
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

The Du Family Is Furious! The Emperor's Choice...

Before Ye Chen left, she also let Empress Da Zhou not have to worry about the threat from the Du family.

If the emperor of the Du family came, he would naturally take action, confidently suppressing him.

If the Du family emperor does not come.

In the future, he will also take the fairy artifact to Xiyuanzhou to kill the Du family emperor.

So no matter what, the fate of the Du family is doomed.

Just born, has not yet restored the glory of ancient times, and restored the family.

It will usher in destruction again.

Empress Da Zhou was completely relieved when she heard the words.

His clear eyes stared at Ye Chen brightly, full of admiration.

When Ye Chen returned to Tianyan Holy Land.

The first thing is to go back to the cave to find the master.

After all, before the retreat.

Master made a bet with himself again.

Ye Chen really likes Master's expression that he really can't help you.

So look forward to it.

It's a pity that after returning to the cave, Ye Chen was greeted by Master's cold and pretty face.

Ye Chen is so witty.

Obviously understand.

Because the videos of himself and Queen Da Zhou are flying all over the sky.

Master was angry. After the "843" breakthrough, I didn't go to see the master, but ran to kill the champion.

After killing the champion, Hou did not come back.

On the contrary, he stayed in the Great Zhou Dynasty for a long time.

If it were me, I would be angry too.

Nangong Wan was really angry this time.

Even though Ye Chen coaxed him for a long time, he still didn't let go.

And Lin Ke'er was a little anxious at the side.

Because this time, she also made a bet.

Already prepared for nothing.

But at this time, Ye Chen didn't have the heart to fulfill the bet with Lin Ke'er.

This is what Master looks like now.

If he fulfills the bet with Lin Keer again.

It is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire.

There is no way, the sin I made, take your time.

And Lin Keer also understood this, and lingered around Nangongwan all day long, begging Nangongwan to forgive Ye Chen.

And Ye Chen was coaxing Master at the same time.

Also found time to recruit the elders of foreign affairs.

After learning about the business in Ming Wangzhou, I am responding quickly.

After expecting to return to normal in only two or three months, rest assured.

And the three billion high-grade spirit stones raised by the crowdfunding of the major holy places in Mingwang Prefecture.

It has also been delivered as promised.

This put Ye Chen in a particularly good mood.

the following days.

Ye Chen was accompanying Shizun and Lin Keer.

While developing new applications.

After all, breaking through the middle stage of integration.

A full 50 billion high-grade spirit stones are needed.

Even if business resumes.

It will take more than four years to acquire one billion high-grade spirit stones every month.

Therefore, the early release of new applications can also shorten the waiting time as soon as possible.

It's time to break through the middle stage of integration.

After taking the fairy artifact directly to Xiyuanzhou.

Then PHS can also cover Xiyuanzhou.

Make your own income.

Go up another level.

As for how much live streaming apps can earn?

Ye Chen is not sure either.

The income of the live broadcast application is two.

One is the sharing of tipping income.

The second is to advertise live broadcasts.

The tipping revenue share should only account for a small part of the live broadcast revenue.

After all, in the previous life.

Those live broadcast platforms that rely solely on gifts have closed down a lot.

Although it has something to do with competition.

However, the profit sharing of gifts is too low, which must be an important reason.

But the live streaming of goods is outrageous.

All kinds of stars and Internet celebrities in the previous life have ended up one after another.

Even all kinds of large companies are not exempt.

There are even bosses of listed companies who personally bring the goods.

It seems that as long as you stick to the four words "live broadcast with goods", you can earn Lingshi crazily.

Although not everyone can make money with goods.

But this enthusiasm also shows that live streaming is indeed a good business with high profits.


Ye Chen still has some expectations for the benefits that the live broadcast application can bring.

And the live broadcast application in the previous life, of course, cannot be copied mechanically to learn the fairy world.

It will definitely be uncomfortable.

Therefore, some localization improvements must be carried out.

For example, the name of the gift needs to be changed all over again...


The Du Dynasty.

Under the giant peak in the center.

All the senior members of the Du family gathered together, waiting anxiously.

They have all heard the news of the champion Hou's fall.

After all, once the champion Hou died, the soul card located in the Du family would be shattered directly.

This represents the death of the owner of the soul card.

The champion Hou Nai is the second strongest member of the Du family.

He went to Ming Wangzhou but fell.

Naturally, the Du family panicked.

And not long.

General Zuo came to Xiyuanzhou with the PHS sent by the champion Hou Rang.

PHS can be used at hand.

Although you cannot use various functions in the app without authentication.

But it is possible to look at it.


They saw the whole story of Champion Hou's downfall.

They watched the whole process in the short video of Xianwang, playing with their books.

After watching it, everyone's face was filled with only horror.

That day, Holy Lord Yan, was really terrifying.

To suppress Champion Hou so easily, it is still a situation of crossing a small realm.

It's incredible.

With such an existence, I am afraid that the combat power will soon be able to compete with his majesty, right?

And in the short video of Xianwang.

There is also a short video of Lord Tianyan asking General You to speak.

Listen to what the Lord Tianyan said in the video.

The Du family was trembling with anger.

It's all right if you kill my champion Hou of the Du family.

You even asked my Du family to compensate?

My dignified royal family, the Du family.

Compensation for the dead?

Everyone in the Du family said.

They have never suffered such a great humiliation in their life.


Together they came under the giant peak...

It's a pity that His Majesty is in retreat.

They can only wait hard.


in a month.

A mighty voice came from above the giant peak: "You all gathered here, why are you here?"

Everyone immediately bowed down to the giant peak.

Immediately, a prince of the Du family hurriedly spoke.

He also told about the fall of the champion Hou and the request for compensation from the Lord Tianyan.

When his voice fell.

The central giant peak that seemed to be connected to the sun suddenly became quiet.

next moment.

General Zuo's storage ring directly detached from General Zuo's finger, turned into a streamer, and flew to the top of the giant peak.


It is the emperor of the Du family who wants to use Tianyan PHS, check the video.

Everyone looked at the storage ring that flew up, and they were a little bit astonished.

Your Majesty can directly deprive others of their storage rings?

This is really unbelievable.

After all, it can deprive others of the storage ring.

Doesn't it mean that during a war, you can deprive others of their weapons?

This method is extremely against the heavens.

Your Majesty, it really is the same as before.

The strength is improving every day, and it is becoming more and more unfathomable.

When you feel the strength of your majesty again.

The members of the Du family who were terrified before felt much more at ease.

The Lord Yan Sheng was indeed against the sky that day.

But they are the Du family, and His Majesty.

after a long time.

Hurricane's Death, came a sigh.

Obviously lamenting the departure of the champion Hou.

"I already know about it."

"For the death of champion Hou, a state funeral will be held.

"It's a pity that I have reached a critical juncture and cannot go out of the mountain."

"But it's okay, when I break through, I will come to Great Yanzhou."

"Eradicate the Holy Master Tianyan and all the forces related to him completely, and be buried with the champion." 4.0

The emperor of the Du family spoke again, and the voice came loudly.

When everyone in the Du family heard this, they were all disappointed.

They were full of hatred just now.

I thought His Majesty would go down the mountain to kill the Holy Master Tianyan.

But never thought that His Majesty has reached a critical moment.

But everyone soon cheered up.

His Majesty is very likely to break through the Mahayana period within a hundred years.

At that time, control the immortal weapon and truly be invincible in the world of cultivating immortals.

All forces such as Tianyan Holy Lord, Tianyan Holy Land, Yaochi Holy Land, ancient clan, and Shangcang Sword Sect will be easily destroyed.

not only that.

Even other holy places will be shattered and destroyed.

Only in this way, the regiment can appease the anger of my Du family

Thinking of the tragic ending that Holy Lord Yan would face that day, everyone in the Du family felt much better.

Their hope rests entirely with His Majesty.

But at the top of Kyoho.

That voice was always indifferent to the Du family emperor.

In fact, the brow has been tightened.

There is an unbelievable look in the eyes that have been calm for thousands of years...