"No need, just stay at home obediently."

Diana revealed a gentle smile like the morning sun and said with a smile.

Then, the next second, with a face full of gentleness and an air of elegance, Diana said again, "While I'm not home, do you know what you should do?"

"I know! I completely understand! I must understand!"

Russell answered without any hesitation, making a solemn vow.

"Good, as long as you know. Remember to change the bed in the bedroom and also change the curtains while you're at it."

Although Diana had a typical dominant personality, her face still showed a tempting flush when mentioning this.

Seeing her like this, you could tell she was remembering last night's "excessive" actions.

If it were someone else, they probably wouldn't be able to endure her ravaging.

Only Russell could match her evenly and resist for a while.

After finishing breakfast, Diana went back to her bedroom to pack her things.

Once everything was ready, Russell drove her to the museum.

Watching the tall, elegant Diana enter the museum, he drove to his agency.

Though Diana's business trip wasn't in his plans, it didn't affect what he had to do next.

Though he was currently riding on Diana's coattails, even without her, he was a well-known globetrotter.

Octopus Monster Agency.

As soon as he returned to the agency, he saw an unexpected guest sitting on the couch.

"Mr. Bakshi, though we've met before, it's not appropriate for you to come uninvited and enter my agency without permission, don't you think?"

The person sitting on the couch was none other than Bakshi, who had tried to recruit him on behalf of HYDRA last time, but refused to disclose the organization's name.

Just like last time, Bakshi was dressed in a meticulous suit, appearing like a successful businessman.

"Mr. Bradley, you're right. I made a mistake. I hope you can forgive me."

Bakshi stood up and apologized sincerely.

"Alright, no need for pleasantries. Speak up, what brings you here this time?"

Russell sat down on the opposite side of the couch, looking at Bakshi.

"It's still about the same thing as last time. Our organization greatly values talents like you and would like to invite you to join us."

Bakshi sat back down and smiled as he spoke.

"I told you last time, I don't like the idea of living a secretive life."

"Your organization is so mysterious that you won't even reveal your name. I'm not interested in joining such an organization."

Although Bakshi didn't say it, Russell could already guess why he was here.

The Endosymbiotic Battle Armor!

He had just flown around the city in the armor yesterday, and Bakshi showed up today.

It was easy to guess that Hydra was up to something.

"No, you've misunderstood! Although our organization is mysterious, it's not the kind you're imagining."

Bakshi maintained his smile and took out a card from his suit pocket.

"When we met last time, I actually intended to tell you our organization's name, but you left before I could, leading to this misunderstanding."

After speaking, Bakshi handed the card over to Russell with both hands.

At the same time, with a serious expression, he said, "We are HYDRA!"

Whether it was his own misconception or not, when Bakshi said the name "HYDRA," Russell saw a fleeting look of fanaticism in his eyes.


Is this what they call a fanboy?

Russell accepted the card Bakshi handed over and glanced at it casually.

The white card had no text, only a black emblem.

An emblem that fused a skull and octopus tentacles.

"The HYDRA that grows two heads back for every one that's cut off?"

Russell said calmly.

"Exactly, the same HYDRA you mentioned."

Bakshi's expression turned somewhat proud, though Russell wasn't sure what he was proud of.

"I've heard of HYDRA's name before. According to rumors, you and Schmidt were already eliminated."

"But looking at you now, you seem to be doing quite well."

Although Russell knew that HYDRA was currently hiding within S.H.I.E.L.D., he still had to pretend not to know when it was necessary.

Being an assassin wasn't just about shooting guns; acting was also one of the essential skills of an assassin.

Especially for female assassins, like Perkins and those female assassins, their acting skills weren't much worse than those of seasoned Hollywood actors.

"Schmidt was just one of our branches; he wasn't the entirety of HYDRA."

"Our strength is far greater than the rumors suggest. S.H.I.E.L.D. only cut off one of our heads."

"If you're willing to join us, I can guarantee that you'll get everything you desire."

"Wealth, power, beautiful women... as long as you want it, we can provide it for you."

Bakshi began to tempt Russell to join.

In order to successfully persuade Russell to join, he did a lot of research, even having HYDRA's psychological experts provide a detailed report on Russell.

Just as Bakshi was about to use the psychological report to try and recruit Russell, he heard Russell's response.

"Join HYDRA? Sure, I agree!"


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