
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Master, you don't want to use Spirit Stones!

The foreign affairs elder went to inform the elders to prepare for a meeting.

And Ye Chen flew to Immortal Cave to see Shizun.

There is no Master in Immortal Cave.

Ye Chen Divine Sense swept away and smiled.

Then he flew to the edge of the cliff of the Holy Main Peak.

As far as the eye can see, a beautiful woman is sitting on the edge of a straight cliff.

Her jade-like arms were propped up behind her.

Under the skirt, a pair of slender legs kicked around the edge of the cliff, as if stepping on a cloud.

When entering Sacred Land.

I often feel sad because I miss my relatives in my previous life, and I sit on the edge of the cliff and look at the sea of ​​clouds.

Every time.

The master will sit beside him, hum a tune quietly to himself, and comfort himself.

Think about it now.

It's been a long time since the two of them sat on the cliff together and looked at the clouds.

Ye Chen smiled and sat beside Nangong Wan.

Nangong Wan felt Ye Chen's arrival, and immediately moved to the side instead of sitting with Ye Chen.

In his mouth, he hummed: "Rebel..."

"You deceive your master and destroy your ancestors!""


Looking at Nangong Wan who seemed to be angry.

Ye Chen's eyes were extraordinarily gentle.

Shizun is obviously still angry about what happened before.

Thinking of the embarrassed and angry expression on Hong Tongtong's pretty face after being educated by him, Ye Chen only felt an endless aftertaste.

Feeling Ye Chen's gaze, Nangong Wan's pretty face blushed: "Go away! I don't want you anymore! I want to change my apprentice..."

Ye Chen didn't seem to be able to hear it, facing the sea of ​​clouds, sighed and said: "I have closed door training these days, and finally developed a new function for Xianwang cloud flash payment!

"I originally planned to transfer 200,000 top-grade Spirit Stones to Master, and celebrate together!

"But I didn't expect that when I left the gate, I didn't have a master..."


Hearing Ye Chen's words, Nangong Wan's delicate body suddenly froze.

The beautiful pretty face was struggling, but her body silently moved back to 743 and sat next to Ye Chen again, next to Ye Chen.

Nangong Wan stretched out her hand, touched Ye Chen's head, and said earnestly:

"Okay, okay, Master forgives you!"

"You have grown up, you are no longer the kid who was afraid of heights when you were brought into Sacred Land by your master...

"You should have reached the rebellious period you mentioned by now."

"You are dissatisfied with the choice of dao companion for the intervention of your master, so you reacted violently!"5

"Master doesn't blame you! Master tolerates you!"

"But Shizun is here, and it's all for your own good!"

"As the old saying goes, one day is a teacher and a lifetime is a father, if the teacher respects me as a woman, that's yours.

The more Nangong Wan said it, the more outrageous it became.

Hearing Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

Immediately interrupted Nangong Wan's words: "Master, you have never even been a dao companion, so what kind of person are you here!"

Nangong Wan immediately blushed: "Dao companion is not important, it is mainly about life experience! Master, I know so many immortal cultivators, and I have seen many..."

Seeing the master faltering, he was at a loss.

Ye Chen laughed out loud.

Have fun with Master for a while.

Ye Chen took Nangong Wan to the Great Hall of the Holy Master.

Nangong Wan's face was full of anticipation, and her eyes were shining.

She's clearly not looking forward to new features.

Instead, look forward to new features when they are released.

The 200,000 top-grade Spirit Stones pocket money promised by Ye Chen.

Looking at Master's expectant expression.

For some reason, Ye Chen wanted to say something.

"Master, you don't want to use Spirit Stones in the future, do you?"

But think about it.

Shizun is thin-skinned, if he is too funny.

It is estimated that he would have to hide in Immortal Cave for a whole year.

When Ye Chen and Nangong Wan arrived at the Great Hall of the Holy Master.

The Elders have all arrived.

Seeing the two of them at this moment, they all bowed to greet each other.

Ye Chen sat on the Holy Throne, looked at the foreign affairs elder and said, "How is the Xianwang cloud flash payment recently?""

The foreign affairs elder had long been prepared and immediately reported:

"Return to the Holy Master."

"Now we use Xianwang Cloud QuickPass to settle Spirit Stones for online shop merchants, sellers at Xianwang auction house, and teachers in Xianwang Cloud Classroom.""

"Send Spirit Stones to couriers and sorters using Xianwang Cloud QuickPass. 99

"Even the Spirit Stones benefits of elders, deacons and disciples in Sacred Land are settled with Xianwang Cloud QuickPass.

"It saves a lot of manpower compared to before.

"And most of the cultivators who received Spirit Stones will not withdraw cash immediately, but will put it on the Xianwang cloud flash payment, earn interest or pay directly online!99

"So during this period of time, the deposit in Xianwang Cloud QuickPass has reached 200 million top-grade Spirit Stones!"5

"And it's still growing!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen showed a satisfied smile.

very good!

Ye Chen hopes that all immortal cultivators in the Immortal World can deposit Spirit Stones into the Immortal Network Cloud QuickPass.

Although most of them will not move those deposits.

But if there is an emergency.

If you need to upgrade your Realm, but you don't have enough Spirit Stones.

Then these Spirit Stones that exist in their own homes can be used by themselves for emergencies.

This is the main reason why Ye Chen insisted on repairing Immortal World and engaging in online payment.

For Ye Chen who owns the Krypton Gold Immortal Ascension system.

The existence of Spirit Stones here is equivalent to own trump card.

Of course, not necessary.

Ye Chen would definitely not use these Spirit Stones.

If you use too much.

Cultivators cannot withdraw Spirit Stones.

That would usher in a crumbling reputation.

Trust is something that is hard to build, but especially easy to break.

Without waiting for Ye Chen to speak again.

The foreign affairs elder took the initiative to report the status of the lottery.

Speaking of lottery tickets, the foreign affairs elder was very excited.

"Holy Lord, the lottery ticket sales are unexpected!

"A total of ten lottery tickets have been sold so far.

"Our income has reached 3 million top-grade Spirit Stones!"

"On an average day, the lottery brings us 300,000 top-quality Spirit Stones in profits."5

"The more Spirit Stones there are in the prize pool, the more enthusiastic cultivators will be to buy lottery tickets!

"Especially the tenth issue, which sold four billion bets directly!"

The words of the foreign affairs elder caused all the elders to widen their eyes in surprise.

An average of 300,000 top-grade Spirit Stones a day?


It's outrageous!

Xianwang Taobao line is so popular, one day (cfca) is only 100,000 top-grade Spirit Stones.

The daily income of lottery tickets directly reached three times that of Xianwang Taobao.

It's amazing.

And Ye Chen frowned when he heard the lottery income figures.

Ye Chen originally thought that.

Low-level practitioners have insufficient spending power.

It would be nice to keep the daily income of the lottery at the top 200,000 Spirit Stones.

But he never thought that it would directly reach 300,000.

Ye Chen thought carefully.

Lottery sales are so high.

Of course there are reasons why practitioners are gambling.

But the most important reason is that low-level practitioners are richer than before.

The cloud classroom of Xianwang appeared, popularizing all kinds of cultivation knowledge.

Let the average strength of low-level practitioners skyrocket.

Ways to earn income are more diverse.

Xianwang Express has 3 million courier positions.

This led to the ascending of the salary level of low-level practitioners in Greater Yanzhou.

The emergence of online shopping has allowed low-level practitioners to save a lot of Spirit Stones.

For less Spirit Stones than before, you can buy more affordable Medicine Pills and weapons.

The speed of increasing strength has become faster than before.

under various factors.

As a result, for more than a year, the lower-level practitioners in Greater Yanzhou have earned more and more money.

So it's not surprising that the lottery ticket sales exceeded its expectations!

But most of them don't last long.

Wait for the heat of the early stage to pass.

Eventually it will slowly drop to 200,000!

Ye Chen looked around at the elders and said seriously: "Lottery is a long-term business!"

"As long as there are no scandals, it can continue forever and continuously create benefits for my Tianyan Sacred Land.

"So up and down Tianyan Sacred Land, no one can make a crooked idea about the prize money in the prize pool!

"Sacred Land is not stingy with the elders.

"If there are Elders who are short of Spirit Stones, you can also ask me for help. I don't think I am a stingy person."

"You elders can buy lottery tickets.""

"But if someone relies on their status to influence the lottery process and manipulate the lottery results, I will not be polite! 35

Hear what Ye Chen said.

The elders hurriedly nodded.

The benefits of their own Sacred Land are high.

Let them only need to complete the task of the Holy Master with peace of mind, and then they can get rich offerings.

There are also a variety of more and more comprehensive benefits.

In this situation.

No one wants to go far and greedy for Spirit Stones in the prize pool.

That is to die.

Seeing the elders' reactions, Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction.

His expression softened: "Do you elders have anything else to report? 35

Hearing this, the foreign affairs elder said, "Holy Lord, since the introduction of the random instant discount function, the online payment rate of Xianwang Taobao Store has increased to 95%."5

And a Nascent Soul middle stage Elder on the other side also said: "Holy Lord!

"The Acacia Sect Leader said he wanted to work with us.

"Hopefully we can launch an ordering app!"

"Transmit all the information and photos of the female nuns of the Hehuan Sect to this app, and cultivators can directly view the information, photos and prices of each nun through the app.""

"If you find someone you like, you can make an appointment directly and go to Hehuanfang to find the female nun who made the appointment."

"You can also ask the cultivator to set the address and make an appointment for the female cultivator to come to the door!"

"Of course, the door-to-door price is higher."

"And the address must be in the fairy city, it may not be safe if it is too remote.

"If the immortal cultivator's bid is high enough, he can even make an appointment for female cultivators from other immortal cities to come over to serve, of course, the immortal cultivator needs to pay the round-trip fee and triple the service fee.

"Hehuan Sect Sect Leader said that Tianyan Sacred Land can directly get 30% of the transactions facilitated by this application."9

When the Elder's voice fell, the audience fell silent...

All the elders were shocked.

But many male elders showed their longing.

Select people by application?

Directly ask the female nuns of the Hehuan Sect to come to Immortal Cave?

Think a little exciting.

Even Ye Chen himself was shocked by this idea!

Acacia Sect Leader is really a talent.

Even thought of attracting customers through the Internet.

And even door-to-door and even airborne services have come out.

This kind of thinking is quite advanced in the practice of Immortal World.

I have to say, this app is quite promising.

It can definitely be sought after by countless male cultivators.

But his own dignified Sacred Land, engaged in the business of pimping.

It's really down.

What's more, Master Nangong Wan was full of disgust.

Master has always disliked the Sect Leader of the Acacia Sect.

If you cooperate with each other.

It is estimated that the master can ignore himself for a year.

So Ye Chen waved his hand: 66...99