
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Can You Still Play Like This?

Taoist Kong Ming's words are not without reason.

Saying it at this moment made all the elders realize what they had neglected before.

It is indeed as Taoist Kong Ming said.

Exploring ruins is inherently dangerous.

There may be ancient killing arrays in the ruins, and there may be various vicious spirit beasts.

If you can't work together to deal with it, you have to be wary of each other.

The casualty rate would be even higher.

Thinking about it this way, it is better to find friends by yourself, or choose your own companions.

At least I can feel more at ease.

However, although the elders agreed in their hearts.

But he didn't nod.

After all, this is the new application of the Lord.

To refute at this moment, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of the Holy Master.

Now they have just taken refuge in Tianyan Holy Land, and they don't know much about Tianyan Holy Lord.

If it annoyed the Holy Master, it would not be worth the loss.

And Taoist Kong Ming dared to say that, and he also had his own picture book.

He is an existence in the mid-stage of "Second Five Three" of Lianxu. Although he is a casual cultivator, he also has a great reputation in Mingwang Prefecture.

Being one of the top ten experts is the best proof of his strength.

So he wasn't too worried.

If the Lord Tianyan was really angry because he pointed out the problem.

That can only show that the structure of the Tianyan Holy Lord is too small.

Such a holy master may be able to have a moment of glory.

But the future is bound to boom and bust.

If it is really targeted because of this, then there is no need for the Lord Tianyan to target.

Will take the initiative to leave.

Such a holy place, it doesn't matter if you don't wait.

Taoist Kong Ming pointed out the problem so bluntly.

There was no trace of anger on Ye Chen's face.

Instead, he smiled and looked at Taoist Kong Ming: "The deputy suzerain is right."

"If the Immortal Net Mission Hall only acts as an intermediary, such problems will indeed arise.

"In this case, the safety of the immortal cultivators will not be guaranteed."

"But the problem is that Xianwang Mission Hall does not just act as an intermediary.

"While acting as an intermediary, the Xianwang Mission Hall will also restrain both parties and protect the power of both parties."


Taoist Kong Ming was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

He had thought that he would receive the Holy Master's rebuttal.

But he never thought that the Holy Master agreed with his question.

And Yiyi had thought of this problem a long time ago and made a response.

Bind both parties?

Guarantee the rights of both parties?

How to bind?

How to guarantee?

Taoist Kong Ming was quite curious for a while.

The same goes for the rest of the elders.

Does this Immortal Net Mission Hall have functions that they have not guessed?

Everyone was looking at the young Holy Master above the Holy Throne.

Want to know this Holy Master, what idea is beyond their expectations.

Ye Chen, on the other hand, looked at Taoist Kong Ming with a flat face and asked, "Deputy suzerain, you must have experienced many similar relic explorations in your life.

"The companions who explore may be their own friends, or their friends' friends, and there are also some famous and powerful people."

"This may not be considered as knowing the bottom line, but it is already familiar."

"The deputy suzerain, tell me, even if this is the case, after entering the ruins and discovering treasures, has there been any internal strife?"

Hearing this, Taoist Kong Ming frowned slightly.

He is a casual cultivator.

Naturally, this kind of exploration of the ruins should not be done.

Some have been discovered by themselves, and some have been invited.

As for the probability of infighting?

To be honest, even if everyone has various relationships with each other, they are closer than ordinary cultivators.

But once a priceless treasure appears in the ruins.

The probability of internal strife is simply not too high.

Let alone friends.

Even if they are biological brothers, they may turn against each other.

After all, Xianlu is in a word.

Therefore, it is difficult for anyone to remain calm in front of Treasure.

Back then, Taoist Kong Ming was attacked by his sworn elder brother in a relic.

If it wasn't for the chance and coincidence that he succeeded in counter-killing, he might have already fallen.

Therefore, even the companions found in the circle of friends are not completely reliable.

Taoist Kong Ming did not lie, and nodded seriously: "It is indeed not very stable. Once the treasure exceeds the expected range, the probability of internal strife is indeed very high."

"But the problem is that exploring the ruins with friends is already so dangerous."

"Wouldn't it be more dangerous to explore with strangers?"

Hearing this, Ye Chen shook his head: "No!"

"The team formed through the Immortal Net Mission Hall will not be more dangerous, on the contrary, it will be safer than the team formed by acquaintances."

Taoist Kong Ming disagreed with Ye Chen's words.

But he didn't open his mouth, and quietly listened to the Holy Master's words.

But Ye Chen only paused for a moment, and then continued to speak: "In the Xianwang Mission Hall, it seems that anyone can post missions, but in fact, there are thresholds.

"That is to send the task rewards in advance to Tianyan Holy Land for safekeeping through Xianwang's flash payment..0"

"And if it's a task like teaming up to explore the ruins."

"The initiator and the immortal cultivator who accept the task must both pay the same amount of huge deposits.

"After the mission starts, the immortal cultivator can open the recording system in the mission hall, and automatically record the mission process in real time through the Immortal Network Photo Stone.

"If the PHS realizes that the immortal cultivator died during the mission, or the PHS is destroyed.

"The recorded video of the mission process will be sent to the background of Tianyan Holy Land at the last moment."

"All immortal cultivators who post or accept missions in the Immortal Net Mission Hall will be required to do so. Once a participant dies during a mission, Tianyan Holy Land has the right to retrieve images of the mission process to confirm the identity of the immortal cultivators. Is it normal to die."

"If it is a normal death, and there is no compensation clause, Tianyan Holy Land will not intervene.

"But if it is found that the immortal cultivator died abnormally, he will be killed by his teammates."

"The team of immortal cultivators and accomplices who killed the killer will be deducted from the security deposit as a pension, and the use of PHS as a punishment will be forbidden for eternity.

"In serious cases, Tianyan Holy Land will even carry out a hunt."

"And if there is any dispute during the mission."

"You can also upload a video and apply for a ruling from Tianyan Holy Land.

"For example, the mission stated that the spoils should be shared equally, but one of them relied on his own strength to coerce the other immortal cultivators to give up the spoils, thus taking all the spoils for himself.

"Then the rest of the team members can submit an arbitration to Tianyan Holy Land in a safe place." 4.5

"After the Tianyan Holy Land confirms the authenticity of the matter through the video, it will deduct all the deposits of the immortal cultivator and compensate several others "and ask the immortal cultivator to take out the part of the spoils that should be shared equally."

"If the other party rejects the request of the Tianyan Holy Land, the Tianyan Holy Land will ban the other party's use authority, and hunt down the other party by itself, or issue a reward task to hunt down the other party."

"As soon as this kind of regulation comes out."

"I think, whether it is the immortal cultivator who issued the mission or the immortal cultivator who received the mission, they should be at ease?"

Ye Chen spoke quietly.

The hall became more and more quiet.

All the elders' eyes widened involuntarily.

The Immortal Net Mission Hall that the Lord said.

Follow the mission hall they are familiar with.

Except for the same name, other places are simply not the same.

Mission hall, how can you still play like this?