
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

The three major advertising giants! Incentive plan!

The advertisement of the short video of Xianwang has completely caught fire among the major forces that repair the Immortal World.

Novel video ads, plus the most accurate customer placement.

Let the advertising effect of Xianwang's short video exceed everyone's imagination.

Advertising costs are high.

But after an advertisement, even if it is slower, the advertising fee can be earned back in three to five days~.

Then it's pure profit.

No one can count this business.

And the advertising space of Xianwang Weibo is not enough.

Now there's one more - a new ad app.

Of course you won't miss it.

The major forces in the entire Immortal World have sent Sect Elders, waving Spirit Stones to the Tianyan Pavilions in various places.

And because of the thousands of people in the advertisements, different cultivators see different advertisements, so that all forces can basically be scheduled.

But the thing is, ad production is a big deal.

Tian Yan Ge simply cannot produce so many video advertisements at the same time.

This makes most of the major forces can only choose to wait, or do it themselves.

But there are also several forces that have sensed business opportunities.

They are delving into how to shoot short videos.

At the same time, learn the advertising mode in the short video of Xianwang.

Immediately, he took the initiative to contact the major forces to help them create video advertisements.

Of course, there must be a fee.

And the major forces are willing to advertise, and naturally they will not be willing to pay for this production fee.

They are all sprinkled with Spirit Stones.

And Tianyan Sacred Land is happy to see it.


In repairing Immortal World, a brand new industry came into being.

And several forces have emerged in a short period of time.

Such as Xun Yuzong, there are countless beautiful women and handsome men, and the advertisements shot are pleasing to the eye.

And Ming Yunzong, famous for its splendid immortal methods, shoots advertisements that are particularly dazzling and colorful.

But the most surprising thing was the real Martial Ancestor.

The real Martial Ancestor originally made a living by selling photo stones with images and made a lot of money.

But with the release of Xianwang's short video, it received a huge impact.

Unexpectedly, the real Martial Ancestor Sect Leader broke his wrist with great perseverance.

After seeing the business opportunity of advertising, immediately switched to shooting short video advertisements.

The video shot by Martial Ancestor, famous for the Heavenly Horse, is refreshing.

And the fees are not high.

That is, there are many forces in Mingwang Prefecture who will choose to place orders across the state.

And these three forces later became the three most famous advertising giants in Immortal World.

as time flows.

Accompanied by more and more advertisements.

The advertisements that immortal cultivators can get are more and more diverse.

But the cultivators were not dissatisfied.

It took half an hour to swipe an advertisement, which did not affect their viewing experience at all.

the most important is.

The advertisements on Xianwang's short videos seem to be able to figure out their thoughts.

Most of them are very suitable for their own needs.

In this case, the cultivator's perception of the advertisement will naturally not be bad.

Moreover, with the continuous delivery of advertisements.

The incentive program for short videos has also officially started.

The reward plan is to take out 10% of the total advertising fees of the advertisements placed every day.

Then according to the complex data such as the number of videos on the day, the completion rate, the number of likes, the number of collections, and the number of followers, this will be converted into Spirit Stones.

assigned to each video.

Of course, there are minimum requirements.

If the completion rate, the number of likes, and the number of collections do not meet the minimum requirements, you will not be able to get rewards.

And if it is marked as disliked by too many cultivators.

On that day, Sacred Land will also send someone to check the video quality.

If there is a problem with the video, it may even be banned directly.

This is also to avoid immortal cultivators who fish in troubled waters, make up for themselves, and upload a large number of uninteresting videos for rewards.

Many cultivators who have uploaded videos stared wide-eyed in surprise when they looked at the Spirit Stones reward numbers displayed in the background.

without him.

Uploading a video is actually rewarding.

And the number of Spirit Stones awarded is completely beyond their imagination.

And the most exciting at the moment.

Undoubtedly, it is Tianyan Sacred Land, Yaochi Sacred Land, ancient people, and immortal cultivators of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Because they have the upper hand.

Lots of videos uploaded in advance.

Therefore, the rewards obtained at this moment are also the most.

And short video ads are so popular.

Even if only 10% is given as a reward, it is still a huge number beyond imagination.

There is Nascent Soul Elder of Tianyan Sacred Land, and the video of the refining equipment shot is very popular.

There are hundreds of videos, each with nearly 100 million views.

And each video has tens of millions of likes.

So, this is Elder's backstage, just one day yesterday.

There will be an extra reward of 800 top-grade Spirit Stones.

You know, before Ye Chen took over.

The annual income of Tianyan Sacred Land Nascent Soul Elder is only about a thousand top-grade Spirit Stones.

Even now.

The annual income of Tianyan Sacred Land Elder is around 10,000.

In this situation.

Just in the reward program, there are a full 800 top-quality Spirit Stones in one day.

Simply incredible.

But it's not over.

Because the Elder's fan base is high enough.

There are already ads for him.

And the price of Xianwang short video to receive advertisements is much higher than Xianwang Weibo.

This is the number of Elder's fans, and each advertisement can earn thousands of top-quality Spirit Stones.

This made Elder even more ecstatic.

He was just a good teacher, so he had nothing to do to shoot short videos.

But I never imagined that there would be such an unexpected joy.

In this way, as long as you keep your short videos updated and keep the quality.

Over the course of a year, it seems that it is not a problem at all to earn hundreds of thousands of top-grade Spirit Stones.

After the other elders got the news.

All are jealous.

Some elders also shoot videos, but they shoot them casually and don't care about the quality at all, so naturally they are not popular.

Although the rewards were also distributed, there were only dozens of low-grade Spirit Stones and a few middle-grade Spirit Stones.

Compared with the Nascent Soul Elder, it is far worse.

Now that they see the income, they are also moved.

Immediately, many elders called in their disciples and began to inquire about the tips for shooting short videos.

And there are also a lot of disciples who have earned Spirit Stones in Tianyan Sacred Land.

On a lucky day, there will be several or even dozens of top-quality Spirit Stones.

If you are unlucky, there will be a lot of mid-grade Spirit Stones in one day.

This is not a small number for low-level practitioners.

Much more than what they earn by working so hard.

And the Yaochi Sacred Land, the ancients, and the Sword Sect of Heaven are the same.

When there were quite a few disciples, they couldn't help but post screenshots of their earnings on the Internet.

Directly caused huge waves in the entire repair Immortal World.

In Xianwang Weibo, countless immortal cultivators were jealous.

"Oh my God, can you really earn Spirit Stones by making short videos? And how much? I heard that there are several female cultivators in Yaochi, and their daily rewards have reached hundreds of top-grade Spirit Stones, which is comparable to that of a Nascent Soul cultivator. need more.

"Not only that, I heard that they can still receive some promotional advertisements. Even if they give Tianyan Sacred Land half of it, they can earn hundreds or even thousands of top-grade Spirit Stones."9

"At first, I thought I would give me a few low-quality Spirit Stones at most, so I didn't care, I didn't expect to miss so many.

"I also shot a video recently, why isn't there a single Spirit Stone in the backstage? Is there a shady scene?"

"Don't think too much, buddy, Tianyan Sacred Land has a lot of money, and it can be said that it is well known to the world. As for hacking you, Spirit Stones? The novice instructions for the short video are clearly written, and there are minimum requirements for videos to participate in the incentive program. , if the requirements are not met, the video cannot be assigned."

"I'm going to make videos, and I'm going to earn Spirit Stones. 99

"Me too! I'm so greedy.

"It's not just you, as far as I know, there are many big forces who are attracted by this interest. They have raised a special hall and plan to shoot short videos to earn Spirit Stones."

no doubt.

The incentive plan of Xianwang short video came out.

The countless immortal cultivators who were immediately attracted were eager to move.

And many immortal cultivators who were hesitating at first were also dazzled by the posts and short videos showing off their earnings, and could no longer calm down.

And it's not just the individual cultivators.

Many families, sects, and even Sacred Land are attracted to the benefits of this short video from Xianwang.

Even made Elder, who specializes in how short videos can attract people.

The preparatory force, intends to enter the short video Realm.


in a very short time.

The number of creators of Xianwang short videos has once again ushered in an explosion...and.