
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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Sales List And Monthly Ticket List!

Xianwang novels.

Obviously, it is impossible to rely on these novels produced by Ye Chen to remain popular all the time.

Even if these books are enduring and tried-and-tested top-level online texts on the earth.

But if there are only thirty copies.

There is no doubt about it.

It won't be long.

If Xianwang novels are applied, no one cares about them.

Only Xianwang novels, like Xianwang live broadcasts and Xianwang Duan videos, have enough creators.

to have enough content.

Only then can it continuously attract cultivators to read books.

Stay hot and earn.

Produce a variety of novels that have copyright value and can be sold in the future.


Ye Chen spoke: "How about the number of authors of Xianwang novels?"

Hearing this, the foreign affairs elder shook his head: "Holy Master, although a month has passed."

"But the Xianwang novels are except for the books we uploaded."

"There is only one more novel."

"However, the score of this novel is not bad."

Hearing this, Ye Chen frowned.

Only one novel?

That is, only one author has published the book.

This is a big problem.

Although Xianwang novels are popular.

But it did not attract writers of fiction.

Ye Chen felt a little tricky for a while.

So he asked casually, "Who is the only author?"

The foreign affairs elder immediately had a strange expression on his face, but he still spoke up: "Holy Master, the only author, whose pseudonym is my Shizun Tianxia Wudi!"

"And her real identity is the saintess of Tianyan Holy Land, your disciple Lin Ke'er!"

When Ye Chen heard this, a black line appeared on his head......

Lin Keer really wrote a book?

And soon, when Ye Chen knew the title of the book written by Kerr.

There are more black lines on the head.

"The overbearing master is in love with me!"

This book has been published for a month, and there are already 200,000 copies.

But pretty hot.

Even hotter than most of the women's video novels on Earth that Ye Chen carries.

The number of comments exceeded 100,000.

And in the comments below.

Many of them are speculating about the author's identity.

"The author shouldn't be the saint of Tianyan Holy Land...?"

"I think it is, because the master in the book is also the master of the Holy Land and a supreme genius, and those experiences are too similar to the Tianyan Holy Lord."

"The same is true for the female villains in the book. Although they have different names, they seem to have some similarities with the holy master's Taoist companions, such as the patriarch of a first-class family, the elder of the holy land, and the empress of the dynasty. ...…"

"I'm afraid that only saintesses have the courage to write like this, not afraid of big men like snakes.

"The author, please add more, it's too sweet to read, if I have such a master, I will die without regret."

"That's right, Master dotes on the heroine too much. He went to the edge of the mainland to kill the ancient royal family, and it turned out that it was just because the other emperor said that he wanted to accept the heroine as his concubine..."

Looking at these comments, Ye Chen's face darkened even more.

Resisting to open the text, I took a few glances.

I didn't even see it.

Don't say anything else.

Lin Keer's learning ability is really strong.

Just after reading a few books, I have thoroughly researched the story of Mary Su, the heroine of Earth...


Lin Keer wrote real people into the book.

On the contrary, self-taught without a teacher, directly created the same line of humanity in the world of cultivating immortals.

However, the fanfiction on Earth is basically about female stars and strategies for various female stars.

I didn't expect to come to the world of cultivating immortals.

The one who was attacked in the book turned out to be himself...

Ye Chen clenched his fists.

I feel that this apprentice of my own needs to be educated.

He waved his hand.

Ye Chen said directly: "Seal the book, no, seal her writing account!"

"She writes well, but don't write any more!"

The foreign affairs elder was taken aback when he heard the words, but nodded quickly.

Apparently, appearances also know what's in the book.

So not much to say at all.


Ye Chen temporarily let go of the idea of ​​educating Lin Keer.

Instead, he began to think seriously about how to attract immortal cultivators to write novels.

But just a little thought.

Ye Chen suddenly realized.

There is no need to think of any way at all.

Just touch people's hearts with money and it's over.

Past Earth.

Every year, many young people enter the novel online novel industry.

Let's say they like writing novels and love this industry.

That is obviously unlikely.

Maybe, but not many.

The most important thing is what has appeared in the news.

A certain novelist has an annual income of tens of millions.

The copyright of a book by a certain novelist has sold for sky-high prices and other eye-catching news.

Those who do not understand the web literature industry.

It is precisely because of these eye-catching figures on the news.

to become a novelist.

I dream that I can also earn tens of millions a month and become a great god.

As a result, there are tens of millions of online novel authors.

And in the world of cultivating immortals.

The same can be the case.

You don't even need to do a hot search or something.

As long as Xianwang Novel makes a sales list.

Announce the income of the top ten novels.

I believe it is enough to attract countless cultivators.

Although the income of Xianwang novels is not high.

But that is for Tianyan Holy Land.

The total income of 10 million high-grade spirit stones.

For any holy place in the world of cultivating immortals, it is a huge sum of money.

And even if it is assigned to one of the books.

There are also hundreds of thousands of income.

And it's monthly income.

This kind of monthly income is something that Da Neng can't earn in a year.

And now.

Just write novels, no matter what level of education you have.

Even the immortal cultivators in the Qi refining period.

As long as the novel is well written, you can also earn money.

How could the cultivator not be moved by this?

I'm afraid it won't be too long before there will be a wave of authors.

Although so attracted authors, the quality of the works created is uneven.

But as long as the quantity is large enough, high-quality goods can be produced after all.

Those immortal cultivators who are not suitable will naturally give up.

But the ones that are left are all written that can be recognized by others and can earn Lingshi.

As long as they continue to cultivate in this industry.

What is written is bound to get better and better.

With the wisdom of an immortal cultivator, the novels created in a year or two may easily surpass the novels on earth.


After figuring out a solution. (Zhao Dehao)

Ye Chen spoke directly and told the foreign affairs elders.

At the same time, it also talked about the establishment of the monthly ticket list, the reward list, and the new book list.

Doing so can make it easier for good books to stand out in the sea of ​​books in the future.

When the foreign affairs elder heard the words, he immediately figured out what his Holy Master thought.

Immediately nodded in response, and then went to execute.

The executive power of the foreign affairs elders.

Naturally, there is no need to say much.

Just tonight.

When the cultivator opened the fairy net novel to catch up.

Then I saw that there was an extra banner on the homepage of the bookstore.

"Xianwang Novel Revenue List!"

Look at this sudden extra banner.

Many readers showed curiosity.

Aren't most of these Xianwang novels free to watch?

Those who are willing to spend spirit stones to read novels are probably the only ones with great powers, right?

But how many people are capable?

Therefore, the income of novels is definitely not high.

In this case, how did you come up with an income list?