
In the hentai world, I tried a second life(Stopped update and Rewrite)

What happens when you're enjoying your daily doujin, you get electrocuted by your own computer, how sad is that? No, that's ridiculous and stupid. Being lonely in the real world, I was sent to this new world. But do I have to start a new life again? Let's just enjoy it, who knows if it's fun? ================ English is not my native language, remember. If the words are unclear or jumbled. Please understand, I provided some 6-digit codes, I did not take parody but the original work of the winged letter N, thank you for your attention. Rewrite again, check other Fan-fic that has Mifuyu Cover. i will update sauce there and please read description on there

Shaywalloppp · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Work integrity
















169754(Part 1)

170203(Part 2)

171918(Part 3)




































We went to the first company, Banking.

All the banks welcomed us and I explained the job prospects and banking rules in terms of work, Even the bank directorate itself was confused why I knew about this.

I then explained about honesty in financial arrangements and where the economy goes depending on the region and how to get customers according to the conditions of the community where the bank is located.

The directorate of the bank was immediately shocked and asked me about this, because it was important for the banking process.

I didn't answer because this is privacy, this also includes the community's financial honesty. I didn't want to divulge the results of their hard work, I knew this with Suchan's banking reports and the eyes of truth.

Suchan fortunately kept her mouth shut about me, until the next meeting I will show you who I am.

All my students just laughed at this directorate behavior, I glared at them to shut up.

They gave me the thumbs up code, and wanted a snack, I gave them the fist code.

Then we went into textile companies and food companies, then heavy to light industrial companies.

Then telecommunication companies and mass media companies, From movies to radio.

All the company people were getting dizzy when I knew all their ins and outs, some were even willing to give up their directorships to me.

I refused because I owned the rights to their company, and then the show was over.

We finished it in just 1 month and 15 days, the mayor was surprised because it was so fast.

His children said this trip was exciting because I controlled everything and their experience and understanding of the scope of work was very broad based on my explanation.

"Mr. Adam, I didn't expect you to complete this outside of my plan. If I have a new project, I look forward to you participating" I just nodded, because the eyes of truth gave me information, that the governor began to glance at me. In the sense of curiosity, not sexual.

But my gut feeling says it must be sexual because the governor is now a woman, sigh.

Government pussy here we go.

"Fine, but next time take the time to get closer to your kids, they need you. Because I'm sure your work will be done with the help of my advice" The mayor was excited and thanked me, I saluted him.

All these students went home, my train was still here, I contacted Suchan to send this train to the Japanese Railway Company.

Suchan came and brought the demon girl with her, I followed them and arrived at the company.

They were surprised by the design of this train which was similar to the one we brought just now.

"The boss wants this train to be used for the public, the boss said he doesn't want to take a single yen from the proceeds of this train, he just wants this girl to be the driver" The demon girl was happy that she got a permanent job here.

The company agreed and made a proposal, I signed it secretly and officially this train is ready to operate.

The fastest train in Japan that can fly on its own track.

Yes, More money for my fiance not me, My money was this.

I saw the Demon girl's smile and happy tears, that was the pay I deserved.

Suchan and I went home, telling her the expressions of all the companies I visited. She laughed because it was good entertainment.

I went back to teaching as usual, but there was something special today, a visit from my parents.

They arrived with their whole families, what are they all here for?

All my students are embarrassed because this is the determination of how they learn.

"Morning, Welcome to my class ladies and gentlemen. Since your children are already proficient in academy material, here I teach practical knowledge" I explain all my knowledge one by one, this is just re-learning, all my students immediately demonstrate everything perfectly and well.

Then the practical knowledge of the work they will do in detail, even some parents don't know their children have this talent.

After finishing explaining we had a question and answer session, they asked about the development of other sciences, especially theoretical sciences.

I explained everything in detail, and we asked each other questions until lunchtime.

"Mr. Adam, who are you?" Mrs. Reina was surprised that I could understand all the ins and outs of whatever my students asked.

"Class 3 A homeroom teacher, what's wrong?" Reina then handed me the letters about the Ajinomoto Company report.

I read them all and sketched them on the blackboard, I drew a detailed picture of a suitable future plan especially for MSG foods that are becoming more popular in the future.

I changed the MSG recipe so that it wouldn't be harmful in the long run, and Reina had a severe headache because I could solve her company's problem in 7 seconds.

"Mom!" Reika panicked seeing her mother staggering here, Reina looked at me with a blank stare, then I helped some of the old people here with their work and financial problems.

They were also surprised why I knew about this, I just kept quiet because their company is basically mine.

For farmers and entrepreneurs I help design, from planting patterns to efficient harvesting with good fertilizer materials, For entrepreneurs to prioritize quality over quantity because of the way Japanese people dress.

Cheap, strong, durable, anti-fade. You design everything and even one of the parents here is experiencing a severe dilemma, because 10 years of business can be done in just 3 minutes and the profit earned exceeds his business for 1 full year.

Even the doctor who is Ukami's parent is confused as to whether I am a medicine man.

Then all my students are proud to have a teacher like me, I do counseling here. Again.

I took a break because it's not my schedule, in the teachers' room many teachers are under a lot of stress because of pressure from parents.

While I can relax again, I read a book from another world to pass the time.

In the afternoon all the teachers were like ghosts, they were stressed. I was still enjoying my music quietly.

"Adam! Why are you so relaxed?" Kenzaki asked me, I took off my headset and looked at her.

"My performance in the assessment was so perfect that even the parents asked me to tutor them, of course the pressure I received was very small. They're happy that I'm happy, they're happy that the children's future is secured" As I said this, all the teachers suddenly became emotional.

They were grumbling because some parents hated their book-focused way of teaching. What difference does it make? It's a curriculum.

Then we were called for a meeting of parents and teachers, it seemed like a committee of parents wanted to protest.

We were all present in the sports room, I clapped my hands to make the room cozy like a parliament meeting.

Everyone was shocked by this, Sumeragi explained this was all my doing.

I asked all the guardians to calm down, then we received various inputs and suggestions for their children.

I just listened to their explanations until one guardian stood up and shouted at us.

"Why don't you give us an idea of your teaching process" Oh shit, it's like those fat moms in anime who think the world is theirs.

She needs a reality slap.

I stood up and I let out an extraordinary aura of maturity, I summoned my school self, then in front of my school self there was a total darkness where the path that we didn't know the direction.

"This is the depiction, this is your child" Then I gave the child a book for him to read, which is the knowledge during education he uses in his life after school.

I brought up a female version of myself, and we stroked the head of my school self.

I describe this as a parental position.

Then I hold my son like a child and step on this dark road he only needs to embrace me and let me get lost, This is the upbringing of spoiled children that is often done by conglomerates here, When I and my female self leave, my son is confused about where to run because he has no one.

"Dad, Mom, where are you?" The sound of his cries made some people sad because they were afraid that their children were lost in this cruel world.

Then the second picture is where my female self and I waved to my school self, letting him loosea on his own like a bird.

Not long after, we both looked for him on the road but he disappeared, swallowed by the darkness that we didn't know where he went.

It was a negligent upbringing of a child who was let loose without knowing where he should walk.

Then the third picture where I and my female self build a path for our child to walk and give him a map that is a provision for him in life, when there is an intersection we give him a picture and a choice then we release.

Not long after he came back old and took our hands to go together, It was a good upbringing that knew gratitude for our efforts.

Then the final upbringing where we threw the child to walk alone, not knowing anything even though he had a book.

"What are you explaining? Don't teach us how to educate children, What I need is how to teach you in this education" Everyone looked at this woman a little irritated, especially me. I have to hold back my emotions or not, I'll tear her mouth later.

"Madam, are you so blind that you deliberately close your eyes? The book your child is holding is the education we gave him, Now the question is what they use that knowledge when in society later, With your help as a parent to guide or release your child in the world of work with our provision alone is not enough, See the second example, he left without being able to return from you. The biggest parental regret is that you've worked so hard to take care of your child and you're forgotten. Who is at fault here, you or your child?" This woman took offense and she pointed her finger at me, yep this will make my bloodlust increase.

"What does it matter, my child's education is a right that I should know" I then cracked my neck and looked at her sharply.

"The education of personality is your duty as a parent Madam, if you leave it all to us, I might feel sorry for your child to have an incompetent mother like you" Some people stifled their laughter as I managed to burn this woman to the ground, she then became angry with me.

"What are you saying? You don't know how hard it is to take care of a child and give birth to it" I then tilted my head, then I sighed.

"Then what kind of education do you want oh noble mother" This woman then made a very arrogant face and looked at me full of mockery.

"She should be treated special with an exclusive education, because I heard that the quality of this school is very good because of one teacher. I want her to be taught by that teacher. I don't want to be taught by incompetent teachers like you and your colleagues" Kenzaki and Kaede were outraged, as this insult was quite unacceptable.

Sumeragi gripped her glass, I raised my hand and looked at her fully.

"Oh, so madam wants your child to get a special education from me overriding the abilities of my colleagues here, you know madam, your child is grateful to still be educated here even though it is not as special as my teaching which is directly practical without the need for academics. But you made the biggest mistake, comparing the quality of teachers with each other. I respect my colleagues and other teachers as colleagues, I don't judge them even if they are professors or interns. They poured their sweat, energy and knowledge into your son so that he could be more useful than you." Everyone stifled their laughter at this insult, you're comparing someone, I'll compare you again.

"Who are you? How dare you reject the reality I give you" I then bent down and looked at her.

"My name is Adam, I'm the teacher your son is looking for, I'm curious what your son thinks about this" A boy appeared behind my body, he was a boy, he was in grade 1.

"Mr. Adam, why did you call me?" I then gave him a seat then I saw the woman's shocked expression.

"Tell me the reason why you want to be taught by me, be honest" The boy actually did not want to be taught by me directly but wanted to enjoy the atmosphere of the school where I teach, he was even grateful to be taught directly by me.

He told me that it was his mother who forced him to enter this school, but he was forced and tried as hard as he could to be accepted here, And accepted even though he had to be displaced.

He wants to be a firefighter who helps people, he' s a good boy, proud of him.

"Good, your efforts are commendable. I'm proud of you. This is a book that helps you in the knowledge of firefighters, and this is how to form a good physique in becoming a firefighter and remember son, even though the world is cruel to you. still have a hero's heart and be pure like now" This child cried and hugged me.

"Thank you Mr. Adam, I will follow your advice" I stroked his head and he went home with the portal I made.

I looked at the woman who was embarrassed to see her son's kindness, I shook my head and explained again the mistakes of parents.

What is the difficulty in asking what your child wants, what your child wants to be.

Don't look for problems here, because of your incompetence in terms of "Supervising children". it is our job to educate children according to the curriculum and accompanying knowledge, especially homeroom teachers like me.

Their future is a source of pride for us and our parents.

Then I don't show favoritism, I explain all the children's guardians the potential, abilities, talents, personality of their children in detail even they themselves don't know.

The event lasted long into the evening, some parents thanked me for my help in providing suitable future options for their children.

I sat at my desk and drank some water, tired of explaining everything.

I forgave her and now her job is to watch her son become a good firefighter.

Some of the teachers are still here chatting and so on, I take a short break here because I need energy for my mouth especially since it's so tiring.

"Good job, thanks for the advice government advisor" I looked at Sumeragi who was giggling because of her joke.

"Yes, if I become prime minister later, pray that I don't cheat" Sumeragi brought herself closer to me and whispered.

"Take it easy, you definitely won't. Your habit is to get acquainted, take home, marry. We've memorized that. It's impossible for you to cheat because you're responsible for your actions" She stroked her stomach, I stroked her stomach too.

"Yes, how could I abuse the responsibility of my children" We then went home after chatting for a while.

The next day I was somehow greeted by all the students by bowing to me, and thanking me continuously.

"Thank you Mr. Adam" Yes, yes, it's my responsibility son.

"Well done, now be a good boy and get me a beer" I was immediately thrown a shinai by Kenzaki and I parried it easily.

"Your mouth!" I laughed and went back to teaching again, problem solved.

Now what?

2 More before the last, Good work

Sorry for delay, My Laptop Crash. Need A Reboot.

Im so sorry, this was my mistake

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