

What are you looking at?

What's it to you? 

From Blonsky's gaze, Russell sensed his displeasure towards him.

Although he didn't know why Blonsky was displeased with him, he didn't waste brain cells contemplating that question.

Many people didn't like him, and there were many who wanted him dead.

But until now, he was still alive and well.

After Russell and Blonsky exchanged stares, General Ross took the Cuban cigar out of his mouth and coughed.

Russell and Blonsky broke their gaze, turning their attention to General Ross.

"Here's the target's information. Take a look."

After saying that, General Ross handed a top-secret folder with his seal on it to Russell.

Russell accepted the folder and quickly skimmed through its contents.

As he expected, the so-called top-secret documents were about Bruce Banner.

It detailed Bruce Banner's personal information.

Apart from personal details, the rest of the folder contained details of past capture operations and some unverified intelligence.

When General Ross commissioned him, Russell had already speculated that General Ross must have suffered some losses at the hands of Banner, leading him to invite external assistance.

The information provided by the intelligence broker confirmed this speculation.

He had purchased not only intelligence about Bruce Banner but also information about General Ross and his daughter Betty Ross.

Before arriving at the Pentagon, he already knew that Banner had been missing for over two years. However, after reviewing the contents of the folder handed to him by General Ross, he realized he had underestimated Banner's situation.

General Ross hadn't merely suffered setbacks against Banner; he had suffered significant losses.

Since Banner's mutation at Culver University's lab, General Ross had organized and commanded multiple capture operations.

However, without exception, all those operations had failed.

The most recent one had taken place a week ago in Porto, Brazil.

As usual, that operation had also failed.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be here.

Blonsky had joined General Ross's capture team during this operation.

After reviewing the contents of the folder and comparing them with what he had in his mind, Russell closed the folder and said to General Ross, "The target you want to capture isn't small in stature."

"If it were easy, I wouldn't have called you in."

General Ross exhaled a puff of smoke and said slowly.

"I can help you capture him. Do you know his current location?"

After reviewing the file, Russell knew that Banner was likely to return to Culver University to retrieve his past research data.

However, he couldn't directly reveal this information to General Ross now. After all, in General Ross's eyes, he had only just found out who the target was minutes ago.

"Where he is right now, I don't know, but he's definitely headed for Culver University."

General Ross quickly answered.

"How do you know?"

"We decrypted the data he left behind on his computer and obtained his last chat conversations."

Culver University and the Pentagon were both located in Virginia, and the distance between them wasn't too far. It would take a little over an hour to drive there.

On that note, Banner had had quite the bad luck.

If he hadn't been injured in the processing plant and hadn't cleaned up the bloodstains properly, General Ross wouldn't have found him at all.

Such is fate!

After discussing the actions to deal with Banner with General Ross for a bit, Russell left General Ross's office.

Accompanying his departure was Blonsky.

"Even though the general invited you here, you'd better remember your place. This is a military operation, not yours!"

Blonsky put on his military cap and coldly told Russell.

Upon hearing Blonsky's words, Russell responded with disdain, "You're right, indeed, this is your military operation."

"But unfortunately, you guys are a bit weak, which is why the general needs an outsider like me to join!"

Although Russell didn't understand why Blonsky held such strong animosity toward him, he wouldn't be polite with Blonsky when he was already acting this way.

Wasn't Blonsky just an enhanced veteran? Nothing too extraordinary!

Blonsky didn't say anything more, glancing at Russell with a gloomy expression.

Subsequently, he left the Pentagon without looking back.

Once Blonsky left, Russell followed General Ross's secretary out of the Pentagon.

Culver University.

After leaving the Pentagon, Russell arrived here alone.

Although all the evidence pointed toward Banner coming to Culver University to retrieve his old research data, it was impossible to predict when exactly he would show up.

General Ross had arranged numerous personnel near Culver University and prepared a fully armed capture team that could rush to the university at a moment's notice.

As long as Banner appeared, the capture team would be there in the shortest time.

Upon arriving at Culver University, Russell didn't immediately seek out Banner's former girlfriend or General Ross's daughter, Professor Betty Ross. Instead, he strolled around the campus.

Looking at the youthful and energetic female college students, he couldn't help but sigh.

Youth is truly wonderful!

After admiring the female college students on campus, he left the campus and arrived at the pizza restaurant that Banner and Betty frequently visited.

Stanley's Pizza Restaurant.

The owner of the restaurant was Stanley, an elderly man with a head full of white hair.

It was an ordinary pizza restaurant.

The ambiance was average, the taste was average, and the prices were average.

Russell had originally planned to meet the restaurant's owner, Stanley, and try his pizza.

Unexpectedly, not long after he sat down, a stranger came up to him.

"Hey there, can I sit here?"

Russell, who was eating pizza, looked up.

Oval face, golden wavy hair, a well-endowed figure, a super short skirt, an Hermès handbag, and several professional textbooks in her hands.

Clearly, she was a female college student at Culver University.

From her age, she had likely just started college.

With his professional eye as a connoisseur of fine tea, Russell quickly assessed the woman and easily determined her measurements.

A college student, huh!

It had been a while since he had encountered this kind of tea!

"Of course."

Russell put down the pizza in his hand and smiled.

Although he didn't know this female college student and didn't even know her name, one thing he was certain of was that she exceeded his minimum criteria for tea.

Upon hearing Russell's response, the female college student flashed a sunny and charming smile, and she sat down directly.

"Hello, I'm Alice, majoring in Biological Sciences, a sophomore. And you?"

After sitting down, Alice introduced herself and asked for Russell's name.

"Pete, a race car driver!"

Russell casually made up a name and occupation.


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