
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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Sky-High Copyright Fees!

The major forces and the major holy places are all excited about the benefits that the new application can bring.

In the background of Xianwang Film and Television.

There is a page for applying to publish works.

Any work, as long as it passes the review and confirms that there is no problem with the quality, it can release TV dramas and movies.

As for making TV series and movies, do you earn spirit stones?

This is an obvious economic account.

For example, the flick of a finger can cover the sky, the broadcast of the second episode broke 800 million.

In just a few hours today, he earned a full 160,000 high-grade spirit stones.

And that Journey to the West, the broadcast volume exceeded 400 million.

Just today, he earned 200,000 high-grade spirit stones.

And is it expensive to make a TV series?

All the powerful people present here are all wise people.

It can be seen from the screen that although there are sets, people are invited to participate in the performance, and even great talents are invited to release various magical powers.

But how many spirit stones does this cost?

It is already a lot to use tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones.

And that TV series, just one episode, can earn hundreds of thousands of high-grade spirit stones.

Just shoot well.

You can definitely earn spirit stones.

And it's blood money.

In addition to TV dramas, the broadcast income of the movie itself.

There are additional benefits.

That's the fame actors get.

In this day and age, fame is profit.

A TV series can easily make several actors popular.

They can then receive advertisements on Xianwang Weibo and Xianwang short videos.

Live broadcast live on Xianwang with goods.

Some holy places have calculated.

A cultivator with tens of millions of fans can create up to 800,000 high-grade spirit stones in one year.

If fans can exceed 100 million.

That income can reach millions, which is much more than what Lianxu Da can earn.

If you make a TV series, introduce a few actors with many fans.

The profit earned from this point is not even worse than the income of the TV series itself, or even higher.

So at this moment.

The major forces are all moved.

"We can also shoot TV series. Judging from the finished products in Xianwang Film and Television, once they can be released, the income will definitely not be low.

"The overall income of filming TV series will be higher, but filming also has an advantage, that is, the shooting time will be shorter."

"The difficulty of filming TV series is relatively low, but what kind of story should we film? I have to say that the plots of the TV series in Xianwang Film and Television are all wonderful and unconstrained. For example, Journey to the West is very interesting. We can come up with such a story. Interesting story?"

"We can shoot the TV series adaptation of Xianwang's novel first like the flick of the fingers. You can see the number of broadcasts and discussions of the flick of the fingers. It is definitely a bloody TV series.

"Indeed, it is easier to change Xianwang novels, and the risk is smaller. Those Xianwang novels already have a group of readers. If we change them, we will naturally attract more audiences."

"However, I really want to see that the novels of Xianwang novels are not something you can adapt as you want. It seems that you have to spend money to buy some copyrights?"

"Tianyan Holy Land is a bit domineering. I want to spend money to shoot a TV series that is similar to a novel? In the past, only real things could be sold for money in the world of cultivating immortals. But when it comes to the Holy Master, what kind of advertisements and what kind of members are it? Earn spirit stones for everything."

A strong man with a holy land has a fast reaction speed.

The virtues of novel adaptations have been discovered.

However, they are extremely dissatisfied with the so-called copyright fee.

But there is nothing to do.

The Tianyan Holy Land has already said that the ownership of all the novels in Xianwang Novels belongs to the Xianwang Novels application, and the plot of the novels is also part of the copyright.

Use without permission.

Naturally, Tianyan Holy Land would not sit idly by.

Under such circumstances, let alone relying on the fairy net PHS to earn spirit stones, they dare not offend Tianyan Holy Land at all.

Even if you don't take the fairy net PHS to earn Lingshi.

Who dares to offend a top-level power who can control immortal weapons?

The video of the Holy Master rewarding the Du family's palace with a fairy weapon is still popular, and it is on the hot searches from time to time.


Even if they are dissatisfied, everyone can only be ready to pay Lingshi.

And faster.

Quickly find the novel you want to adapt, and then buy the copyright.

After all, it is definitely not just a family that has seen the benefits of Xianwang Film and Television.

But in this situation, it is obviously impossible to come up with original TV series.

Therefore, the eyes of all major forces will inevitably be on Xianwang Novels.

If the copyright you like is bought by others.

That would be a big loss.


The top leaders of the major forces all immediately opened their hearts.

For these great powers, they basically don't read novels.

Few people like novels.

After all, some mighty experiences are even more exciting than those in the books.

But today, they all calmed down and glanced at the fairy net novels.

"The Great King's Forgiveness seems to be good. The plot is very funny. When you watch the story of Journey to the West, many people praised it for making people laugh, and it made people feel happy watching it. Moreover, the number of readers of this Great King's Forgiveness has exceeded 100 million. Adapting it will definitely make a lot of money." a sum."

"I think this strange fairy is not bad. The writing is indeed weird and a bit scary. If you ask a few ghost cultivators to help you display their supernatural powers, you should be able to produce a good TV series.

"...I read a young hero, Ah Bing, in Xianwang Novels before. This type of novel should be able to be filmed, right? Invite a few sisters from the Acacia Sect to shoot it, and it will definitely be popular."

"How about we just shoot this one? Eternal Life, the protagonist is decisive, refining this and refining that, it's very refreshing to watch."

There are already quite a few good novels among Xianwang novels.

It is not difficult to provoke the major forces.

When I saw my favorite novel.

They immediately communicated with Tianyan Holy Land, which is responsible for copyright transactions, through the online copyright transaction service of Tianyan Pavilion.

But in the expression of purchase intention.

After asking the price.

When the other party quoted the copyright price they wanted to buy, they all agreed.

Because of that price, it is too high.

"Eternal Life, the copyright price is 1.5 million high-grade spirit stones."

"Di Ba, the copyright price is one million high-grade spirit stones!"

"Are you asking about the king's life? This book has been very popular recently, with two hundred (Zhao Wang Zhao) ten thousand high-grade spirit stones.

"What, you ask the master? This book is the most popular top book, with three million high-grade spirit stones."

"Perfect World? Perfect World doesn't sell it, we will shoot it ourselves in Tianyan Holy Land!"

When an offer is heard.

Everyone was stunned.

They even suspected that they had heard it wrong.

Just a story.

They were all prepared to be slaughtered before, guessing that they might have to pay hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of high-grade spirit stones.

But they didn't think of Lu.

The price of the copyright of this little novel is unexpectedly so high.

As long as it is a little bit popular, it has been in the top ten books on the sales list.

The copyright fees start at millions.

Tianyan Holy Land, how dare you?

Are you crazy?

All the holy places were choked with anger in the old quarter.

Before the shooting started, how about paying millions of high-grade spirit stones to buy a so-called copyright?

This is completely treating them like pigs.
