
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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Peerless Great Array! This is only to kill!

After hearing Ye Chen admit it.

Allure Elder looked extremely complicated.

After she made her breakthrough, she thought she would be the only virtual power in Mingwangzhou, and her heart was surging.

But as soon as he returned, he was attacked continuously.

First, I heard the news that the Golden Crow Elder broke through and was smashed by Ye Chen, which was shocking.

Today I saw with my own eyes - Ye Chen's achievements in refining the virtual.

Ye Chen can kill and refine the emptiness in the spirit-transforming stage.

Now that breakthrough refines the void, how powerful should it be?

This made Qingcheng Elder's heart full of disbelief.

In this world, how can there be such a monster as Ye Chen?

Holy Master Yaochi looked at Ye Chen, his eyes brighter.

In addition to being shocked, Elder Qingcheng showed a smile on his unparalleled face, and his mature voice sounded: "Congratulations to Saint Lord Ye for breaking through and refining the virtual.""

Ye Chen also smiled: "Thank you!"

Qingcheng Elder immediately said: "Since Lord Ye has made a breakthrough, there will be a better solution to the current crisis in Sacred Land that day."

"When I was training in Mingwang Prefecture, I once got an ancient great formation.

"If the four Sacred Land's refining middle stage Power can be dragged into it, it can greatly weaken the opponent's combat power for several hours.

"The Holy Master is so powerful that he can definitely fight one against three."

"And I am also confident that in the big formation, with the power of formation, I can hold one person for a short time."

"If you don't want to kill the enemy, as long as the Holy Master can hurt the opponent, you will have a great chance to repel the enemy and reverse the situation."

Allure Elder increasingly thinks that Ye Chen has a bright future and is worthy of friendship.

She believes that although Ye Chen has made a breakthrough, it is obviously impossible to compete with one against four across Realm!

So give your own advice.

Allure Elder opened his mouth.

The elders of Tianyan Sacred Land are the bright spots.

The formation that can weaken the refining power is called a top-level formation, and it is extremely precious.

Allure Elder is willing to take it out, it is definitely a huge favor.

All the elders of Qingcheng agreed with the suggestion.

This is undoubtedly the safest.

They don't want their holy master to be in danger.

So they all looked at Ye Chen.

And Ye Chen smiled slightly and shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness, Elder Qingcheng.

"But that's too much trouble.

"And I have other things I don't want to wait for them to come."

"So I decided to go to Mingwang Prefecture immediately to resolve this matter as soon as possible."5

When Elder Qingcheng heard the words, his eyes were full of astonishment.

Taking the initiative to go to Mingwangzhou?

Take Ming Wangzhou's strength as an example.

Ye Chen took the initiative to go, and it was no different from seeking a dead end.

Allure Elder thought.

Most of Ye Chen's journey went smoothly, plus the experience of killing enemies several times across the tier.

It made Ye Chen a little confident.

But the problem is, the strength of Mingwangzhou is really not comparable to that of Great Yanzhou.

Not to mention the four retired elders of Sacred Land.

All have strengths beyond their own Realm.

Allure Elder wanted to speak to persuade.

But Lord Yaochi's beautiful voice that can soothe people's hearts sounded from the side: "Ye Chen fellow daoist, you don't need to do this! 35

"Even if you have to fight against the retired elders of the four Sacred Lands with the power of a large formation, it is enough to be called shocking.

"You know, Ye Chen fellow daoist, you have only been cultivating immortals for less than thirty years.

"So don't put yourself in danger by worrying about my opinion."

The voice of the Holy Master Yaochi fell.

The whole place was silent.

Even Nangong Wan couldn't help frowning sideways.

The meaning in the words of the Holy Master of Yaochi.

It seems that Ye Chen went to Mingwangzhou in order to show himself in front of the Holy Master of Yaochi.


Nangong Wan looked at Ye Chen suspiciously.

Could it be that Ye Chen was secretly hooking up with Holy Master Yaochi?

But Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

The Holy Master of Yaochi brought people to help, which made Ye Chen a little moved before.

But the Holy Master of Jade Pool opened his mouth.

Nothing moved.

Going to Mingwang Prefecture by yourself is the decision that best suits your own interests.

But in the mouth of Holy Master Yaochi, it turned out to be because of her that she did her own thing!

This is really outrageous.

Holy Master Yaochi's narcissism is really hopeless.

Ye Chen knew that the Holy Master of Yaochi had a strong brain-boosting ability.

No matter what you say, the other party can make up other meanings.

Completely playing the piano to the cow.

So don't bother to pay attention to her.

He stood up directly, looked around the crowd and said firmly, "The ten elders just selected go ahead and prepare."

"After a quarter of an hour, follow me to Mingwang Prefecture."

The elders nodded immediately.

They each retire, go to explain their affairs, and prepare for departure.

Seeing Ye Chen so determined.

Allure Elder frowned, she hesitated.

But then decided to take a gamble.

Ye Chen is so talented, although he may be proud, he is by no means a fool.

If you dare to go to Mingwangzhou, you must have your own trump card.

Moreover, he also obtained a lost escape method in the ancient ruins.

Can take people to escape.

Ye Chen has a bright future, anyone can see it.

If he could save Ye Chen's life at a critical moment, it would be a great favor.

Therefore, Elder Qingcheng decided to go to Mingwang Prefecture with Ye Chen.

But the Holy Master of Yaochi sighed.

She thought that Ye Chen was really too stubborn.

Mingming said he didn't care, but he still insisted on going to Mingwangzhou just to prove himself.

And the reason why Ye Chen didn't answer himself.

Mostly because he was afraid that he would keep persuading him and affect his Dao heart.

And Ye Chen's master, Nangong Wan, didn't want to take another look at Holy Master Yaochi.

When she was the Holy Master of Tianyan before.

I have had many contacts with the Holy Master of Yaochi.

I am particularly displeased with the behavior of the Holy Master of Yaochi.

After the second beauty selection of Xianwang Weibo starts.

I will definitely be able to take her first place, and see how proud she is.

However, Nangong Wan was thinking about it, but the Holy Master Yaochi came to her and greeted her affectionately: "Sister Nangong, long time no see!"

Nangong Wan was a little stunned to hear that.

This woman, Holy Master Yaochi, actually called herself Sister Nangong?

Is this still the holy master of Yaochi who thinks highly of himself and thinks that the women in heaven and earth are not as good as her?

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

But the other party was kind enough to come to help.

It's not good for Nangong Wan to reject people thousands of miles away.

So lukewarm and flat nod: "It's been a long time indeed."

Holy Master Yaochi felt Nangong Wan's indifference and didn't care at all.

Instead, he took out a sky blue fruit from the storage ring.

The fruit is fragrant, lingering with the mysterious and mysterious breath.

On the peel, countless mysterious patterns can be seen.

It can be seen at a glance that it is not ordinary.

This fruit immediately attracted Nangong Wan's attention.

"This fruit is called Xianzi Guo."

"My mother got it from the ancient ruins, in this world, this fruit has long since disappeared.

"After taking this fruit, not only does it have the magical effect of enhancing the aptitude for immortal cultivation, but for female cultivators, there is also a magical effect that cannot be rejected...

"That is to keep the face and body of the female cultivator young forever. After taking it, the life expectancy is approaching the end, and there will be no signs of aging.

This time, Nangong Wan's eyes lit up.

Even a cultivator cannot stay young forever.

Only according to the lifespan, the corresponding prolongation of youth.

...・ ask for flowers・

That is, the shelf life is longer.

But if there is not much lifespan, aging will come.

Therefore, in the Immortal World, there are not a few old men and women.

And this fairy fruit can make the face and body remain youthful forever.

It's really amazing.

Nangong Wan frowned slightly while her heart moved.

Is this woman here to show off?

But Nangong Wan never thought of it.

At the next moment, the Holy Master of Yaochi sent the fruit to himself with both hands.

"There are three fruits in total."

"My mother and I have each taken one."

"The last one was given to Sister Nangong as a gift. 35

"Because only the peerless appearance is qualified to take this fairy fruit, Nangong sister deserves it. 55

Nangong Wan was startled.

Holy Master Yaochi is possessed by someone?

That's all it takes to give the fairy fruit to himself.

You even boast about your own appearance?

Outrageous, really outrageous.

However, the attraction of fairy fruit is really huge.

Nangong Wan thought of the previous hot searches on Weibo.

I also vaguely guessed that the Holy Master of Yaochi was uncharacteristically, and was ingratiating himself with the reason.

She glanced at Ye Chen and nodded in satisfaction.

As an apprentice, what he received was simply too correct.

From Lin Ke'er to Gu Yunyun, and then to the Holy Master of Yaochi, he directly let himself receive the gift softly.

Although I didn't like Holy Master Yaochi before.

But with her sincere appearance, Nangong Wan still decided to accept Xianguo reluctantly.


The two are called each other by their elder sister Little Sister, like best friends for many years.

Ye Chen watched this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Before his master, he was unhappy with the Holy Master Yaochi.

After receiving the gift, the speed of changing his face is too fast.

Not long after, the elders arrived one after another, making preparations.

Ye Chen got up and wanted to take everyone out.

Nangong Wan naturally followed.

Unexpectedly, the elder Qingcheng also wanted to be with him.

Ye Chen hesitated, but agreed.

And the Holy Master of Yaochi also wants to go together.

Ye Chen naturally didn't want to take her, it was too emotional.

Before Ye Chen could speak, Elder Qingcheng was the first to refuse Holy Master Yaochi to follow.

Going to Mingwangzhou this time is still very risky.

If you bring the Holy Master of Yaochi, many accidents may happen.

Seeing his mother's stern expression, Holy Master Yaochi could only regret to stop.

She looked at Ye Chen, her beautiful eyes flashing.

Mother has returned.

He was finally able to step down from the position of the Holy Master of Yaochi and become a dao companion with Ye Chen.

She had already made up her mind.

After Ye Chen returned from Mingwangzhou, he told Ye Chen the good news.

As for whether Ye Chen can come back?

Thinking back to his mind, Ye Chen's invincible posture during the battle.

The Holy Master of Yaochi firmly believed that Ye Chen would definitely return.

Because of Xianwang Express, Great Yanzhou has a dense transmission array.

After several transfers, in less than half an hour, everyone arrived at the East China Sea.

And when Ye Chen and his party were about to set foot on the interstate teleportation formation.

Ye Chen opened Tianyan PHS and sent out a Weibo.

The reason to go to Mingwangzhou is to kill the chickens and warn the monkeys.

pave the way for future development.

Therefore, it is necessary to make the movement bigger and attract the attention of all the forces in Mingwangzhou.

"Half a day later, the deity descended to Mingwang Prefecture!

"This time comes, only to kill!"

Weibo is short, concise, and murderous.

Without waiting for the reactions of countless immortal cultivators after seeing this Weibo, the Interstate Teleportation Array was lit up.

The figures of Ye Chen and his group disappeared from Yanzhou.