
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Ye Chen: I Was Really Shocked!

"How can you make so much money writing novels?"

At this moment, all the cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals were shocked.

Money touches people's hearts.

As long as it's human.

As long as it is a civilized society.

Naturally, they are extremely interested in high income.


On the fairy net, it boiled directly.

"I really didn't expect that I could earn so much spirit stones just by writing a novel. After a year, wouldn't I earn more than the Almighty Alchemist?"

"More than that, look at Chen Dong, who ranks first. He has written three books. Whether it is Covering the Sky with a Flick of a Finger, Tomb of the Gods, or Perfect Immortal World, they are all in the previous life of the sales list. One hundred and fifty square meters of high-grade spirit stones."

"Hey... Doesn't this mean that a month's income is comparable to a year's income for refining Xu Da Neng?"

"Recently when I read Xianwang's novels, I suddenly realized that novels can still be written in this way, and a story was born in my heart. But I haven't started writing. After all, I have been too busy recently, and I have to do tasks for cultivation every day. How can I have time to write novels? , but now seeing the author's income, I am moved..."

"The same is true for me. These novels let me know that stories can be so unconstrained. But because I read books for free before, I felt that I couldn't earn spirit stones, so I didn't try [now I think I can try it."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that free novels are the key to income."

"I'm going to give it a try. I don't want to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a month like these novels on the rankings. I'm an immortal cultivator in the Qi refining period. As long as I can earn a few top-grade spirit stones every month, I will be satisfied.

"I'm already planning to open a book. After all, there are only so many books in Xianwang novels. The sooner you start using them, the better your chances will be."

"Writing novels is safe, and the threshold is low. Cultivating the six skills of immortality to earn spirit stones requires the guidance of a famous teacher, as well as various input and practice. Going out to do tasks is dangerous. If writing novels can earn spirit stones steadily, then it is very suitable for me up!"

"I always feel that the era has changed since the appearance of the Xianwang app. In the past, the higher the level of cultivation, the more money you made. There is no need to question this."

"But what about now? Although those with higher cultivation bases earn more money, those with lower cultivation bases have more opportunities because of the application of the Immortal Network. Many low-level immortal cultivators earn the same income as high-level immortal cultivators. Even earn more."

"That's right, I know an immortal cultivator in the Qi refining period who broadcasts his daily life of learning alchemy and earns a few middle-grade spirit stones every day. His income is already comparable to many gold elixirs..."

"Xianwang novels, this is an opportunity for us low-level immortal cultivators! After all, high-level immortal cultivators are not interested in novels, and they don't read as much as we do. As long as we work hard, we may be able to get extra rewards... ."

"I've decided. I want to write a book in which the main character keeps pretending to face the villain during his journey to immortality. I've already thought of the name. It's called the Immemorial King of Immortals!"

"To be honest, I'm different from everyone else. When I saw the plots of the protagonist and the female cultivator in the recent fairy net novels, I was very much looking forward to them. As a result, these writings were too cryptic, and they were all written in one stroke. So I plan to write a special one. The protagonist's book about female cultivators, the plot is written in more detail, and I have confirmed the number of names, it is called Merry Immortal Master!"

"Upstairs, post the book quickly, I want to read it!"

"Then I plan to write a book titled "The Suzerain of the Hehuan Sect Is My Taoist Companion."

"For some reason, I feel that the hat upstairs is a bit green, but it doesn't matter, I just like such exciting things..."

"It is recommended not to write about real people. Two days ago in Xianwang Novels there was a book called Domineering Master Falling in Love with Me. I felt that it was written about the Lord Tianyan, but I couldn't find it today. It must have been blocked. I suggest not seek death....…."

On the fairy net.

Numerous netizens talked about it.

Stimulated by this sales list, many cultivators made up their minds to write novels.

In fact, before, it wasn't that there were no cultivators who enjoyed reading novels and wanted to write novels.

But this idea was dispelled because of reading novels for free.

After all, cultivators still take cultivating immortals as their top priority.

They are unwilling to do things that are not good for cultivating immortals without earning spirit stones.

And now.

When they learned that reading novels for free, the author not only won't lose Lingshi, but can earn more.

So the concerns were directly dispelled.


Must write!

And start the book now.

After all, because I have experienced Xianwang short video and Xianwang live broadcast before.

Let the cultivators already understand a truth.

When the wind comes.

The sooner you step into the air, the more likely you are to succeed.

After most people have reacted, the difficulty of earning spirit stones will increase countless times.

So, today.

Many immortal cultivators who had already had ideas in their hearts entered the backstage of the author of Xianwang novels for the first time.

Apply for a writer account.

Send the book directly.

For a while, the new book storage list is constantly updated.

One after another, new books entered the fairy net novels.

One by one, the immortal cultivators, with dreams of getting rich, became the first batch of online novel writers in the immortal cultivating world under the bewilderment of the dazzling figures on the sales list.

But in Tianyan Holy Land.

Since the release of the sales list.

Ye Chen has been paying attention to the backstage of Xianwang Novels.

And the subsequent development was as expected by Ye Chen.

The sales figures of Xianwang novels sparked heated discussions.

It also directly attracted a group of immortal practitioners to become authors.

Just an hour.

Among the fairy net novels, 800 new novels have been added.

Seeing this number, a satisfied smile appeared on Ye Chen's handsome face.

If there is an author to open a book, it means that it is stable.

Moreover, the book can be opened so quickly.

Obviously, they were all interested in writing novels before.

And in the future, there will only be more and more immortal cultivators in Tian Shu.

Ye Chen is fine at the moment.

Flipping through the new book with a leisurely mood.....

The content of these new books inevitably surprised Ye Chen.

to be honest.

The learning ability of immortal cultivators is indeed stronger than Ye Chen imagined.

Just read a few novels.

Now that the book is opened, it is well written.

Although there is still a little problem with the rhythm of the book.

Some even have some unpleasant thunder spots.

For example, the heroine was killed, the heroine was snatched away by the villain, or the protagonist used his identity to pick up girls, abuse the master and so on.

But overall, it's well written.

They have roughly grasped the essence of online novels.

There are several, and even have the potential of the fire book.

Nowadays, the online novel industry has just begun to develop, and it is bound to experience mistakes.

Ye Chen was a little surprised at the learning ability of the cultivators.

But think about it as well.

Immortal cultivators can cultivate spiritual consciousness, and their brain power is several times that of humans on earth.

A photographic memory is a basic operation for a cultivator.

It is indeed not too difficult to use such a brain to write novels.

Ye Chen is quite looking forward to waiting for half a year.

What kind of grand occasion will the online novels in the world of cultivating immortals develop into?

Ye Chen also liked reading novels in his previous life.

Now idle is also idle, reading new books to relieve boredom.

Finally, Ye Chen's eyes widened involuntarily when he saw a new book...

"Mortal Bingge Cultivating Immortals"


Brother Bing's spiritual root attribute is not ideal, but he also got into a third-rate sect by accident... Next...