
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

You Told Me This Is A Promotional Video?

Filmed by the Lord Tianyan, the TV series covering the sky with a flick of a finger has come out.

When the news comes out.

Countless immortal cultivators were refreshed and showed anticipation.

TV show, is it coming out?

Although there are no new applications.

But they were looking forward to the TV series adapted from the novel.

So without hesitation, he immediately entered the short video application of Xianwang.

All day today, just open the short video of Xianwang.

There will be advertisements on the homepage about covering the sky with a snap of your fingers.

Look at the promotional screen.

There was a look of surprise in everyone's eyes.

Click the page immediately without hesitation.

And when the video jumps out.

They clicked immediately without hesitation.

However, the length of the video made them frown slightly.

Why only one minute?

why so short

How can such a short time be enough to show the plot of a novel?

But those who haven't watched the TV series don't quite understand.

So keep watching.

when the video starts.

All the cultivators watching held their breath.

At the beginning, there was a vast and lonely starry sky.

There was a dead silence in the starry sky.

Only the huge and shocking Kowloon coffin sails slowly in the sea of ​​stars, heading for the unknown shore.

When looking at this, all the cultivators only felt their scalps go numb.

in the video.

The scene of pulling the coffin in Kowloon is really 210 too impactful.

A dragon corpse bigger than a star.

It seems to be able to hide the coffin of the entire universe.

The mysterious formation patterns on the coffin and outer chamber all bring a huge impact to people.

This scene is undoubtedly even more grand than the one described in the book.

All fans of the original.

The moment I saw this scene, I was completely conquered.

They were worried that TV dramas would not be able to produce the taste of novels.

Today, this worry has completely disappeared.

Just based on the scene of Jiulong pulling the coffin, they were convinced.

And many immortal cultivators who have never read the novel, their eyes widened at this moment.

They are not interested in fiction.

The reason why I saw the hot search came to watch.

It is curious what the TV series shot by the Lord is.

But at this moment, when seeing this scene.

They were also shocked.

The immortal cultivators who originally just came here to join in the fun all felt a sense of anticipation.

And many immortal cultivators were shocked.

It also has a great interest in the original work.

Going to read the original.

In short.

no doubt.

As soon as the video started, it conquered all viewers.

Let the unnamed immortal cultivators have great expectations for TV dramas.

After all, it just exploded at the beginning.

This TV show is definitely not ordinary.

And the scene when Kowloon pulled the coffin flashed by.

The screen changes.

The next moment, an extremely domineering figure appeared, with a three-legged bronze ingot covering its head.

Wisps of divine light hang down.

The young man exudes golden blood, his eyes are stern, as if he is invincible in the world: "I am the emperor of heaven, and I will suppress all emperors in the world!"

Immortal cultivators who have read the original book recognized it at this moment.

This is the protagonist Ye Tiandi.


Didn't wait for them to get excited.

The screen changes again.

A woman in cassock and a crying mask stood high in the sky and said softly, "I don't want to become a fairy, I just wait for your return!"

Seeing this, the immortal cultivator was shocked again.

Isn't this the ruthless queen?

This is the female nun who left the deepest impression on everyone among the people who covered the sky with her fingers.

Seeing it with my own eyes at this moment is exactly the same as the description in the book.

People can't help but wonder about the face under the mask.

The immortal cultivators looked forward to it more and more.

After that, the picture continued to change.

Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road? At first sight, the Great Emperor Wushi, whose Dao without beginning has become empty.

Jiang Taixu, the king of gods who conquered the world.

Clean and dust free, An Miao Yi is extremely beautiful.

The ferocious crocodile ancestor.

And at the end of the video, it is a golden hundred.

The Golden Crow is burning with blazing divine fire, like the most dazzling sun in the universe.

Seeing this Golden Crow, anyone who has read the original works will know that this is the Golden Crow.

I saw the Golden Crow facing the camera and shouting loudly: "f**k you, the Heavenly Emperor will finally never see you again!"

Hear the venting words.

Countless cultivators who have read the original book couldn't help but smile.

The Golden Crow Emperor in the book is a tragedy.

Because according to the setting in the book, each generation can only have one emperor.

But this great emperor is an invincible existence in this world.

It ended up at the place of Emperor Jinwu.

But because the protagonist became a different way, although he didn't become an emperor, he was more terrifying than the emperor.

As a result, Emperor Jinwu was suppressed for a lifetime and became the most aggrieved emperor.

That's why I said that before I died.

In short.

The appearance of the characters in the book makes the audience look forward to it even more.

But at this moment, they saw a few large characters appearing in the video at the last moment.

"The first season of Flicking the Sky will be officially updated in five months."

"Stay tuned..."


See here?

All the cultivators who were shocked by the video just now and raised expectations were stunned.

Official update after five months?

What they are watching is not a real TV series at all?


It's too bad.

Many immortal cultivators did not give up and continued to scroll down for short videos.

However, if you continue to swipe down, the short videos you usually swipe will pop up.

There are no more videos related to the TV series "Fantasy Covering the Sky".

At this moment, some immortal cultivators finally understood.

What does the promotional video mentioned at the beginning mean?

This promotional video is definitely only in the TV series

And indeed, as the cultivators expected.

Promos are some of those images.

And the video editing team, after getting the order from Ye Chen to shoot a promotional video.

I also specially invited people to show their supernatural powers, and took some pictures and characters in the future.

For example, the Golden Crow and others, these are not characters that will appear in the first season of the TV series.

But the editing team filmed it in advance for the popularity and attractiveness of the promotional film.

And have to say.

This promotional video perfectly achieved the effect Ye Chen requested.

Because in the fairy net.

Countless cultivators complained that they had been cheated.

"It's too stupid. I thought the TV series was updated, but it turned out to be just a clip?"

"Before, I was always worried that the filming of the TV series was not good. Now that I have watched the promotional video, I am not worried, but it is obviously finished, why don't you let us watch it?"

"I regret it so much. I shouldn't have ordered that promotional video. I wasn't interested in TV dramas at first. Now it's over. I'm interested in it but I can't watch it. It's been five months. How can I wait?"

"The temperament of the werewolf empress is really amazing, which makes people look forward to it."

"Why does it take five months? Can you let us see it sooner!"

"Unfortunate, but forget it, because of this promotional video, I became interested in the original book. I'll read the original book first. By the way, why did the strong man of the Golden Crow tribe scold the Emperor of Heaven? Did the Emperor of Heaven do anything to offend him? ?"

"He's just too aggrieved. He was supposed to be invincible for a lifetime, suppressing an era, but he met a monster who was stronger than you in battle and lived longer than you. You would be aggrieved if you were him.