
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

The wealth is not revealed! One note is missed...

Look at the prompt.

Hua Yunfei, who was ecstatic in his heart, was taken aback.

Is there still an announcement of the winners?


Although Hua Yunfei has only entered the rookie of Immortal World for one year.

But for the cruelty of Immortal World, it is deeply experienced.

I am an Outer Sect disciple in the early stage of Qi Refining.

There is simply no ability to protect this wealth.

Not to mention the second prize.

Even if it is the fourth prize, there are only 100 top-grade Spirit Stones, and I can't win it myself.

If the disciple of the Foundation Establishment of Zhenwu Inner Sect knew that he had won the lottery, would he come to him, the disciple of the Outer Sect, to borrow Spirit Stones?

Do you dare to sacrifice yourself?

Sect deacon, and even Gold Core Elder are sure to be heartbroken.

Lend them and you will have nothing.

don't borrow?

You might not be able to save your own life.

And even if the Spirit Stones are all handed over, it's useless.

There must be people who suspect that they have hidden Spirit Stones and attack themselves.

And that's just the Spirit Stones for the fourth prize.

And he won the second prize.

The exposure of such great wealth will only bring disaster to oneself.

Thinking of this, Hua Yunfei was in a cold sweat.

Originally, Hua Yunfei was just excited, but he also planned to invite the close brothers to have a spiritual meal.

Completely dismissed this idea now.

I have always been ridiculously poor, and suddenly inviting someone to eat Lingshan will definitely be associated with winning the "740" lottery.

Never let anyone find out that they have won the lottery.

Be careful when spending Spirit Stones in the future.

Shop online as much as possible.

Therefore, Hua Yunfei immediately chose to remain anonymous.

It was a relief.

"Junior Brother Hua, why are you so absent-minded today? 99

The senior brother next to him patted Hua Yunfei.

Hua Yunfei hurriedly smiled: "I was just thinking how great it would be if I won the first prize, even if I didn't win the first prize, the second prize would be fine.

Hearing this, the surrounding apprentices and brothers laughed loudly: "For those of us who are in the qi refining period, winning the fourth prize can be fun."

"Okay, Tianyan Holy Maiden is going to announce the results. I would like to see if anyone can get lucky and buy the first prize!

"I hope that no one wins the lottery, so the prize pool will accumulate, and if I win the lottery next time, I will earn more. 35

Hua Yunfei echoed with a smile, and continued to watch the lottery live with his fellow apprentices!

Now the lottery numbers are fixed.

But the immortal cultivator who didn't win the lottery didn't leave.

They all waited for Lin Keer to announce the results, wondering if anyone had won the first prize.

And above Xianfeng.

Lin Keer's white dress fluttered, her black hair was like a waterfall, and she was as pure as a camellia.

Incredibly beautiful.

She has already received the winning data from the background.

At this moment, facing Xianwang's photo stone, Lin Keer smiled and said softly: "Fellow daoists, the award results have been released. 99

"I will announce the number of winners now!"9

"First Prize: No one wins!""

Hearing this, countless immortal cultivators were in an uproar.

Did no one win the first prize?

But thinking about the mysterious mysterious turtle with incomparable spirituality, it is difficult to comprehend.

It's really hard to win the lottery.

Many people even missed a number.

So after being surprised, most of the immortal cultivators showed joy.

The first prize takes up 70% of the prize pool.

Now that no one has won the lottery, it will naturally accumulate to the next time.

Next time if they can hit the first prize, they will earn even more.

Many immortal cultivators have already begun to look for the rules of this lottery, and strive to win the lottery next time.

Lin Ke'er paused for a moment and continued, "The number of second prize winners, one!"

"Congratulations to this fellow daoist, who has exclusive access to 10% of the prize pool, totaling 25,000 top-quality Spirit Stones.

Hearing this, countless immortal cultivators showed envious expressions.

25,000 Top Grade Spirit Stones.

Even for the Nascent Soul period powerhouse, it is a huge sum of money.

When there is no Xianwang cloud classroom.

If the Nascent Soul powerhouse wants to earn 20,000 top-grade Spirit Stones, he will definitely have to die.

And now, someone has made such a huge sum for only two low-grade Spirit Stones.

This luck is really enviable.

Absolutely lucky.

I don't know which immortal cultivator is so lucky.

Lin Keer continued to announce the number of other awards.

"Number of winners of the third prize: five!"

"Congratulations to these five fellow daoists, who share 5% of the prize pool, a total of 12,500 top-grade Spirit Stones, and each received a bonus of 2,500 top-grade Spirit Stones.

"Number of winners of the fourth prize: 100!

"Share one percent of the prize pool, totaling 2,500 top-ranking Spirit Stones. 99

"5,400 consolation prize winners!"

"Everyone gets a bonus of ten low-quality Spirit Stones!"

"A total of 5,506 fellow daoists have won awards in this issue! 35

Listen to the number of winners of the various awards.

Cultivators are all envious and jealous.

Why wasn't he the one who won the lottery?

If nothing else, even if you only win a consolation prize, at least it's not a loss.

next time!

Next time they must win the lottery.

There are so many winners, why not have them?

in live broadcast.

Lin Keer's long skirt fluttered, and finally said: "This prize pool has spent a total of 45,010 top-quality Spirit Stones. 35

"The bonus will be distributed to all winners' Xianwang Cloud QuickPass accounts within one hour!

"The detailed list of winners has also been announced in the lottery section.

"The remaining 204,990 top-grade Spirit Stones in the prize pool will be accumulated until the next draw!

"The mysterious turtles used in this lottery draw will all be replaced!

"The first lottery live broadcast draw is over!"


The words fell, and Lin Ke'er floated away.

Immediately, dozens of Gold Core deacon from Tianyan Sacred Land appeared in the live broadcast, and began to capture the spirit turtles on the fairy mountain!

Wait until all the original spirit turtles are captured.

A new batch of phantom turtles were thrown into the pool.

The first live broadcast lottery draw is over.

However, the barrage in the live broadcast room did not decrease at all, but instead increased.

"I even change the mysterious turtle every time, didn't I just choose the number for nothing!

"Isn't it, I have chosen ten new numbers based on the performance of all the mysterious turtles this time, and I will definitely win the lottery. It's useless now."

"This is obviously for fairness and makes each lottery result more random!

"The list of winners was even announced, I'm going to see it!

"I'm going to see who actually won the second prize!"

In an instant, countless cultivators withdrew from the live broadcast and looked at the lottery section.

Sure enough, there is a list of winners at the bottom.

After clicking, a series of information appeared in front of everyone.

"Second Prize Winner: Anonymous!"

"Third Prize Winner: Anonymous, Anonymous..."

"Fourth Prize Winner: Anonymous..."

"Consolation Prize Winners: Li Qingshan, Wan Baoyuan, Zhan Cangsheng, Li Xunhuan, Chenxiang, Chen Xiang, Anonymous..."

The winners of the previous awards are all anonymous.

It wasn't until the consolation prize that most people chose their real names.

This series of anonymity made many immortal cultivators dissatisfied who wanted to see who had won the grand prize.

"It's all anonymous, what's so good about it?"

"Actually, it is right to allow anonymity. After all, there are also many low-level cultivators who buy lottery tickets. If outsiders find out that they have won the jackpot, then good things will turn into bad things...

"Indeed, if nothing else, those demons will definitely stare at him.

"If you don't have enough strength, if you win the lottery and get known by others, that's a disaster."

"Anyway, I am also anonymous. If my brothers and sisters find out that I won the lottery, they will definitely ask me to borrow Spirit Stones from me. If you don't borrow them, it will hurt your feelings. If you borrow them, most of them will not come back."5

You can remain anonymous after winning the lottery.

Most cultivators understand it very well.

Wealth is not revealed.

To be informed by outsiders of wealth that does not match one's own strength is the way of death.

Lottery prizes are distributed quickly.

After all, it is a network transfer.

So soon.

In Xianwang Weibo, there are screenshots of immortal practitioners receiving bonuses.

Of course, it's all consolation prizes.

All ten low-grade Spirit Stones.

There is no one who has won the jackpot.

But it's normal to think about it. The winners have chosen to remain anonymous, so how can they post the bonus.

Such a fast rate of awarding is even more surprising to the cultivators.

Many immortal cultivators ran to the bottom of the winning Weibo feed, commenting with joy.

Looking forward to tomorrow's lottery.

Although the winning rate is ridiculously low.

But this time there was no first prize.

Prize pool accumulation.

The next time you win the jackpot will only be bigger.

After the lottery live broadcast is over.

The second lottery has already gone on sale.

Countless immortal cultivators became more and more courageous, and began to choose numbers with anticipation.

"One miss is outrageous!"

"With so many elders, we didn't even win a consolation prize. If it spreads out, we'll die of laughter!

Above the sky, the elders of Tianyan Sacred Land didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

So many Elders, not a single jackpot.

And Ye Chen looked at Nangong Wan's peerless and beautiful face: "Master, how many did you win in the twenty-note lottery that you carefully selected? Could it be that the second prize was won by you, Master?

Nangong Wan lowered her head and played with her fingers.

Silently do not speak.

Seeing this cute appearance, Ye Chen couldn't help laughing out loud.

Master is observing the mysterious turtle and using the technique of deduction.

Feeling confident before the draw.

As a result, when the lottery was drawn, one missed.

It's really interesting...

Hearing Ye Chen's laugh 2.0, Nangong Wan's cheeks bulged.

The thunder began to emanate from the hands again...

But right now.

Lin Keer finished hosting the lottery live broadcast and flew over.

Seeing Nangong Wan's expression, Bingxue's smart Lin Ke'er knew what was going on, and hurriedly stood beside Nangong Wan and said, "Master, Master, didn't you come up with a lot of numbers at that time?

"Actually, I bought a Shizu, you choose the rest of the numbers, and you won the third prize!

"But it's actually your master's credit."

"I have the cheek to accept half, but you must accept the other half, and you must not refuse."

"Otherwise I will be troubled! 35

After speaking, transfer money immediately.

Nangong Wan's originally autistic expression suddenly disappeared.

Satisfied, he stretched out his hand and touched Lin Ke'er's head: "Since it's Ke'er's filial piety, then I'll accept it! Ke'er is not bad!"

Immediately looked at Ye Chen: "Listen, I have no problem with my number selection skills, but this time I have bad luck. 35

"Next time I will definitely win!

Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

Lin Ke'er's number was definitely not the one left by Master's selection.

Otherwise, with the character of the master, he would have long since closed himself.

Therefore, in order to lick Shizun, Lin Keer gave Shizun the credit for winning the prize, and also divided half of the bonus.


It's really enough to lick!