
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Generous Standard-Setting Team!

The six skills of cultivating immortals.

Since ancient times, there has been no clear boundary division.

That is, certain top figures are honored as masters in this field.

As for the master down, there is no specific level.

Immortal cultivators from all over the world, even cultivators from different sects, have different opinions.

And the standards vary.

For example, in some places, successfully refining a elixir is considered a beginner.

Refining a foundation-building elixir is considered proficient in something.

However, in some places, there are corresponding requirements for the effect of the refined medicine pills before they can be considered as beginners.

That's why.

It is because the division of grades does not make much sense.

The world of cultivating immortals has always been a society of acquaintances.

Daoist friends, brothers, masters and apprentices know each other's general level, and that's enough.

So grades are not really necessary.

But now it's different.

Because of the appearance of Xianwang.

Immortal cultivators in the entire "Nine Seven Seven" immortal world can communicate with each other.

In a sense, this breaks the relationship chain of acquaintance society.

It is precisely because of this.

There are so many disputes about the level of the six skills of cultivating immortals in the Immortal Net Mission Hall.

You say you are proficient.

But in the perception of the other party, you can only be regarded as an introduction.

Therefore, I think you are falsely reporting and exaggerating your own information.

The employer said he was looking for a top alchemist.

You think you are a top alchemist.

Turned out to screw up the mission...

This is the problem that there is no uniform standard.

If there is a unified judging standard, the rating system.

The levels of all the immortal cultivators who practiced the six skills of immortality were divided in detail.

Employers can clearly state their requirements.

And immortal cultivators can also clearly know their own level.

Thus breaking the information gap.

In this case, disputes will inevitably be greatly reduced.

And what I have to do is to set a clear classification for the six skills of cultivating immortals, and formulate a unified standard for the entire world of cultivating immortals.

At the same time, a testing agency will also be launched.

Let the cultivators take the test.

Just like the CET-4 and CET-6 exams in the previous life, IELTS TOEFL English, or exams like teacher certificate, lawyer certificate, etc.

Passing the corresponding exams will result in the corresponding level of certification.

And if it didn't pass, it would naturally be declared a failure.

Wait for the next test!

"Since there is no standard, let me, Tianyan Holy Land, confirm a standard!"

"Let me grade the six skills of cultivating immortals!"

"Whether it's alchemy, weapon refining, or talisman formation, they are all divided into nine grades."

"From the ninth grade to the first grade, and so on!"

"At the same time, our Tianyan Pavilion has also added a doctor for the examination of grades.

"Cultivators can come to the exam, as long as they pass, they can get the corresponding grade!"

"And the grade obtained after passing the exam will be automatically uploaded to the personal profile page of Xianwang Mission Hall."

Ye Chen slowly talked about the solution he thought of.

Hearing this, all the elders present couldn't help squinting their eyes.

In order to cultivate the six skills of immortality, there are clear levels?

And still need a test?

Pass the exam to get the corresponding grade.

Doing so can indeed provide a unified standard.

Employers can formulate and recruit immortal cultivators suitable for their tasks according to their grades.

As for the immortal cultivators, they have the level certified by Tianyan Holy Land.

Even if alchemy fails, it can only be said to be a lot of luck.

After all, even a grandmaster cannot be 100% successful.

Thereby reducing task disputes.

Still, isn't that a little too much trouble?

Although Xianwang Mission Hall can bring in a lot of income every month.

But it is not an easy task to establish levels for the six skills of cultivating immortals.

Undoubtedly, the makers must have a good understanding of the six skills of cultivating immortals in order to divide them into levels reasonably.

Secondly, the family is also responsible for the exam.

The carrying capacity of Tianyan Pavilion in various places is already close to the limit.

If the examination business is added, the number of people must be increased.

The cost will inevitably increase.

However, such a great effort was spent only to reduce the number of disputes in the task of cultivating the six skills of immortality.

To be honest, some are not worth it.

After all, the task of cultivating the six skills of immortality only accounts for about 10% of all the tasks in the Immortal Net Mission Hall.

Even if you give up similar tasks.

It doesn't have much impact on the family either.

The foreign affairs elder hesitated and said, "Holy Master's proposal is indeed very reasonable."

"But the difficulty is not low!"

"The first is to formulate the division and rules of each level."

"It's not an easy thing to do."

"My Tianyan Holy Land is not good at the six skills of cultivating immortals, and the levels divided by the elders may not satisfy the entire world of cultivating immortals.

"If the rules formulated are not perfect, most of them will not accept them for cultivators."

What the foreign affairs elder said is indeed a very important issue.

Setting standards has never been an easy task...

If there are problems and full of loopholes, it is impossible for anyone to accept this standard.

It will directly become a joke.

However, Ye Chen had already considered this point.

Immediately smiled and said: "No problem!"

"Go and invite the elders who are the top elders related to the Six Immortal Cultivation Skills in the major holy places."

"Assemble the rulemaking team."

"The grading standards for each skill set the team, and each team needs at least one mu.

"And the members of the standard-setting team must be recognized masters, and it is best to have masters from all regions."

"After all, the habits of alchemy and tool refining in different regions may be different."

"The standards we set must be compatible with all the cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals."

"And with so many masters communicating with each other, they must be able to come up with a convincing and satisfactory standard."

Ye Chen has never felt that he is omnipotent.

Not to mention laymen guiding experts.

So there is no intention to set standards by yourself.

Instead, invite people directly.

Since it is to set standards for the six skills of cultivating immortals.

It is natural to invite masters in related fields.

The masters of the world of cultivating immortals are not those bricks called beasts on earth.

They are all recognized as having a level of existence.

Standards that they carefully come up with.

It must be satisfactory.

Hear what my lord said.

The elders all nodded, this is indeed a good way.

Invite the masters of the entire cultivation world to set the standard.

The grading standard that comes out must be convincing.

But please move the master, not a small sum of money in 2.6.

To cultivate the six skills of immortality, each skill requires a team of hundreds of masters.

That adds up to six hundred people.

That's a lot of money.

And when the standards are made, they will be responsible for the examination and rating.

This will also involve a huge amount of manpower.

to be honest.

Having detailed grading is actually good for the world of cultivating immortals.

It can promote the development of the six skills of cultivating immortals, and it can also promote the level of related cultivators.

But for his own Tianyan Holy Land, there is no benefit at all.

Instead, a lot of manpower and material resources were invested.

It is completely free to contribute to the world of cultivating immortals.

To be honest, this is not the style of my Holy Master!

My own Holy Master has always put money-making as the first priority.

Could it be that his family's income is too high now.

There are too many spirit stones to spend, so the Lord changed his mind and planned to use the earned spirit stones to give back to the entire world of cultivating immortals?