
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Oem Regulations!


The principals of the major forces who were invited all directly accepted the OEM requirements of Tianyan Sacred Land.

For the second- and third-rate forces.

This is a good thing to ask for.

As long as you produce low-quality Magical Items, you can stably get huge income, so why not do it.

The first-class forces are all hesitant in their hearts.

Going to try it first.

If it's not so profitable, or if there are other traps, then don't do it.

However, the elders of the three Sacred Lands were all expressionless.

The OEM that Holy Master Tianyan mentioned was indeed of great benefit.

Even for the three big Sacred Lands, that's not a small amount of money.

But even with more money.

Nor will they accept it.

Both belong to the Sacred Land level.

If you accept the OEM agreement, wouldn't you be doing something for Tianyan Sacred Land?

What a joke.

The Big Four Sacred Land has always been against everyone.

How can you bow your head just because of some money.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to agree.

Ye Chen didn't care about the attitudes of the three Sacred Land Elders.

can understand.

Sacred Land after all!


But don't worry.

In the future, let's see if you bow your head and make money for me as a younger brother of Tianyan Sacred Land!


Ye Chen smiled slightly.

Loudly said: "Since everyone has agreed, then I will tell me the requirements of Tianyan Sacred Land's OEM."

"First, we must ensure that the daily output is more than 50,000 pieces."

It has to be massive.

You can only be a force of three or five thousand coins a day.

Not bothersome enough.

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded.

The people who were invited today were all from the powers that attacked the refiners.

The daily output of 50,000 pieces is easy.

Most of them have the ability to produce hundreds of thousands of pieces per day.

"Second, the craftsmanship and quality of the products must meet the requirements of Tianyan Sacred Land, and there can be no inferior products or cutting corners. The pattern of Tianyan's PHS must be 95% similar to the original. …"

"Otherwise it is inferior quality."

"My Tianyan Sacred Land will often check by lottery. If the chance of finding inferior products exceeds 1 in 10,000, it will directly cancel the OEM qualification and be included in the cooperation blacklist."

The second point is a requirement.

The principals of many forces were nervous.

Low-grade Magical Item is easy to refine.

And the OEM fee is so high.

Many people plan to let those disciples who are just beginning to learn the craftsmanship do the work.

These new disciples are not good enough, and they have a very poor understanding of the engraving of the formation pattern.

There are many problems such as poor communication of Divine Sense and poor injection of Spiritual Qi in their inferior Magical Items.

Originally, I was thinking of letting them use Tianyan PHS to train their hands, and also create benefits for Sect.

Now it seems impossible.

Tianyan Sacred Land has deep pockets.

But obviously it can't be fooled at will.

Looking at the expressions of everyone, Ye Chen said the third requirement: "The last point is that Tianyan Sacred Land provides the main raw material of Tianyan PHS for various foundry forces: Tianyan iron essence has accurate quantitative statistics. ."

"For example, if you are provided with 10,000 copies of iron essence, then you must return 10,000 Tianyan PHS rings to me."

"Even if you scrap the ring, you must hand over the scrap ring, and you can't handle it yourself."

"A few refining wastes do not deduct money."

"But if the quantity is not right, one less Tianyan Iron Essence will be deducted, and one top-grade Spirit Stones will be deducted."

"If it occurs more than three times, the OEM qualification will be directly cancelled, and at the same time, it will be included in the cooperation blacklist of Tianyan Sacred Land."

this requirement.

It is to prevent OEM forces from taking the iron essence provided by Tianyan Sacred Land and secretly buying them outside after creating PHS.

past life.

This kind of thing is not uncommon.

A large part of all kinds of big-name clothes without labels are secretly sold by foundries.

In order to earn more.

So this hole must be blocked in advance.

Many OEM forces heard the words and nodded immediately.

Looking at Ye Chen's eyes, he was quite emotional.

The talent of this young Holy Master is truly amazing.

Cultivation Talent is nothing more than a ride.

The Sect management is also well organized.

Fang Cai, in fact, there are many people in charge of the forces who are already thinking about this matter.

The successful refining is said to be a waste of refining.

After all, 20 low-end Spirit Stones are found.

If you sell it directly, you may have eighty or ninety Spirit Stones.

earn more.

Even if you sell less, you can make more money.

But Ye Chen's request came out.

It directly blocked their small thoughts.


Next, Ye Chen sent a Jade Slip to each of the major forces accepting OEM.

Among them is the standardized refining process engraved with Tianyan PHS.

such as appearance standards.

For example, the standard of the internal pattern, the order of combination and so on.

Everyone has their own refining habit.

Standardizing it and streamlining it can minimize the difference between the refined Tianyan PHS and try to be as unified as possible.

After all, there is no way for this world to industrialize refiners.

The Tianyan PHS that cannot be refined is exactly the same.

Differences can only be minimized by establishing standards and processes.

This kind of repair Immortal World has never had a standard refiner.

It made everyone present with emotion and even learned a lot.

After all, many Sects have standard Magical Item, Spiritual Qi and the like.

If it is like Tianyan Xiaolingtong, various standards are generally formulated.

The refined Magical Item must be more uniform.

Is this Holy Master Tianyan really only a thirty-seven-year-old young man?

they feel.

Ye Chen surpassed them by too much in every way.

Is this genius?

Any Realm can do it to the extreme.

It's really enviable!


It's all over.

After that, the elders are in charge.

According to the production scale of each foundry force, the corresponding amount of Tianyan Iron Essence will be sent every day.

At the same time, the finished product is inspected and received.

The settlement method is the same day settlement.

Ye Chen didn't intend to bring the bad habit of procrastinating accounts in the previous life to the world of immortals.

Ye Chen makes money.

They drink soup.

It's fun.

The meeting finally ended.

The principals of the major forces all rushed back excitedly.

Who would have thought that a trip to Tianyan Sacred Land would receive a big business.

The door must be prepared in advance, and they must be familiar with the refining standards and procedures of Tianyan PHS...

The elder of Yuqing Sacred Land was not in a hurry to leave.

Instead, he looked at Gu Yunyun and said with a smile: "Gu fellow daoist, Yuqing Sacred Land and Guzu are the same way, how about we go back together?"

The ancient cloud rhyme is unparalleled.

Perfect body, bumpy.

There should not be too many people who have a good impression of her and want to form a dao company with her.

And Gu Yunyun smiled and shook her head: "The fellow daoist is polite."

"I still have something to ask Holy Master Tianyan!"

Yuqing Sacred Land Elder nodded freely.

turn away...


At this moment, the elders of Tianyan Sacred Land sent the rest of the guests away.

in the Great Hall.

Only Ye Chen and Gu Yunyun were left, and Gu Xun'er followed behind Gu Yunyun.

Looking at the red robe, the skin is extremely fair.

Gu Yunyun, whose figure is perfect to the extreme, came to him.

Ye Chen was full of emotion.

This face, this body, this skin.

Putting it on the earth in the previous life is definitely the disaster that caused the war.

Perfect to the extreme.

However, if Gu Yunyun can reach the earth in the previous life, it is estimated that no one dares to die.

After all, Nascent Soul's cultivator means, although I dare not say that it can resist nuclear explosions.

But it is easy to dodge and avoid nuclear damage.

The random thoughts in my mind just flashed by.

Ye Chen looked at Gu Yunyun, smiled lightly and said, "Is there something that Gu fellow daoist doesn't understand?"

As for the girl behind Gu Yunyun.

It's also quite beautiful, with a standard first love face, very sweet.

But Ye Chen just glanced at it and ignored it...

Ye Chen still prefers the bigger one!