
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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Insurance and Lottery! Prepare for breakthrough!

Ten million a month?

Billions a year!

After calculating this number, Ye Chen couldn't help smacking his tongue.

I will only earn more and more Spirit Stones in the future.

If we continue to develop like this, after one or two hundred years, will I directly hollow out the entire Immortal World?

But after thinking about it, Ye Chen felt that it was not at all.

Repair the vast Immortal World.

There are five continents alone.

If you just earn more top-grade Spirit Stones, you will definitely not hollow out the Spirit Stones in the entire cultivation world.

However, if you break through once now, you will consume thousands of top-grade Spirit Stones.

It will grow exponentially later.

According to the urine of the system, if you want Immortal Ascension, it is possible to consume several billions.

Repair the Spirit Stones of Immortal World and reduce it so much at once.

It is estimated that the value of Spirit Stones will rise a lot at that time.

But with one's own power, certainly not to consume Spirit Stones into luxury goods.

Unless you have Immortal Ascension, you will still be stuck in this world.

So don't worry too much for now.

"not bad!"

"Xianwang Taobao line has been online these days, have you found any problems?"

Ye Chen was very satisfied with the income of Xianwang Taobao Store, and looked at the foreign affairs Elder.

The foreign affairs elder pondered for a while after hearing the words: "The feedback is very good in all aspects.

"The only thing that has been criticized a lot is the issue of returns!"

"You already have to pay for shipping!"

"If you are not satisfied with the product and want to return it, you will have to pay for the courier fee yourself. Many immortal cultivators are quite critical about this.

Hearing this, Ye Chen nodded.

This is indeed the biggest problem with online shopping.

After all, online shopping can not see the goods in person.

No matter how detailed the photo is, it is not as real as seeing it with your own eyes.

Therefore, if you are worried that you don't like the purchased product, you will have to pay for the return.

It is estimated that many cultivators will hesitate when placing an order.

If it is not resolved, it will still have some impact on the business of Xianwang Taobao.


It is not impossible to solve.

After I told Lin Keer about free shipping.

The Lin family will definitely try free shipping.

There is the Lin family who started this, as long as the sales of the Lin family rise.

Most online shop merchants will certainly follow suit.

Also started free shipping.

After all, Xianwang Taobao only takes 10% of the profit, and most of the merchants' profits are higher than the original store.

Paying a courier fee is nothing at all.

Therefore, free shipping will definitely become the norm like online shopping in previous lives.

And you only need to solve the shipping problem of the return.

After thinking for a while, Ye Chen's mouth twitched: "Then make a return insurance! 35

"Return insurance?"

Hearing this, all the elders showed confusion.

what is this?

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "Return insurance is an insurance service!

"When customers place an order, they only need to spend one-tenth of the courier fee to buy a return insurance."

"And the meaning of return insurance is that if the customer needs to return the goods, Xianwang Express will send it back for free!""

"Customers do not need to pay additional postage for returns. 35

Listen to Ye Chen's introduction.

The elders of Tianyan Sacred Land were even more confused.

Can it still be so?

Just, isn't this a benefit?

You only need to spend one-tenth of the shipping cost to buy return insurance, and you can return it for free.

Even the cost of express delivery can't be recovered.

"The return insurance that the Holy Master said should be to dispel the hesitation of customers by subsidizing the return fee.

"Xianwang Taobao's income is so high, it's a good idea to spend some money to subsidize the return cost!"

"Maybe it can make more people place orders and make more money!

The foreign affairs elder pondered, thinking that he had figured it out.

When the elders heard that, they nodded in agreement.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "Freight insurance can really dispel the hesitation of customers and make more customers place orders."


"We do not need to pay for freight insurance, on the contrary, freight insurance is also profitable. 99

Hearing this, the elders were stunned.

Not only does this freight insurance not pay for it?

Still making money?

how can that be?

They all looked at Ye Chen curiously, trying to figure out what was going on.

Watching the elders wonder what the baby looks like.

Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

Repairing Immortal World, obviously there is no concept of insurance.

Therefore, the elders simply do not understand the logic of making money in insurance.

Ye Chen snapped his fingers, and his voice was crisp: "First of all, do you think all cultivators who buy online will return it?"

The elders shook their heads immediately.

The foreign affairs elder even said, "The return rate of Xianwang Express is one thousandth!"

When the foreign affairs elder said it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He seemed to understand, and hurriedly said: "Not everyone will return it, but one thousandth!"

"That is, we charge a thousand returns for insurance and only need to process one return.

"The cost of ten return insurance is enough for the courier fee for one return.

"The remaining 990 pieces of return insurance money, we are all pure profit!""

"Holy Lord, isn't that so?"

At the end, he looked at Ye Chen with bright eyes.

Ye Chen nodded and shook his head again: "The logic of making money for return insurance is what the foreign affairs elder said."

"But profit margins won't be that high."

"After all, not everyone buys return insurance."

"But for the return insurance sold, only one out of ten people returns, so we don't lose money!

"If 20 people only have one return, then we earn 10 freight insurance.

"If 30 people have one return, we make 20, and so on! 35

The return rate of 1/1000 of Xianwang Taobao line is far lower than 6% of the earth's online shopping platform.

But this is normal.

On the online shopping platform of the earth, fake goods and false propaganda are rampant, as well as ps photo technology.

Consumers get the goods and find that the photos are too different.

A high return rate is normal.

However, Xianwang Taobao has severely punished counterfeit goods and false propaganda.

Plus there are no pictures to beautify this kind of thing.

The most authentic pictures and descriptions of the products that the cultivators saw in the Taobao store on Xian.com.

The return rate is naturally lower.

Therefore, freight insurance is a profitable business.

It's just a matter of earning more and less.

All the elders were shocked when they heard the end.

Can you still make so much money?

How does it feel to do nothing?

Just make money?

Like a white wolf with empty gloves?

And not only make money.

Shipping insurance can also dispel the hesitation of consumers and make orders more smoothly.

Let the profit of its own fairy net Taobao store become higher.

And Xianwang Express is also its own.

Only pay for labor and delivery costs.

So earn more.

The Holy Master of his own randomly came up with a return insurance.

There are so many benefits.

It's just outrageous.

The elders looked at their holy master as if they were looking at immortals.

There are too many strange things in the head of the Holy Master.

Every day can bring them a different shock.

Looking at the expressions of the elders, Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

But the proposal of freight insurance also opened Ye Chen's mind.

Internet insurance can be done in the future.

The profit margins of insurance companies are also ridiculously high!

.....for flowers...

It's all a win-win deal.

Of course, Ye Chen will definitely not sell any accident insurance in the repairing Immortal World.

Repair Immortal World is so messy.

If you come up with an accident insurance, it will be a real benefit.

Except for insurance.

You can also play lottery tickets!

Lottery, this is the real profiteering...

Ye Chen has a good conscience, and the cultivator earns half of the lottery money.

If you are a little dark, you can operate directly in the dark.

The entire prize pool is owned.

It's okay to post some fake news on your own Xianwang Weibo platform and make a hot search.

For example, a certain Rogue Cultivators, bought a lottery ticket and won the first prize, earned 100,000 top-grade Spirit Stones, and so on.

Countless cultivators who are absolutely exciting are begging to send Spirit Stones...

But the black heart is all greedy.

Ye Chen also disdains to do this kind of thing, it's too immoral and loses weight.

However, insurance and lottery tickets are both sure-fire businesses.

It can be included in the development plan.

After the network payment is developed, we will do it well.

Business is over.

Ye Chen announced the meeting.

In the past few days, Ye Chen will come up with the return insurance function.

Then you can wait for the Spirit Stones to get together and start the next perfect breakthrough.

Ye Chen is looking forward to the breakthrough middle stage.

On the one hand, Ye Chen wanted to see if new visions could emerge from the sea of ​​consciousness after breakthrough.

on the other hand.

The effects of the Nine Secrets are all powerful and terrifying.

Ye Chen is quite curious about which of the nine secrets will he get when he breaks through next time?

The secret of the word, the secret of healing, as long as you don't die, the flesh and bones of life and death are no problem.

It can be said to be the second life.

You can also heal others.

And all the characters are secret, and there is a certain chance that ten times the combat power will erupt, which is even more terrifying.

If you have all the characters are secret.

Own combat power will grow to an unimaginable level.

It is the law of heaven and earth in the refining period.

You might even be able to smash it with one punch!

Ye Chen left happily.

The elders did not leave, but gathered together in twos and threes.

There is still talk about return insurance as a novel product.

Return insurance for this empty glove White Wolf.

The impact on them was too great.


The head of the Lin family and the elders all had smiles on their faces.

Relying on Lin Ke'er's relationship.

Their hot search ads are already lined up and will be available next Monday.

Definitely a good thing.

However, everyone was hesitant about the free shipping mentioned by their daughter.

Wouldn't the free shipping make less money?

They were really unhappy.


Without the postage, it won't attract a lot of people, will it?

The head of the Lin family hesitated for a long time, but he still made up his mind: "Since the Holy Master Tianyan said it, let's try it!"

"Anyway, the profits of Medicine Pill sold in the online store are higher than before.

"It's still worth paying for the postage.

"But you can't just free postage.

"In the nearby Great Indian City and the like, buy two Medicine Pills at a time and get free shipping.

"The further you go, the more you have to buy. 35

"Buyers of Snow Crystal City and Fire City must buy more than 20 pills to get free shipping. The shipping fee is so expensive. If you buy one Medicine Pill and free shipping, we will lose money!

The head of the Lin family thought very comprehensively.

All the elders of the Lin family nodded, and the settings were soon completed in the backstage of the online store.

Also added the word free shipping before the product name.

However, the senior officials of the Lin family did not take it too seriously.

They still care more about the performance of the ad after a week.

the next day.

When the head of the Lin family habitually opened the backstage of the online store to check yesterday's order.

His eyes widened suddenly...