
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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Who dares to ask for debts from those who refine the emptiness?

Smash all the 50,000 top-grade Spirit Stones borrowed.

Just one month.

The new Dan room and the new Earth Fire array are completed.

During this month, the Cheng family was a little nervous.

I'm afraid that the Spirit Stones in Sacred Land will not be available in the future.

But when the expansion was completed.

The Cheng family's Medicine Pill production quickly recovered.

The Cheng family is a family of refining medicine.

The Medicine Pills produced are of good quality.

Supply is now back.

Many immortal cultivators come back to place an order again.

This made the sales of Medicine Pill in Chengjia's online store skyrocket.

In just a few days, the income has returned to the splendid situation before the demon clan turmoil.

Look at the gains.

The faces of the Cheng family were full of smiles.

The elders even praised the Cheng family's main action against all disapproval and borrowing for expansion.

Based on the current income of the Cheng family.

It only takes one year to return all Spirit Stones.

"Patriarch is wise, I was shortsighted before I waited!

"This immortal loan is really a good thing, and it is no exaggeration to say that it has changed the family fortune of my Cheng family.

"If we expand production later, it is estimated that those cultivators who bought our Medicine Pill before will give up on us. Fortunately, we will expand production ahead of schedule!"5

"We can repay all the debts in one year, and the interest is only more than 1,000 pieces. Although it is not much, it is totally worth the money compared to what we got!""

The Cheng family came back to life.

The head of the Cheng family was also full of smiles.

But he shook his head and said seriously: "I think, don't return the Spirit Stones in advance for the time being."

"Our Medicine Pill is still in short supply.

"The Spirit Stones earned next should continue to be used to expand production."

"The interest on the Xiuxian Loan is nothing compared to the benefits we can get."

The elders looked at each other.

But he felt that what the owner of the house said was quite reasonable.

That being the case.


owe it first.

Because of the previous demon turmoil.

Many forces in the East China Sea have been accumulated and destroyed in one go, and they have suffered serious damage.

The changes in the Cheng family have been noticed by countless forces.

After learning that the Cheng family relied on Xiuxian Loan to turn around.

Countless forces were moved.

The Cheng family's experience proves that the benefits of cultivating immortal loans far outweigh the interest.

Arrears aren't that scary.


Many factions did not hesitate to borrow Spirit Stones from Xiuxian Loan.

to expand their own production.

And many forces that were not affected by the unrest of the demon clan.

Also saw the benefit of borrowing Spirit Stones to grow itself.

They choose to borrow money.

a time.

Cultivation of Immortal Loans is popular among the major forces in Great Yanzhou.

It was hot.

And in Xianwang Weibo.

Many individual cultivators have posted the benefits of cultivating immortality loans to themselves in their Weibo feeds.

Cultivation of the Immortal Loan increases the strength of own rapidly.

Let own combat power increase dramatically.

This will make it easier to earn Spirit Stones and repay easily.

This has made many immortal cultivators who did not dare to borrow Spirit Stones and thought the interest rate was too high to change their minds about cultivating immortal loans.

In the absence of Spirit Stones.

The number of cultivators who choose to borrow Spirit Stones from the cultivator loan will be greatly ascended.

Tai Xuan Sacred Land.

Lord Tai Xuan felt the heat of cultivating immortal loans, and his face was not good-looking.

I had tried my best to crack down on the immortal loan.

The result is a complete failure.

Now even his own Sacred Land.

All elders borrowed Spirit Stones from Xiuxian Loan and bought top Dao Items.

Xiuxian loan has swept the entire Yanzhou.

Even become part of the life of the cultivator.

Think about the interest on the Xiuxian loan.

Holy Master Tai Xuan knew that Ye Chen would make a lot of money by relying on this immortal loan.

Most of the benefits of Tianyan Sacred Land will be improved again.

This is definitely not a good thing for Tai Xuan Sacred Land.

these two years.

The number of talented disciples recruited by Tai Xuan Sacred Land has been greatly reduced.

Because most of the talented geniuses are attracted by Tianyan Sacred Land.

Even if we are separated by thousands of miles, we must go to Tianyan Sacred Land.

At the same time, the strong outsiders are basically attracted by the high welfare of Tianyan Sacred Land.

Serve as the guest elder.

If it goes on like this.

In a few years, Tianyan Sacred Land will have the strength to suppress the entire Great Yanzhou.

Even if the other three Sacred Lands join forces, they may not be able to compete with each other.

In the contemplation of the Lord Tai Xuan.

The penalty elder quickly flew into the Great Hall: "Holy Lord, the Golden Crow Elder is out of the customs, and I call you to see him!"

Hearing this, Lord Tai Xuan's eyes lit up.

Golden Crow Elder, is the retired elder of the late stage of Tai Xuan Sacred Land.

Was an invincible genius.

Six hundred years ago, I achieved the late stage of God Transformation. After visiting Mingwangzhou for a hundred years, I came back and started Closed Door Training.

Now Golden Crow Elder is finally out.

Just in time to report the situation of Tianyan Sacred Land.

Please retired elder decide.

Lord Tai Xuan flew to Golden Crow immediately.

That is the highest peak of Tai Xuan Sacred Land.

Like a mountain of flames, it is shrouded in countless Earth Fires all day long.

The Immortal Cave of the Golden Crow Elder is bathed in flames.

Only the Golden Crow Elder, who cultivated the Great Nikkei, can live here.

When the Lord Tai Xuan comes, the gate of Immortal Cave opens automatically.

Lord Tai Xuan entered it.

Then I saw a middle-aged man whose muscles were tied, his body was like steel poured, and the color of brass was shining, sitting quietly in the center of Immortal Cave.

Its hair is fiery red and automatically without wind.

Like a boiling fire.

The aura was even more terrifying, and all the divine lights dipped around him, like a volcano that was about to erupt.

This man is the Golden Crow Elder.

Lord Tai Xuan stood in front of the other party, feeling that his breathing was no longer smooth, and the pressure was huge.

Immediately salute: "Meet the Golden Crow Elder!

The Golden Crow Elder is now a thousand years old.

But still looking like a middle-aged man, he glanced down at Lord Tai Xuan and nodded: "I feel something in my heart, I'm about to make a breakthrough!

"Prepare a top-level divine fire formation for me.

"There is also the Dark Flame Stone, the Blazing Bird Monster core, the Phoenix Bird Feather, the Falling Dust Profound Water, and the Great Concentration and Returning Pill..."

in a blink.

The Golden Crow Elder has named hundreds of fetishes.

Lord Tai Xuan's eyes suddenly widened.

These fetishes are all expensive.

Add up, almost seven million for the top-quality Spirit Stones.

But it doesn't matter.

The most important thing is that Golden Crow Elder is going to make a breakthrough?

The news was like thunder.

Let the Lord Tai Xuan be in a trance.

"Elder, are you going to make a breakthrough?

Lord Tai Xuan spoke in disbelief.

The Golden Crow Elder saw the appearance of Lord Tai Xuan, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Xiandao is difficult!

"I Closed Door Training for five hundred years, and finally seized this breakthrough opportunity.

"I'm only a thousand years old now, it's the peak time, as long as you prepare properly, breakthrough is guaranteed.

Hear from the Golden Crow Elder.

There was ecstasy on the face of Lord Tai Xuan.

If it is said that the transformation of the gods is the initial communication between heaven and earth, borrowing the power of heaven and earth.

Those who refine the emptiness are to mobilize the power to control the heavens and the earth.

The difference in combat power can be called a world of difference.

In the entire Great Yanzhou, there have been three thousand years of virtual refining power.

Now Golden Crow Elder is about to make a breakthrough.

Tai Xuan Sacred Land will be invincible to the entire Greater Yanzhou.

What Ye Chen.

What Tianyan Sacred Land.

They are all turkeys.

The most important thing is that the lifespan of the virtual powerhouse is 3,000.

And the Golden Crow Elder is only a thousand years old now.

Golden Crow Elder once breakthrough.

Tai Xuan Sacred Land can be guaranteed to flourish for two thousand years.

Tianyan Sacred Land.

It will no longer be a big worry.

"How long does it take to prepare what I want?"

Golden Crow Elder spoke earnestly.

When Lord Tai Xuan heard the words, he also woke up from the ecstasy.

Thinking of the value of those fetish objects gave me a headache.

If Sacred Land wants to add a new power, it will naturally go all out to support it.

But after years of accumulation in Tai Xuan Sacred Land, there are only about 5 million top-grade Spirit Stones in the crystal warehouse.

There is a big gap from the Golden Crow Elder's requirements.

Of course, selling some treasures, you can also get together.

But at this moment, three words appeared in the mind of Lord Tai Xuan.

Immortal loan!

Why sell treasures.

Why can't I use the Immortal Loan?

The loan amount of his own Sacred Land is a full one million.

And Golden Crow Elder is the Power of the late stage of the gods.

Be a real-name authentication and advanced quota increase authentication.

The amount can definitely reach one million.

Adding the two together can easily make up the difference.


Lord Tai Xuan immediately informed the Golden Crow Elder about the shortage of Spirit Stones and the existence of Xiuxiandai.

Hearing this, Golden Crow Elder frowned, and his voice was confused: """Tianyan PHS? Cultivation of Immortal Loans?"

Lord Tai Xuan hurriedly revealed what had happened in the past two years.

Golden Crow Elder squinted his eyes and said with murderous intent: "If you are only forty, you will achieve the middle stage of being a god?""

"Can you kill the late stage Golden Lion King?"

"This kind of arrogance is unheard of."

"It is truly amazing to be able to create such miraculous products as Tianyan PHS.

"It's a pity that such a person is the Holy Lord of Tianyan Sacred Land. Luo

"Can't let him continue to grow! Wait for me to break through, grab his chance to leave Sacred Land and kill it!

When Lord Tai Xuan heard the words, his face showed ecstasy.

Ye Chen, who has been pressing himself all the time, is about to become his own Hearts Demon.

It's finally coming to an end.

This is great news for me.

As for whether Golden Crow Elder can do it?


No doubt at all.

Refinement of the strong is earth-shattering.

Ye Chen is another genius.

In front of the Golden Crow Elder, who will make breakthroughs in the future, he is also an ant.

Excited, Lord Tai Xuan said cautiously: "Golden Crow Elder, if you think it is troublesome to cultivate the immortal loan, then we don't need it."

"I will put some treasures on the Xianwang auction house to auction to solve the Spirit Stones matter."

The Golden Crow Elder's breath was shocked, and his body made of steel suddenly stood up, like a big sun.

Rough voices like thunder:

"Someone is willing to give me Spirit Stones in Tai Xuan Sacred Land, why not?"

"That's millions of top-quality Spirit Stones, not a small number. 35

Holy Master Tai Xuan vaguely heard the voice of Golden Crow Elder, and his eyes lit up: "Elder, you mean..."

The Golden Crow Elder raised his eyes slightly, with playfulness in his eyes: "That day Sacred Land dared to borrow Spirit Stones, and I dared to keep them.

"But it's up to me to return the Spirit Stones.

'After all, why should I pay back the Spirit Stones I borrowed by my ability?

"If anyone doesn't agree, let him come to me and ask for the debt in person!

Golden Crow Elder means obvious.

He borrowed Spirit Stones and had no plans to pay them back.

The corner of Holy Master Tai Xuan's mouth raised.

Ye Chen is arrogant.

I don't think anyone in Greater Yanzhou dare not return the Spirit Stones of Tianyan Sacred Land.

Therefore, the Xiuxian loan was launched.

Unexpectedly, his retired elder is about to make a breakthrough.

So don't even think about taking back the Spirit Stones, Tianyan Sacred Land.

After all, who would dare to ask for a debt from an imaginary power?.