
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Is There Such A Monster In The World?

Two months.

For the power of the fusion period, it is fleeting.

Champion Hou, who is sitting upright, has a purple dragon python hovering around his body.

Endless divine light circulates like a god.

Suddenly, beside the ear, there was a bright bell.

Champion Hou opened his eyes, and the purple dragon python slowly dissipated and merged into Champion Hou's body.


The champion Hou took one step from the top of the mountain and descended to the bottom of the giant peak.

"Meet the champion!"

"Your Majesty has already left the customs, and I have summoned you, the champion, to go to the Palace of the Emperor!"

A guard in golden armor appeared and saluted immediately.

Champion Hou nodded, and flew towards the giant peak.

There is a big sun on the top of Jufeng.

If a cultivator sees it, he will definitely exclaim.

This is not a real big sun, but a round of top-level Taoist artifacts sacrificed with countless precious materials.

The great sun radiates infinite golden light, bathing the entire peak, looking majestic and domineering, coming head-on.

And on top of the peak.

There is no "Four Five Three" hall in the palace.

There was only one man wearing a golden royal robe sitting alone on the ground.

The man is already middle-aged.

His face is heroic, seemingly ordinary, but he has the feeling of being back to basics and not angry.

The man sensed the arrival of the champion and opened his eyes slightly.

In an instant, the heaven and the earth seemed to tremble slightly because of the man's eyes opening.

An aura of calmness and prestige swept over.

It seemed that everything in the world should be surrendered in front of men.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Seeing the man, even the champion, immediately lowered his head.

The middle-aged man in front of him was officially the White Emperor of the Cheng family dynasty.

This person is actually the nephew of Champion Hou.

But born evildoer.

At only three thousand years old, he achieved the late stage of fusion.

Shock the past and shine the present.

Now it is already trying to break through to a higher level.

The strength is even more unfathomable.

Even the champion Hou in the middle stage of the fusion can't see through the opponent at all.

Every time I see it, I feel awe from the bottom of my heart.

But Champion Hou was not jealous, but looked forward to it.

I have this emperor at home.

Who will return to the center of the fairy world in the future?

Just didn't expect it.

Ming Wangzhou was already so weak.

My previous low-key and forbearance seemed a bit wasted.

"The clan uncle is here, why is it so important?"

The emperor raised his eyes slightly and asked calmly.

Champion Hou immediately told all the information obtained from the memory of the ancestor of the Heart Tool Sect.

"Ming Wangzhou is weak, and the strongest one is only in the late stage of refining Xu."

"However, the strongest person in Ming Wangzhou, Ye Chen, the Holy Master of Tianyan, is extraordinarily monstrous."

"It is said that it has only been a hundred years of cultivation so far, but it has broken through the late stage of Void Refining."

"It was not long ago that he crossed the great realm and beheaded the venerable of the fusion stage of Tao Dezong.

"I have carefully observed the battle in my memory, and it is indeed unbelievable."

"This person's solid foundation is unbelievable, and he has amazing supernatural powers, and his talent is extremely high. I guess this person may already have the combat power in the middle stage of fusion."

Mentioning Ye Chen, the Holy Lord of Tianyan, even the champion, couldn't help being amazed.

And heard the life of Ye Chen told by Champion Hou.

Even the emperor of the Du family, who had always looked calm, had waves in his eyes.

"Being less than a hundred years old, achieving the late stage of the refining cycle? It is indeed incredible."

"And it's only in the late stage of Void Refining, but it can actually have the combat power in the middle stage of Fusion? I can't even imagine it."

"In today's world of cultivating immortals, which is declining day by day, it is unimaginable that such evildoers that never appeared in the ancient times of immortality can appear.

Emperor Du's family was also shocked by Ye Chen's talent.

He broke through the late stage of fusion in three thousand years.

Even in Immortal Ancient, he can be regarded as a top-level evildoer.

I understand better how terrifying the speed of Ye Chen's century-old breakthrough to the late refining stage is.

This is no longer explained by the word talent.

The champion Hou bowed and continued to speak: "And the most surprising thing about the Holy Master Tianyan is not just his cultivation talent."

"Holy Lord Tianyan created a fetish from scratch... Tianxing PHS.

The emperor of the Du family raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words: "What is this?"

Champion Hou explained: "This object is a magic weapon that can communicate.

"Even if two immortal cultivators are hundreds of millions of miles apart, they can still communicate with each other at will.

"And there are all kinds of magical applications in it."

"For example, the Xianwang Auction House. In Mingwangzhou and Dayanzhou, there are no offline auction houses. Everything is auctioned in the Xianwang Auction House. Immortal cultivators in the entire world of cultivating immortals can participate in the auction anywhere. "

"After the auction is completed, you only need to be in the cave, and someone can send the treasure."

"There is also a fairy net cloud classroom."

"The top powerhouses in the entire world of cultivating immortals give lectures on it. And low-level cultivators only need to spend a little spirit stone to listen to those peerless powers explaining the way of cultivating immortals.

"Xianwang Cloud QuickPass is even more magical."

"Cultivators don't even need to bring spirit stones with them when they go out, they can be traded with a single thought.

"But the most miraculous one still belongs to the Pavilion of the Immortal Net Tibetan Scriptures."

"That day, Holy Lord Yan used means to make all the immortal cultivators and forces in Mingwangzhou and Dayanzhou prefectures upload all the secret books and supernatural powers of the exercises to the officials of the Buddhist scriptures on the fairy net."

"There are countless top-level exercises, and there are everything that one expects to find. It is countless times more than my Dadu Dynasty's Library Pavilion..."

"And any immortal cultivator, as long as he can afford the spirit stone, can download the exercises and practice..."

Champion Hou slowly talked about the functions of PHS that he learned from his memory, yearning for it.

And the emperor of the Du family listened, and his eyes showed disbelief.

"There are such gods in the world?"

In particular, the Immortal Net Cloud Classroom and the Immortal Net Sutra Pavilion allow every immortal cultivator to have the opportunity to be taught by the top experts and practice the most suitable skills for them.

"The chances of becoming a strong player have greatly increased."

"If things go on like this, wouldn't it be possible for Mingwang Prefecture and Great Yanzhou to recover their ancient glory?"

Emperor Du's family frowned.

As an emperor, he didn't just focus on cultivation.

Other apps are amazing though.

But these two apps can give countless immortal cultivators more opportunities to become stronger.

This is a good thing for the two states.

But for the Du family, it was by no means a big deal.

After all, the Du family most wanted to do something.

That is, one day, he will return to Mingwangzhou and enter the center of the immortal world.

The stronger Ming Wangzhou was, the greater the challenge for the Du family.

Moreover, the Du family worked hard to weaken the holy lands in Xiyuanzhou.

The purpose is for one family to dominate and control the resources of the entire world of cultivating immortals.

Cultivate too many strong people, wouldn't it be an antique resource with the Du family.

"Holy Lord Yan Tian, ​​what a monster!"

"The Tianyan Xiaolingtong is even more miraculous, and my Du family holds it in my hands, which will definitely make my Du family's rule more stable.

"However, those applications that can cultivate strong people must be given away."

"That Xianwang 3.6 Cangjing Pavilion should only be read by members of my Du family."

"In this world, it is the best thing for my Du family to have strong people."

Emperor Du's pupils were as deep as the universe, flowing through the stars, and he spoke calmly.

The champion Hou Wenyan also showed a trace of fanaticism in his eyes: "Your Majesty is right!"

"When my Du family sweeps Ming Wangzhou again, all immortal roads other than my Du family must be cut off."

"In this world, only my family is qualified to cultivate immortals."

"Other people also cultivate the way of immortality, but it's a waste of resources! And if they have the strength, they will definitely regain their ambitions and resist my Du family."

"Instead of this, it's better to be a mortal forever and be enslaved by my Du family!"

The two talked quietly.

But if the content of the words is spread, it will definitely shock the entire world of cultivating immortals.

The Du family actually wanted to cut off the road of cultivating immortals outside the Du family.

This is even worse than back then.

It is amazing!.