
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Immortal Network Map Incentive Plan!

This moment.

All the cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals were really shocked.

They really didn't expect it.

A map application that sounds ordinary~.

There are so many incredible functions.

They really want to know how the brain of the Lord Tianyan grows.

Can think of so many great features for a Maps app.

The immortal cultivator then looked down.

Paid Uncharted Maps.

Immortal cultivators can upload secret maps.

Other cultivators can purchase it for a fee.

The uploader can get half of the Lingshi.

This function makes the eyes of immortal cultivators shine.

Many immortal cultivators who have been to the secret realm and recorded the map of the secret realm are all moved by it.

And most of the immortals who don't have a map.

I also look forward to the possibility of buying a map of the secret realm in the future, so that the exploration of the secret realm will be smoother.

There are also internal maps of major forces.

The big force that opened the service.

The inner disciples can use the navigation function inside to easily find various buildings and locations in the sect.

This is also a function that the disciples of the major forces look forward to.

After all, the sect is too big.

It's really not that easy to find a place.

If the map inside the Zongmen is also clearly visible, you can also use the navigation function.

That is simply not too convenient.

The disciples of all major forces are looking forward to their sect being able to spend some spirit stones, upload internal maps, and open this function!


There are also some small functions.

No watch is required.

But all the cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals are extremely satisfied.

If so, before the release of the Xianwang map.

They only have one thing to say about the fairy net map.

Now, satisfaction has directly risen to full value.

This Xianwang map relies on the navigation function and scoring function.

Definitely one of the most satisfying apps out there.

After all, this map of the Immortal Network is really closely related to the lives of immortal cultivators.

When you are away from home, relying on the navigation function can be safer and save your life.

You can also rely on the scoring system.

Screen whether offline stores are black stores.

This directly made the immortal cultivator leave the previous mode of trying luck.

The benefits brought to the cultivators, and because of sleeplessness!

And see the end of the function introduction.

The faces of the people changed.

"Xianwang map is a paid application."

"Non-paying users can only use the most basic map functions, cannot search, cannot use navigation functions, cannot view store ratings, and all advanced functions such as scoring stores."

"Paying users can use all the functions of Xianwang map."

"The membership fee for the Immortal Network map is ten low-grade spirit stones per month, and immortal practitioners can activate automatic renewal.

"The new application of Xianwang map will give away three-day experience members."

"It will be automatically canceled after three days. If you need to purchase a membership, you can pay for it in the personal center."

See here.

All the cultivators were a little surprised.

This Xianwang map is actually a paid application?

If you don't pay Lingshi, you can only use the most basic functions.

Although the map data of Xianwang map is already incredibly accurate.

But the most attractive function of Xianwang map is the navigation and scoring function.

It would be a great pity if these two functions could not be used.

However, a group of immortal cultivators can understand the matter of charging.

After all, just such a complete map would cost tens of thousands of spirit stones in the past, which may not be available for purchase.

Not to mention there are other blockbuster features.

For such a perfect application, it is actually very normal to pay some spirit stones to use it.

Ten low-grade spirit stones a month are not expensive.

After opening for a year, there is only one middle-grade spirit stone.

This bit of spirit stone is really just a drop in the bucket for cultivators at the foundation-building stage and above.

Spend so much Lingshi.

You can enjoy such perfect functions.

Simply great value!

Therefore, many immortal cultivators even became members without hesitation for a few years, or even decades.

But the gap between the rich and the poor in the world of cultivating immortals is actually bigger than imagined.

After all, ninety-five percent of the cultivators are in the Qi refining stage.

For many immortal cultivators in the Qi refining period.

The expenditure of ten low-grade spirit stones a month is not a small amount.

So this member function.

Many immortal cultivators in the Qi refining stage who were still in ecstasy just now froze.

But it's really hard for them to speak ill of Tianyan Holy Land.

After all, Tianyan Holy Land has given them the opportunity to prostitute such a detailed map for free.

If you are not satisfied, it will appear too greedy.

It's just that it's a pity that I can't use the search, navigation and comment functions.

And many black shop owners saw this charging item, and their eyes lit up.

Ten low-grade spirit stones a month.

There will definitely be many immortal cultivators in the qi refining period who can't afford to open it.

If you can't afford membership, you can't check the store's rating.

That also means that you will not find out that your home is a black shop.

Although those who can't afford membership are mostly poor ghosts.

But even a poor ghost can squeeze out some oil and water!

The black shop owner rekindled hope.

On the fairy net.

At this moment, many immortal cultivators in the Qi refining period are sighing: "Hey, ten low-grade spirit stones a month is really too expensive, almost half of my income, and I am not willing to use it to open a membership."

"That's true, but the Holy Master is already very good. He gave us such a perfect map for free, and we should be content!"

"It's a pity that I still can't close the black shop. After all, if I don't open members, I can't even open the store details."

"It's still poor after all!"

It is quite regrettable that countless immortal cultivators in the Qi refining period feel sorry for themselves.

But at this moment.

There is a dynamic message: "Stop moaning here, haven't you looked at the back? Although we can't afford membership, we can complete the task and get the reward membership of Tianyan Holy Land.

"And this rewards members and can be resold."

"In other words, we can not only use members, but also earn spirit stones!"

See this dynamic.

The eyes of countless immortal cultivators in the Qi refining period widened.

Is there such a good thing?

Immediately, they looked at the membership function that they hadn't finished reading just now.

Below, there is indeed an introduction.

"Xianwang map has added a new map improvement incentive plan!"

"If a cultivator finds that there is a discrepancy between the real world of cultivating immortals and the world of cultivating immortals on the map, they can upload the video directly.

"After confirming that the information is correct."

"Tianyan Holy Land will reward the corresponding membership period according to the importance of the information."

"For example, a store closes and a new store opens."

"Upload the closing information of the old store and the name information of the new store, and members will be rewarded for five days."

"For example, if a certain faction relocates and uploads updated information, it can get members ranging from one to three months."

"For example, if a mountain collapses, after uploading the update information, you can get

"At the same time, it's not just that information about terrain changes can be uploaded.

"The rest of the information can also be uploaded."

"For example, a terrifying monster suddenly appeared in a certain mountain range."

"There are great powers fighting in a certain area, and it's best to avoid them.

"Poisonous smog appeared in a certain area..."

"A treasure was born in a certain area..."

"There is a secret realm opening in a certain area..."

"After the information is verified, you can get rewards."

"The number of distance rewards will be subject to the actual arrival."

"Reward members can be sold to others at a 20% discount in the membership period trading area.

"Reward member privileges are exactly the same as full member privileges."

"All the rules of this Immortal Network Map Incentive Improvement Plan are formulated by Tianyan Holy Land.

"All interpretation rights belong to Tianyan Holy Land!"

When you see the end.

The eyes of countless immortal cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage instantly widened and flashed with light...

The map of Xianwang is actually like a short video of Xianwang.

Also have an incentive program?

This is really unexpected!