
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Fairy Net Entertainment Project!

Tianyan Holy Land.

During this period of time, Ye Chen was very leisurely.

Compared with the huge project when making map applications before.

The development of live broadcast applications is extremely simple.

After all, the previous Xianwang cloud classroom is similar to the live broadcast software.

Many places can be moved directly to use.

Of course.

There are still many differences in live broadcast applications.

For example, to add a reward function.

Secondly, the function of live streaming with goods is also very necessary. It needs to be connected with Xianwang Taobao, so that viewers can place orders directly from the live broadcast room.

Finally, there are some paid live broadcast features.

Although for most anchors, the more viewers, the better.

This can bring fame, which can eventually be exchanged for money.

But there are still some anchors, whose fields are not suitable for cashing in on fame.

So you can start paid live broadcast.

Viewers need to pay to watch.

For example, some special content.

All kinds of bold gameplay and the like.

After all, there is no one-size-fits-all in the world of cultivating immortals.

After the grading system is published.

Anything can be played.

An application platform that can broadcast anything undoubtedly has a huge history of attraction.

The loneliness of those live broadcast platforms in the previous life.

It has a lot to do with various kinds of suppression.

This can't be broadcast, that can't be broadcast.

The appeal to the audience is naturally limited.

As a result, the audience is getting fewer and fewer, the income is getting lower and lower, and eventually it goes bankrupt.

However, the Xianwang live broadcast that I am currently developing will not be like this.


It can be said.

As long as the cultivators want to see it, they can see it on it.

Naturally, it can attract countless viewers to use.

However, these functions still need to be improved.

So it can't be published yet.

And these days.

In addition to developing and perfecting the live broadcast application of Xianwang, Ye Chen

It is to study the Sutra of Immortality.

In addition to this, it is to accompany the master Nangong Wan and the apprentice Lin Ke'er.

Master Nangong Wan has long since stopped being angry.

But the bet is just not fulfilled.

But Master did not carry out the bet.

Lin Ke'er, the disciple and grandson, naturally couldn't be the first.

I am in a hurry every day.

Ye Chen is not in a hurry.

After all, immortal cultivators have a long lifespan, and many things can be experienced slowly.

Results matter.

But the process is equally wonderful.

It's better to go slowly.

So when Ye Chen had nothing to do, he would retell his master about the fantasy and fairy tales of his previous life.

Many plots are actually not very reliable.

But after Ye Chen localized it, it is even more exciting than the original.

"This anti-inflammatory, it really has perseverance."

"But at the end of the day, it still has the top bloodline and origin in the world of cultivating immortals."

"What does this mean, the cultivation of immortals really comes first with blood aptitude.

"An ordinary cultivator's counterattack is a lie."

"If you don't have enough bloodline qualifications, no matter how many powerful souls teach you, no matter how many adventures you have, you will not be able to climb to the top."

After listening to Ye Chen tell the story of the Douqi world after localization.

Master Nangong Wan was quite emotional.

And Lin Keer looked at Ye Chen with admiration: "That anti-inflammatory is indeed very powerful, with great perseverance and strong aptitude.

"But compared with you, master, it's still far behind."

And Nangong Wan then commented:

"Also, I don't really like the way he develops feelings for several women in the story."

"For example, Queen Medusa, he actually got Queen Medusa in this way..."

"You came up with this story, shouldn't it...

As he spoke, Nangong cast a suspicious look at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was immediately happy when he heard this...

With my own strength and status, can I use this?

To be honest, it was Empress Da Zhou, the number one female cultivator in the world of cultivating immortals, who took the initiative to sacrifice herself.

If he hadn't revealed his heart, he would probably have been rejected by Ye Chen.

How is it possible to take medicine?

Seeing Ye Chen's shy look, Nangong understood.

Ye Chen rolled her eyes coquettishly: "Rebel!"

But Lin Ke'er was quite interested in these stories, and she held Ye Chen's arm: "Master, this story is so interesting." It was much more interesting than what I read when I was young.

"Master, the story of the Beidou star field, the Eucharist, and the Son of the Fluctuating Light that you mentioned last time is only halfway through, why don't you continue?"

"I think Master, you should make an app and post these stories, and it will definitely become popular."

Ye Chen immediately smiled when he heard this.

There are also scriptures in the world of cultivating immortals.

But most of them are travelogue type.

It's not that there are no fantasy types, but most of them are all kinds of adventures and become immortals.

The whole is too plain, without any ups and downs, and pretending to slap in the face is naturally meaningless.

That's why the two girls are so interested in Ye Chen's online novels.


Ye Chen really plans to make a novel app in the future.

Some novels from the previous life were localized and published in the application.

For example, the world of vindictiveness, dancing the universe, covering the sky with a flick of a finger, is one of the perfect worlds.

As for whether cultivators are willing to read novels about cultivating immortals?

This is not a problem at all.

After all, on earth.

The most popular and profitable novels are all urban novels.

Earthlings love to read urban novels because they have a strong sense of substitution.

As for those cultivating immortals, they will naturally love cultivating immortals novels.

Many immortal cultivators who have no hope of immortality and are bored will definitely write after reading it.

Thus creating a new field in the world of cultivating immortals.

Of course.

The profitability of online novel applications must be very average.

Definitely not as good as other apps.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Ye Chen needs more and more spirit stones for a perfect breakthrough, so he certainly won't dislike himself for earning more.


The novel app is just a starting point.

After that, a huge entertainment market can be created in the world of cultivating immortals.

For example, develop a video app.

Movies, TV shows and the like are played on it.

The reason why these are on the agenda.

It is because there are more and more applications of Xianwang.

There are fewer and fewer functional (Qianqianzhao) applications suitable for release.

Many functions are not suitable for a separate app, because the earning is too little.

For example, the paid question-and-answer function proposed by many immortals.

This feature is useful though.

It will also bring some income.

But the income will not be too high, it is not worth Ye Chen's time to make a new application for this alone.

It can be added to the circle of Xianwang Weibo application in the next update.

In short tiger.

There are fewer and fewer functional applications that are suitable for the world of cultivating immortals and can make a lot of money.

But Ye Chen's demand for spirit stones is getting higher and higher.

So after finishing the functional application.

You can start to get involved in entertainment.

The world of cultivating immortals has always focused on cultivation.

So in terms of culture and entertainment, it is not rich.

If we can create an entertainment industry.

Definitely a lot to do.

After all, engaging in the cultural industry in the world of cultivating immortals has many advantages that the earth does not have...