
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Holy Master Taixuan! Coming!

Immortal cultivators present.

Although they are all like juniors, they are extremely respectful in front of Ye Chen.

But in fact, they are all much older than Ye Chen.

Four or five hundred years old there is.

There are also two or three hundred years old.

In Dayanzhou, after all.

Most of the monks who can achieve the Yuan Infant are four or five hundred years old.

They have all personally experienced the era of the fairy of the city overpowering the entire Great Yanzhou.

So to speak.

Although there were no hundred ~ beauties selected back then.

But the fairy of the falling city is definitely the first beauty recognized in the minds of all immortal cultivators.

And in the past few years, the reason why the Holy Lord of Yaochi was able to be elected as the first beauty.

In addition to his peerless appearance, a large part of the reason is that he saw the shadow of the fairy in the city on the body of the Holy Lord of Yaochi.

It is conceivable that the status of the fairy in the city in the minds of these male cultivators.

And at the moment, what did they hear?

Goddess in their minds.

He actually offered to marry the Tianyan Holy Lord?

And most importantly.

The Tianyan Holy Lord seems to have refused before?


It's incredible.

At this moment, countless male cultivators were sad.

But the saddest thing.

It should be the Taixuan Holy Lord.

He just felt his heart move.

As a result, he was ruthlessly shattered by Ye Chen.

This feeling is really painful.

Most importantly, the Holy Lord of Yaochi fell in love with Ye Chen.

Now the Fairy of the Fallen City is also devoted to Ye Chen.

Doesn't that mean that Ye Chen may become intimate with both women?

Think of the special identity of the two women.

And high status.

Being able to have two women around is definitely a good thing that all immortal cultivators dare not dream of.

And now.

Ye Chen actually wants to get it?

At this moment, the Taixuan Holy Lord was completely self-contained.


It really hurts!

The fairy of the city is dressed in a cyan long dress, which sets off the perfect figure with a graceful posture.

The beautiful face looked at Ye Chen with a smile.

I don't care about the expressions of the people around me.

The fairy of the city is a woman with a strong heart.

She never thinks of her in the world of accidents.

Do what you want. Say what you want to say.

Perhaps it is this kind of character that makes her the figure forgotten in the hearts of countless male cultivators.

She was just curious at the moment.

What kind of expression will Ye Chen have after learning the secret of the inheritance of Yaochi Holy Land?

So not surprising at all, Taguchi asked.

And Ye Chen didn't expect the fairy to be so free.

But Ye Chen is not a twisted nature.

Hearing this, he smiled faintly, looked at the fairy of the falling city and said frankly: "I really know that the immortal cultivation world has such a magical inheritance method."

"As for what I think in my heart, to say that I have no regrets is definitely false."

"But if you want to say that you regret it, you won't do it!"

"Emotional things, I can't force it, I prefer to follow the fate!"

Ye Chen's answer was slightly unexpected by the fairy of the city.

She thought Ye Chen might regret it, but was embarrassed to say.

It is also speculated that Ye Chen may refuse directly for the sake of face.

There is also the possibility that Ye Chen will directly promise himself.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen was so frank.

But there is no sense of gain or loss.

It's all about it.

This made the fairy of the city appreciate Ye Chen more and more.

The corners of her mouth were also hooked, and there was a smile on her face, and the national color was fragrant, and she said: "In that case, then everything will follow."

"Ye Chen Daoist must be going to the Duan family land to participate in this immortal auction, how about we go together? Let me take a closer look at the scene of the richest man in the immortal cultivation world throwing thousands of dollars at the auction. "

Ye Chen also smiled when he heard this.

Naturally will not refuse.

Next, the two chatted casually, waiting for the teleportation array to open.

And the surrounding immortal cultivators, their eyes completely widened.

Facing the invitation of beauties such as the fairy of the falling city to become a Taoist couple.

In exchange for them, they definitely can't wait to agree, for fear of missing the beauty later.

It turned out to be Ye Chen.

Instead of directly agreeing, he came to a sentence that everything was followed?


It's outrageous.

Could it be that this is the realm of a genius like Ye Chen?

The unattainable goddess in their eyes is just ordinary in Ye Chen's eyes.

People are more than people, it's really angry.

And the Taixuan Holy Lord has completely closed himself at this moment.

He didn't even want to go to the Duan family to see the market.

Although the auction of immortal artifacts is rare in the world.

But seeing Ye Chen makes him uncomfortable!

He really didn't want to be in a space with Ye Chen.

Because it's so uncomfortable, it's always yourself who is unlucky.

But just as he hesitated to turn around and leave.

The teleportation array is turned on.

Interstate teleportation arrays can only open one channel at a time.

Therefore, only when the cultivators in the teleportation array reach their destination can they teleport again.

And now, finally, it's come.

The teleportation array lit up with white light, and Ye Chen was naturally the first to board the teleportation platform.

And the Falling City Fairy followed.

After the elders of the two holy places of Tianyan Holy Land and Yaochi Holy Land all boarded the teleportation platform.

The strong people of its and the forces have stepped onto the teleportation platform one after another.

The Taixuan Saint Lord hesitated, but still boarded the teleportation platform.

But far away from Ye Chen, out of sight and out of mind.

But he still had some hurt in his heart.

Originally, he was worried that Ye Chen would take action against him after seeing him.

After all, I took the initiative to find Ye Chen so much trouble.

But just met.

Ye Chen's gaze didn't linger on him for a moment.

As if he were just a nobody.

This disregard.

Let the Taixuan Holy Lord be even more hurt...

"One day, I will surpass you!"

The humiliation in his heart made the Taixuan Holy Lord clench his fists, and his fighting spirit was rekindled in his heart.

And at the same time.

The teleportation burst of light flickered.

Officially launched!

And in Mingwangzhou.

An old man with white hair sat quietly cross-legged not far from the interstate teleportation array.

He was obviously sitting there, but many cultivators who came down from the teleportation array turned a blind eye to him, as if they couldn't see him at all.

Accompanied by the old PHS vibrated slightly.

The Styx Daoist checked the information received in his mind, his eyelids raised slightly, revealing Gujing Wubo's pupils: "Tianyan Holy Lord, is it finally coming?"