
In the land called "Another World"

Edmund who is a 27 year old businessman boards a plane with his mother, father, sister, and fiance when all of a sudden the plane crashed due to an unusual storm. Edmunds family died that day. Edmund lost his leg and became depress. One day he become ill and fell to the ground causing his death. Then an old man who claims himself to be a god pops out in front of Edmund and offers him to start a new life in another world. Will Edmund decline the offer? or accept its fate.

ALJ0 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Plane

In the airport. "Are you guys ready?" Edmund Thomas who's a 27 year old businessman asks his family.

"Be sure not to forget anything, specially you dad" with a smiling face teasing his dad.

"Haha, I won't forget anything "dad" don't worry" Roger Thomas (Edmund's dad) replies.

"Oh quit it you two, you always act like kids, sometimes I'm annoyed by how you two act, if you won't stop i personally will beat you up" Edna Thomas (Edmund's mom) speaks with a fierce and angry face.

The two men immediately stop their teasing and became silent while the two other girls (Merideth Woods (Edmund's fiance) and Edlyn Thomas (Edmund's sister) are giggling at the back.

"Hehe, you suddenly stop after your mom tells you to, you really are a nice and obedient child Ed, that's what i like about you" Merideth teases her fiance while giggling.

"Only the personality?, how about the looks?" Edmund asks her fiance. Merideth teases Ed "well your looks is quite the average".

While the couple flirts in front of their parents the sister speaks "I want to experience that too, cruel world".

"Don't worry dear, your soulmate will eventually come, don't rush things" Edna comforts her daughter.

The family waits for their plane to arrive at the waiting areas "All passengers boarding flight 5J 799 ~" the airport personel explains.

"Let's go, that's our flight" Edmund excitedly tells his parents.

The family boards the plane not knowing this will be their last flight leading to a tragedy.

The passengers slowly enters the plane and after a while "Hello and good evening, this is your captain~" the pilot explains the flight's detail.

After minutes have passed the plane took off without any problems. The weather forecast is nice, No danger lurks, and they bound to reach their destination on time.

The family and some other passengers fall asleep because of tiredness, except Edmund and Merideth.

When suddenly dark clouds with thunders appears out of nowhere. Edmund noticed this because he was sitting next to the window. "What's the problem Ed?" Merideth asks her fiance. "Nothing" Edmund replies.

The pilots are confused and puzzled on why a storm suddenly pops out of nowhere. "What are those?" The pilot asks.

The connection of the plane suddenly disappear making the control deck confused.

When the plane enters the dark clouds the plane aggressively shakes causing everyone to wake up and panic.

"What happened?", "Why is there a storm" Passengers said as nervousness appeared on their faces. Some of the kids on board started crying.

"Mom, Dad, what is happening?" Edlyn asks. "I don't know, some kind of storm and a dangerous one" Roger replies. "Don't worry dear it's gonna be fine" Edna comfortingly tells her daughter.

When Edmund noticed her fiance shaking and scared he hugs her "Don't worry we're gonna be fine, we're gonna be alright i promise"

When suddenly one of the lightning struck one of the wings of the plane causing the plane to go out of control.

The plane passengers panic they started shouting "WE'RE GONNA DIE". Edlyn started crying, while the plane slowly going down to the sea.

The plane crash landed on the sea not far from the country lands, the plane was torn apart with no possibility or chance of anyone surviving.

After some time has passed the airport deck was shocked of the news, "What do you mean the plane crashed because of a storm" the person in charge asks.

"But we clearly checked the weather forecast before letting the planes fly, and how can this be, such a big storm suddenly appears out of nowhere" the puzzled, confuse, and shocked faces on the airport crew's faces.

The unusual storm slowly disappears and the rescue operation begins.

The rescuers was frightened by the seen at the sea " Oh my god, It might not be a rescue operation anymore, In any case this might become a recovery operation.

The rescuers check some of the bodies floating but none of them are breathing.

Except for one.

"SIR WE FOUND ONE" A crew said. "He still has a pulse", "How could this be, how could he survive that crash" the rescuers surprised.

"We need to give him medical attention as soon as possible, while the others search for survivors" the person in charge yells.

One of the speedboats carries the body while the others search for survivors. If there is any.

Arriving at the hospital the doctors found out the identity of the survivor, his name is.

"Edmund Thomas, he's with his family and his fiance on that plane, and only him survived sir" police officer tells to the chief.

"How about the other passengers, is there any survivors besides mr. Edmund?" The chief asks. "No sir only sir Edmund survives the crash".

The police and the doctors are surprise on how he mangae to survive the fatal crash.

As a result of the plane crash, Edmund lost his right leg, and woke up after 3 months because of coma.

After time has pass at the same time as Edmund's recovery, he found out that his parents, his sister, and his fiance did not survive the plane crash.

Edmund was shocked and as a result he became depressed, while his business went down along with his business partners cutting off their ties with him.

A few time has passed Edmund became severly depress. One day when Edmund wakes up he suddenly feel ill and fall to the ground, that time Edmund was sure he's going to die.

As he reminisce his past memories with his parents, his sister, and her fiance, Edmund accept his death by slowly closing his eyes, regretting on how he did not marry the woman that he loves.

A light came across Edmund's sight, as he opened his eyes quickly, Edmund was in a bright white room with a table in the center and a window on his back.

When Edmund look outside the window he saw vast of clouds surrounding the area.

"Your name is Edmund right?" A voice of a man spokes behind Edmund. Edmund was shocked and look at the man and asks "Who are you, sir".

The old man laugh and says "I thought you might recognize me because you look outside and because of my appearance".

"Are you, God?" Edmund surprisingly asks, "If you are god, then did i die?. The old man replies while rubbing his beard "Yes, i am what you call a god, my name is Vesall, and yes you died".

Edmund felt sad as he remembers his family that died, then suddenly Vesall told Edmund.

"Edmund, you have done a great job in your life, you have helped many people, and done great deeds" Vesall tells Edmund. "And for that i want to reward you with something".

"As you might know your body on earth no longer function, so i want to create you a new body". "That'll be great, i would gladly accept the offer, but can i request something. I want my memories, i want to remember my past life" Edmund replies. Vesall replies "I understand, you'll get to keep your memories intact. But-". "But?". "As you might not know creating a body on earth might disrupt the rule of us gods, i cannot send your soul to a new body there, unless i reincarnate you as a whole, but we cannot do that because you'll lose your memories", says Vesall.

"Then how will you create a new body for me?" Edmund asks.

"I will create you a new body but, you will no longer live on earth. I have a friend she is a god in another world, she is a very good god" Vesall replies.

"I'll no longer live on earth but in a-another world??" Edmund asks with a shocking face.

"Her name is Alphia, she call her world Lafia. I will contact her now if you'd agree on the offer" Vesall tells Edmund with a sreious face.

Edmund did not hesitate to accept Vesall's offer, and Vesall called Alphia as he creates Edmunds new body. And few minutes of Vesall explaining some things to Edmund, Alphia arrives in Vesall's place.

"It's good to see you again Vesall my friend. Good to meet you too Edmund Thomas, Vesall explains the details to me of you wanting to live a new life in my world" says Alphia.

"It's my pleasure to meet you too lord Alphia, and thank you for accepting me in your world" Edmund speaks as he bows his head.

"AHHHAHAHA, This boy i like you, i think you'll be a good person in my world, calling me a lord you know how to please me. But you dont need to call me "lord", only Alphia is fine since Vesall here is my friend and he personally entrust you to me".

Edmund hesitantly speaks "th-thank you lor- eh A-Alphia".

Alphia tells Edmund If he really wants to change his life, he just needs to step into the circle of light so that she can take him herself to the another world of Lafia.

As soon as Edmund steps unto the circle of light Vesall tells him that "Oh right i almost forgot, Edmund. I have prepared an advance gift for you but, you must personally find it for you to be happy".

"Thank you Vesall. Take care" Edmund replies. "Goodbye. Edmund".

And after Edmund completely steps into the circle his original body slowly fade and his soul was transfered into his new body in Lafia.

"It is now done Vasall. You don't need to feel guilt about what happened" says Alphia.

Little did Edmund know. Alphia and Vesall are siblings, and one of their sibling was the cause of Edmund's family's death.

In order of destroying Vesall's world, Elietous cause a massive disasters around the earth. And one of them is the storm that cause the plane crash.

Vasall fought Elietous in the storm until eventually, Elietous was beaten and locked up on one of Vesall's prison.

"It was my fault that his parents died, his fiance, and his Sister. And also the other people boarding that thing" says Vesall with a sad face.

"Don't worry i think he's gonna be fine in my world, he's a genius and a good guy" Alphia comforts her brother.

As for Edmund, he woke up not long after in another world, a fantasy world, which he only read about in books when he was still in high school.

"This is another world. Lafia" Edmund says as he gazed upon giant mountains, vast lands, big blue waters, and towering trees.

Edmunds new life in the other world called Lafia has now began.