
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

New Holy Land!

Immortal Artifact.

The most terrifying weapon in the entire Immortal Cultivation World.

After the immortals became extinct, the number of immortal artifacts was completely fixed, and it was impossible to have any more.

In this case.

The opportunity to possess an immortal artifact is just like that.

The leaders of countless major forces only felt their hearts accelerate, and there was an unconcealed possessiveness in their eyes.

Without anyone, the dog refused a fairy artifact.

Because this means that you are invincible, as long as you don't die, no one can pass through the protection of the immortal weapon and kill you.

At the same time, immortal artifacts also represent an immortal inheritance.

The power that possesses immortal weapons, even if it declines, will never be cut off.

Because no one can exterminate the forces with immortal weapons.

So, when Tianya's voice fell.

After the Immortal Artifact Auction officially began.

Even those who were quite self-aware at the beginning and thought that they would definitely not have a chance to compete for Huanyuding.

They couldn't help but speak at this moment.

"I shook the Holy Land and bid fifty million top-grade spirit stones.

"My Beidou Holy Land bid 55 million Shangpin Ling 877 stones."

"I, Ming Yaozong, bid 60 million top-grade spirit stones.

Although each time the price is raised, the minimum limit is one million top-grade spirit stones.

But really bid up.

Immortal cultivators couldn't calm down at all.

The markup is even more unimaginable.

In a very short period of time, the bidding price of the immortal weapon was pushed to the terrifying figure of 90 million top-grade spirit stones.

This number.

The leaders of many forces present were saddened.

It's good that the forces that are already holy places are okay.

It's nothing more than not being able to have a second immortal weapon, so it won't be too uncomfortable.

However, those emerging forces that were not holy places, sect masters and sect masters were all despondent, and they were extremely hopeful.

An opportunity to promote to the Holy Land was just like this in front of them.

But they couldn't grasp it.

Ninety million top-grade spirit stones were far beyond the limit they could come up with.

And most importantly.

The Heavenly Yan Holy Lord still hadn't spoken.

(AEEI) and the Daoist Fang Bai Yu has not yet ended.

Obviously, the real competition has not yet begun.

And in the field.

Many Tianjiao who were brought to the world by their elders.

This rare bidding scene has already been filmed from multiple angles and uploaded to the short video of Xianwang.

This fairy auction.

It had already caused a sensation in the entire Immortal Cultivation World because of the attack on the Tianyan Saint Lord, the mastermind behind the Dao Sect, and the fall of the Styx Daoist.

This also made the immortal cultivation world look forward to this auction that attracted countless major forces.

Now finally ushered in the video, which immediately caused an uproar.

"Oh my God, the starting price is 50 million top-grade spirit stones, which is worthy of being an immortal weapon."

"The Tianxin Sect also bid, 80 million top-grade spirit stones, it can be said that it is smashing pots and selling iron, the Tianxin Sect has two refining void powers, although it is not a holy land, but it has the strength of a holy land, if it can bid for the immortal weapon, Ming Wang Prefecture will have another holy place high above."

"It's a pity that the gap between ordinary forces and the Holy Land is not only inheritance, but also heritage. The Refining Holy Land Heart Instrument Sect directly bid ninety million, and the Heavenly Heart Sect Master looked completely desperate.

"Ninety million top-grade spirit stones, what a terrifying number, I remember that when the Immortal Net Auction House bid for the first time, a longevity pill was auctioned for a high price of 400,000, which has shocked the entire Great Yanzhou, and now the number of 90 million is really unimaginable."

"The most qualified forces such as the Tianyan Holy Land, the Dao Sect, and the Feather Gate have not yet spoken, obviously, this number has not yet reached the end."

Countless immortal cultivators were talking about it under the short video on the scene.


Ninety million top-grade spirit stones are just the beginning.

Before the auction began, many immortal cultivators did not discuss whether the immortal crystal could be auctioned for hundreds of millions.

Now it seems that there is no suspense.

And the real transaction price of the immortal weapon will be beyond everyone's imagination.

And sure enough.

As the Shaking Light Holy Land spoke again.

The auction price of the immortal weapon officially reached 100 million.

After reaching this number.

The Holy Lord of the major forces, Elder Taishang, officially gave up.

This number, even for most holy places, is unbearable.

The Shaking Light Saint Lord shouted a price of 100 million, causing the audience to be quiet for a moment.

But the crowd did not look at the Shaking Light Holy Lord.

Instead, he couldn't help but look at the Dao Sect, where the Holy Land of Tianyan was located.

And sure enough.

Fang Bai Yu calmly spoke: "One hundred and eleven million!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he added 10 million.

The richness of the Taode Sect can be said to be undoubtedly displayed.

As for Takubino, who is in the Feather Gate, although he is really here.

But he didn't speak at the moment.


Immortal weapons are precious to ordinary forces.

But for the holy land that already possessed the immortal weapon, the precious was precious, but it was not to the extent that it had to be possessed.

Yuhuamen did not intend to give all its wealth for the sake of immortal weapons.

Tuo Boye did not make a sound, causing Fang Bai Yu to nod in his heart.

However, he did not let go of his heart, but looked in the direction of the Tianyan Holy Land.

Ye Chen!

This is his real rival in this auction.

And the moment Fang Bai Yu's gaze swept over, Ye Chen noticed something.

His gaze also swept towards each other, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then he spoke faintly: "One hundred and fifty million!"

Ye Chen's voice was flat.

But these fluttering words instantly made everyone present widen their eyes.

One hundred and fifty million?

Direct price increase of 40 million?

The audience was in an uproar at this moment.

And Fang Bai Yu's face was instantly gloomy to the extreme....