
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

The Holy Master Tianyan Is Too Pitiful!


"Am I the first!"

"The first TV series everyone chooses is Immortal Breaking the Sky. I think this is the best online novel."

"The protagonist is very handsome, he is even better than me.

"Hehe, the trash family is not friendly at all, and even mocks the protagonist. If there is no protagonist, the Xiao family will be wiped out by the other two families in a short time."

"Where is Yaolao? When is Yaolao coming out?"

"I just found a particularly good-looking female cultivator in the crowd, it should be the heroine, right?"

The barrage came crazily.

Zhang Mingxuan glanced at it and felt uncomfortable. These bullet screens affected him from watching TV dramas.

So he immediately turned off the barrage.

Continue to concentrate on watching the TV series Immortal Breaking the Sky.

The plot of the TV series completely follows the original work.

Soon after the protagonist ends, he meets the heroine.

The heroine is young, lively and beautiful.

Zhang Mingxuan who watched was moved and jealous.

The main character is lucky.

He who has read the novel knows that this heroine is the saintess of one of the eight most powerful families in the world.

The status is ridiculously high.

When I read novels before, I only read the beautiful descriptions, but I didn't have a specific concept.

But at this moment, looking at the appearance that appeared in the video.

Zhang Mingxuan was really moved.

The heroine is really good looking.

Soon, with the passage of time, the plot continued to develop.

And soon, the protagonist's marriage partner arrives.

When the other party proposed to withdraw the engagement in public, Zhang Mingxuan couldn't help clenching his hands.

The other party is really bullying people.

And the same goes for the main character.

When the protagonist writes a letter of divorce.

And said the words that spread throughout the world of cultivating immortals: "Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!"

And after making a three-year agreement.

Zhang Mingxuan just felt extremely refreshed.

And when the protagonist returned to his house, a voice suddenly came out of his mind.

Zhang Mingxuan until.

It's Yao Lao in the protagonist's ring who wakes up and is talking to the protagonist.

And the protagonist started the road of rising against the trend only after meeting Yao Lao.

And became a distinguished alchemist.

Zhang Mingxuan continued to look down with great anticipation.

The screen flashes.....

"The first episode of Immortal Breaking the Sky is over!"

Is that how the first episode ended?

why so short

Zhang Mingxuan was looking cool, but was interrupted at this moment, and suddenly became anxious.

He is also looking forward to the plot where the protagonist becomes an alchemist, earns spirit stones, and then goes to the Warcraft Mountains for special training.

You know, when the protagonist was training in the Warcraft Mountains, he met two other heroines, the little doctor and the master of the Yunlan sect.


 Zhang Mingxuan immediately clicked on the next episode.

However, at this moment, a prompt box popped up: "This episode is immortal, only the first episode can be watched for free!"

"Episode 2 requires a pay-to-view."

"The purchase price of the second episode, two high-grade spirit stones!"

"Do you want to buy?"

"Before purchasing, please ensure that there is sufficient balance in Xianwang Cloud QuickPass, otherwise the purchase will fail!"

Want to collect spirit stones?

Seeing this prompt, Zhang was stunned.

To be honest, he was a little reluctant.

He frowned suddenly: "Can't this Xianwang film and television be watched for free like Xianwang novels?"

For Zhang Mingxuan, he is more accepting of advertisements.

But let him down.

Xianwang Movies and Television does not have the option to watch for free.

In fact, before the launch of Xianwang Film and Television.

The elders were also curious about this question.

Why can't we add a free viewing option like Xianwang novels.

Get rich viewers to pay to see it.

Audiences without Lingshi, then watch the advertisement.

Definitely earn more that way.

However, Ye Chen did not accept this proposal, but rejected it.

There is no other reason.

The main reason is the high cost of TV series and movies.

How low does a novel cost?

One chapter of the novel, the author wrote it in half an hour.

But what about TV shows and movies?

Not to mention the long shooting time.

It also requires the efforts of a whole shooting team and editing team.

And there are various actor costs, prop costs and so on.

If you want to pay back by watching advertisements?

If a cultivator wants to watch an episode of a TV series, he must at least watch an advertisement of the same duration.

Otherwise, the family will lose money and make money, and lose money.

Just look at the operation of those video platforms in the previous life.

In the beginning, video platforms relied on advertising to make money.

But it loses money every year.

Because the advertising fee can't cover the cost at all.

and after?

Started to push membership fees, push purchases of TV dramas and other businesses.

Only when the losses became smaller and smaller, and even gradually began to make money.


Movies and novels are different.

Ye Chen doesn't plan to engage in any film and television membership either.

Straightforward, simple and rude.

Except the first episode is free.

For others, you have to pay for one episode of Lingshi after you watch one episode.

save time and energy.

As for Zhang Mingxuan, he was really hesitant at the moment.



There are spirit stones in his fairy net cloud flash payment.

It was during the real-name authentication before, in order to purchase exercises from Xianwang Zangjing Pavilion to recharge.

Zhang Mingxuan was willing to let Zhang Mingxuan use this spirit stone for cultivation.

But let him use it to watch TV shows.

To be honest, he felt a little distressed.

But the plot is now approaching a turning point.

Yao Lao is about to appear.

Zhang Mingxuan couldn't help but feel a little helpless about what happened next.

After hesitating for a moment, I clicked on the value.

"Just watch one episode!"

"Let me see what Elder Yao looks like!"

"By the way, let's see how the protagonist learns alchemy. After the next episode, I won't watch it!"

Zhang Mingxuan made up his mind very seriously, saying that he only watched one episode.

Definitely only watch one episode.

Don't watch any more episodes.

After clicking, the recharge speed is very fast.

It was too late to make Zhang Mingxuan feel bad.

The second episode officially started.

Yao Lao really appeared.

From the protagonist's ring, an illusory figure floated out.

Yao Lao has white hair, but he is immortal, with the temperament of a great man, and he is not aloof from his own holy land.

At a glance, one can feel that the other party is a real expert.

Zhang Mingxuan was very satisfied.

Because the medicine is old, it fits the image of my fantasy all the time.

This TV series that breaks the sky is really well shot.

The actors in it are really in line with the original work.

As the plot develops, the protagonist becomes more and more fascinated.

When I saw that the protagonist failed to refine medicine several times.

Zhang Mingxuan's eyes widened when he started refining medicine for the fifth time...


This time, it should be a success.

But at the end of refining the medicine, it was about to announce whether it was successful or not.

The screen dimmed again.

"The second episode of Immortals Breaking the Sky is over!"

Finished watching again?

Zhang Mingxuan frowned.

The episode of Xian Po Cang Qiong is half an hour long.

How did you finish watching it so quickly?

I didn't feel anything at all.

But at this moment, it is also very refreshing.

Zhang Mingxuan hesitated for a moment, but decided to continue reading.

But Zhang Mingxuan still made up his mind.

Just watch one more episode.

Let's see if the protagonist succeeded in alchemy this time.

By the way, Zhang Mingxuan also wanted to see the scene where the protagonist hides his identity and goes to the auction house to sell medicine.

After all, Yafei, the auctioneer of the auction house described in the book, has a hot figure and a stunning appearance.

He wanted to see if the actress playing Yafei met the standards of the original book.

That's right, just to see if the specs are up to par.

Not a second thought.

Therefore, Zhang Mingxuan immediately wanted to buy the next episode.

But at this moment, he discovered that there are only two episodes of Immortal Breaking the Sky.

There is no next episode at all.

This made Zhang Mingxuan frowned immediately.

its not right.

It is not rumored on the Internet that the filming has been finished.

Why only two episodes?

How is this going?

At this moment, Zhang Mingxuan saw in the introduction: "The first season of Immortal Breaking the Sky, two episodes will be updated every day at 8 pm."

"Stay tuned!"

At this moment, Zhang Mingxuan understood.

The filming of Sui Ran's TV series is over.

But I can't watch it all at once.

Instead, two episodes are updated every day.

how can this be

Obviously the filming has already been finished, but no one is allowed to see it.

People's appetite, this is too modern.

Zhang Mingxuan was extremely dissatisfied with this kind of behavior of Tianyan Holy Land.

However, this daily update request was actually requested by Ye Chen.

After all, Xianwang Film and Television has just been updated.

That's all there is to it.

If the cultivator finishes watching it in one go, the popularity and popularity will plummet.

Therefore, the means of the earth must be used.

Use daily updates to tie down the cultivators.

In this way, wait until the first batch of film and television content is updated.

The second batch of film and television content will be launched.

At that time, it will not only be the film and television content shot by its own shooting team.

There are also film and television content filmed by other forces will also be online.

At that time, the content of Xianwang Film and Television will skyrocket, so there is no need to worry about the popularity of the application falling due to insufficient content.

And there is another benefit of daily updates.

That is, it can bring discussion and topicality, and increase the popularity of the series.

For example, after reading today's update content, the immortal cultivators must have something to say, and they will discuss the future plot, discuss feelings, etc. with other friends on Xianwang Weibo.

Under such discussion.

It will definitely attract more immortals to watch.

As a result, the performance of TV series is getting better and better, and the income is getting higher and higher.


The TV series updated daily are not just Immortals Breaking the Sky.

The same is true for other TV series of Xianwang Film and Television.

This is a pain for all the cultivators.

They watched it very well, but in the end they had to wait until tomorrow to watch it.

It's really hard....

For a while, the discussion of denouncing the daily update spread all over the entire Xianwang Weibo... Nine..