
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Why should I pay back the money borrowed by my ability?

Feel the confused eyes of the Elders.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "The interest is naturally to attract them to deposit Spirit Stones in Xianwang Cloud QuickPass.

"And the Spirit Stones that the cultivators saved in.

"Half of them will not be used as a deposit for withdrawal, to ensure that when cultivators take Spirit Stones, we can give them Spirit Stones.

"The other half will be used as a loan, lent to immortal cultivators or major forces, and will receive their interest."

"If you save money, we will pay 1/10,000 interest every day."

"In other words, if you deposit a top-grade Spirit Stones, you can get the interest of a low-grade Spirit Stones every day.""

"As for the loan, we charge 5/10,000 daily interest.

"Loan one high-quality Spirit Stone from us, and the interest on five low-quality Spirit Stones will be calculated every day."

"The difference in price is our profit."

"Users can borrow money directly from Xianwang Cloud QuickPass."

"And Xianwang Cloud QuickPass mainly makes money from the interest derived from borrowing money from users.

After speaking, Ye Chen looked at the elders with a light smile.

And all the elders widened their eyes when they heard the way of making money from Xianwang Cloud QuickPass.

Does Xianwang Cloud QuickPass even have the function of borrowing money?

Let the cultivator keep Spirit Stones, and then lend the cultivator's Spirit Stones to others.

This shocked the elders.

Repair Immortal World also has pawn shops and the like, which are listed as loans in disguise.

But the problem is, they all lend their own Spirit Stones to others for interest.

And his own holy master is simply outrageous.

Some deposit, some borrow.

I don't even have to play Spirit Stones myself.

Just be a middleman.

Lie down and earn interest.

This way of making money is beyond everyone's imagination.

In the case of interest, the elders really don't mind depositing their Spirit Stones into Xianwang Cloud Flash Payment.

Although the interest is not high.

But if you save 10,000 top-grade Spirit Stones.

Do nothing every day and you can earn interest on a top-grade Spirit Stones.

There are three or four hundred in a year, enough to do a lot of things.

Why not do it.

But the question is, will that many people borrow Spirit Stones?

If everyone is chasing interest, they will save Spirit Stones.

But there were not many immortal cultivators who borrowed money.

My own Sacred Land is blood loss.

Pay a huge amount of interest for nothing.

The foreign affairs elder asked the confusion in his heart.

Ye Chen heard this and smiled slightly: "When borrowing money becomes convenient, the number of Spirit Stones that cultivators can borrow will exceed your imagination. 35

"Seeing a suitable spiritual tool, I am short of a mid-grade Spirit Stones. If they were in the past, they would definitely give up and buy them later.""

"But if you can immediately borrow a mid-grade Spirit Stones from Xianwang Cloud QuickPass.

"Do you think they'll borrow it?"

"For example, I'm about to make a breakthrough, but I don't have enough Spirit Stones and I can't make adequate preparations."

"If they could borrow Spirit Stones from Tianyan PHS at this time, what do you think they would choose?"

Ye Chen's few words caused the elders to fall into contemplation.

And Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

If borrowing money is convenient enough.

The number of people who choose to borrow money will be beyond imagination.

The payment package company in the previous life.

In the beginning, only loans were given to corporations.

The annual loan scale is only about 100 billion.

But since the launch of Huabei and Borrowing apps, ordinary people can easily borrow money.

Just a short year.

The loan scale of the payment package company has risen to one trillion, more than ten times directly.

It can be seen how strong the demand for personal loans is.

And here is the Immortal World.

But human nature is the same.

The results won't make any difference.

Looking at the contemplative Elder, Ye Chen continued: "Not only ordinary cultivators, but also major forces, and also our target customers"

"For example, a certain faction wants to expand the scale of production, but there are not enough Spirit Stones.

"If in the past, there was only one option, and that was to save money and expand when Spirit Stones had enough, this would undoubtedly be a missed opportunity.

"And now, borrow Spirit Stones from us, and use it directly to expand and increase revenue.

"Just pay some extra interest.

"What do you think they will choose?"

The eyes of the elders lit up.

Listen to what the Lord has to say.

The business of Xianwang Cloud QuickPass seems to be promising.

At this moment, Elder Wang Changchun excitedly proposed: "The Holy Lord is wise!

"But isn't the interest rate too low?"

"A top-grade Spirit Stones only earns five low-grade Spirit Stones every day, and we have to split two more. We only have three left, and I feel that we earn too little."5

"The pawn shops in Immortal World are all nine out of nine and thirteen.

"We can totally follow convention!"

All the elders nodded in agreement.

Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

The good guy, the elder of his own Sacred Land, has the potential to be a capitalist.

Nine out and thirteen returns is a way of calculating interest.

simply put.

Just borrow ten bucks.

Just nine bucks for you.

But after a month, you have to pay back thirteen dollars.

This is the earth in the previous life, which is usury.

While repairing the Immortal World, it was a routine.

Ye Chen sighed: "You Elders are so blackhearted!"

A group of Elders:???

Holy Lord, you actually said that we have black hearts?

Holy Lord, did you forget that you sold a low-grade Magical Item to a mid-grade Spirit Stones?

Elders are powerless to complain.

And Ye Chen got serious and said in a serious tone: "The loan interest cannot be too high."

"Like nine out of 13, countless people can't repay Spirit Stones after borrowing them, so they can only default on their debts and increase the bad debt rate.

"It will also affect our reputation.

"And a normal rate is better for the cultivator and us.

"If the cultivators can pay back the money, we can also earn more stably.

"As for interest rates that are too low to make money?"

"Indeed, a top-grade Spirit Stone, only 30 low-grade Spirit Stones can be borrowed for a month, which doesn't sound like much. 99

"But quantitative change leads to qualitative change.

"What if Xianwang Cloud Flash Payment lends out 100 million top-grade Spirit Stones? How much is the interest per day? 35

"When the amount of money borrowed reaches a certain amount, the interest earned every day will be extremely impressive."

When the elders heard the words, they were all stunned.

This time, the Holy Master of his own family really doesn't seem to be blackhearted.

And it makes perfect sense.

But a new problem arose.

The foreign affairs elder said worriedly: "Holy Lord, what if the Spirit Stones are loaned out and someone doesn't pay them back?"

"It's okay to say that the number is small, but it's a big deal to send someone to collect debts. 39

"We Tianyan Sacred Land's powerhouse will come out, and there will be no Spirit Stones that will not come back.

"But if the number is too large, our Tianyan Sacred Land will not be able to collect the debt.

"Not only did the interest not earn, but the principal was also lost!"

"If the cultivators knew that their Spirit Stones were lent out, but they didn't want to come back. I guess they would have to be afraid and run to get the money.

"Then we not only can't make money, we have to pay.

When the elders heard the words, they also became worried.

How to get the bill is a big question.

Those pawnshops rely on mortgages, and you sell your things without paying back the money, making sure you earn no loss.

But what about my own Xianwang cloud flash payment?

And Ye Chen nodded slightly: "This is indeed a good question. 99

"But I've already thought about it.

"Xianwang Cloud QuickPass, which will be launched three days later, does not have a loan function."

"I will update the loan function when I do a good job in the risk control system to minimize the possibility of bad debt rates.""

"The period before the loan function was updated. It just happened to let users save Spirit Stones. If there were no Spirit Stones in it, the loan would not be possible.""

Ye Chen really hasn't done the loan function yet.

Because risk control is a big project.

All kinds of risk control must be done well in order to ensure profit.

Otherwise the loan is not to make money, but to give money when the living Bodhisattva.

In the past life, many small loan companies had ridiculously high interest rates.

He eyed the interest of users.

But many users are directly eyeing their principal.

After the cash is in hand, delete the software directly.

If you urge you to rush, I will lose even a dime.

Why should I pay back the money I borrowed?

What's more, people in a village have loans.

Directly make countless small loan companies go bankrupt.

This is what happens when the risk control is not done well.

And the risk control of repairing Immortal World is more important.

Because repairing Immortal World is too dangerous.

If people die.

Who pays you back?

These factors must be taken into account and resolved, the loan function will be updated.

〃The function of borrowing money does not need you to think about it!

"Xianwang Cloud QuickPass can pay online in addition to accessing Spirit Stones.

"It also supports the remote transfer function.

"For example, your friend is far away in Fire City and suddenly uses Spirit Stones."

"But you are far away from your friends, and you can't lend money to your friends if you have money."

"With Xianwang Cloud QuickPass, you can directly enter the other party's communication account and name to transfer Spirit Stones to the other party.""

"Without any delay, the account will be received in one second.

"The elders gave Spirit Stones to the descendants of Sect cultivation. In the past, they had to go there in person, which was very risky. Now, although there is a courier service, they have to wait for two or three days, and they have to pay an extra courier fee."

"And through the Xianwang cloud flash payment transfer, all the trouble is saved, and it goes directly to the other party's account."

"Whether the other party directly uses it for online shopping or cash withdrawal, it is free to do what they want, which is extremely convenient.


Xianwang Cloud QuickPass is a combination of online payment and banking in the previous life.

Now (Li Zhaohao) has opened nearly 3,000 Tianyan Pavilion, which is the bank site.

There is anticipation in the eyes of the elders.

Listen to what the Lord has to say.

Xianwang Cloud QuickPass is an excellent application.

As long as the lending function is done well.

It's just laying around and making money.

Just don't be too cool.

See the elders are no problem.

Ye Chen started to assign tasks: "Let the Tianyan Pavilions in various places prepare for deposits and withdrawals in advance."

"Regulate the deposit and withdrawal process."

"Three days later, Xianwang Cloud Flash Payment will be officially launched."

"There will be activities when it goes online, pay with cloud flash payment, 22% off the whole site! 35

"Whether it is Xianwang Auction House, Xianwang Cloud Classroom, or online shopping, pay the courier fee!

"All Tianyan PHS business, just pay with Xianwang Cloud QuickPass.""

"Always 20% off!"

The profit-making activities that should be done still have to be done.

In the previous earth, there was a tradition of depositing money in banks.

However, when online payment first came out, it still did not develop smoothly.

People are worried about saving their own money online.

For fear of thunderstorms, even the principal was gone.

And in the Immortal World, the worries of the cultivators will only be louder.


Not only to pay interest.

Give and meet again.

Through various methods, let cultivators use Xianwang cloud flash payment to get used to online payment.

When they use it more, they will be relieved.

At that time, you will naturally be willing to deposit Spirit Stones in Xianwang Cloud Flash Pass to earn interest!