
In The Heaven We Trust

Warning this story is very brutal in it's nature. It contains dark philosophy, dark events, tragedy, betrayal, benefits oriented villains, benefits oriented protagonist, gore, killing, crimes, references of adult crime, etc. You must be at least 18 if want to read this. You have been warned. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The world is unfair, the heaven is mighty and uncaring. Living the life that is dictated by the heaven, this is the fate of the mundane. What will happen if the will of the heaven makes a mistake, what if it will send someone away from this fate, a life full af adventure and struggle, a life that is not permitted to the mundane where social status and money were of secondary importance and strength was primary. Chang Luo Chen a mundane in his previous world, arrived in this new world, how will he experience it, how will he surpass the struggle, how will he achieve success and surpass the heaven. Only he will know. -----‐--------------‐------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own the photo cover, all the rights belong to the respective owner. Aditional goals to be achieved: 5 reviews = 1 bonus chapter ( only once 0/1 ) 10 reviews = 1 bonus chapter ( only once 0/1 ) 20 reviews = 1 bonus chapter ( only once 0/1 ) 50 power stones = 1 bonus chapter ( forever, can be increased depends on how easy it is to get power stones 100 power stones = 1 bonus chapter ( same as the above )

The_Little_Hero · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Golden Wings

The duo of the greatest authority prepared for their next activity, a vicious and merciless hunting exercise, a hunt so brutal and cruel that if one were to watch and experience it, it would become a turning point in their life, changing all of their philosophies and perspective about life, taking the role of an unforgettable lesson.

It would be so massive, so drastic and so impact-full that even the laws of the superior quantum existence in fate would not give them a chance to escape and save themselves, even if the laws were amplified by the entire cosmological structure of the lower world cosmology, the Myriad Dreamwheel Plane, and even essence itself. Yes, The Administrator was that powerful, no amount of trickery, loops, or smart plans could ever let you escape from his authority or omnipotent power.

"Prepare yourself, moderator, this time I want something big, raw, and with muscles.

A smashing machine if you know what I mean. Said The Administrator as he winked at his moderator.

"Yes, Yes, Lord Administrator" said the moderator as he smiled.

Suddenly his form changed, it became large and massive, 4 metters in height, wider than an elephant, and in a 4-legged position exactly like a gorilla.

But it was not a gorilla, because the moderator form didn't have any hair, it was red with 4 tusks as his molars like orcs in fantasy books. From a certain look, this form looked like the wet dreams of a specific species, the ogre females species, they would always dream of the touch of such a large epitome of strength, having great chances of absolute protection with such a partner. It was so exaggerated that even an ogre king would kill to look like this.

"Good, red hulk, it's intimidating enough" complimented The Administrator, as he changed his look as well

He looked like a cosmic entity made from space mist with stars around his body of energy, he wore a suit of dark brown color with a caramel color shirt, and on his head was a dark brown detective hat with a white feather on top of it. The form he took was extremely generic for The Administrator, but he didn't feel like it was such a special event, so for the moment as long as his identity remained anonymous he didn't mind the unimpressive look.

"Now for the carriage" The administrator snapped his finger and a carriage with black horses appeared before them, on the driver's seat there was a headless set of armor, truly an unimaginative taste for a person of such power.

The duo of terror entered their carriage and started playing poker as the carriage started to move toward their destination.

It had to be known that for normal people this prey 'Golden Wings' was an incredibly powerful adversary, it had a power that surpassed EMR by a very large and unimaginable extent.

EMR is known as Extended Modal Realism in powerscaling, it comes from the theory that the universe contains all the possible and impossible worlds that are imagined.

Even a cosmology that surpasses the concept of dimensions is regarded as outversal. Then surpassing the outversal by an unimaginable degree could be considered high outversal, and going even further to the point where the previous cosmology is similar to a fiction compared to the higher one would put the higher one at boundless.

Surpassing the higher one by a finite amount of times is layers into boundless, infinite times is infinite layers into boundless, then a higher cosmological plane to the point where even the infinite layers can't reach could put the cosmological plane to immeasurable, inaccessible, or even irrelevant layers into boundless, depending on how further you want to go with it, he he, as long as you imagine it, it can exist right.

This can be considered as transcendental scale.

For mathematical scale, you use large mathematical numbers of dimensions to scale the amount of power.

Alephs are outversal, indescribable cardinal as high outerversal, and mahlo cardinal as boundless, with higher cardinals counting as higher layers into boundless up to irrelevant layers into boundless.

For an EMR cosmology, every possible, impossible, universe or multiverse can exist, even a universe so vast that a single atom can contain the power and vastness of the previously described cosmological plane that encompassed both the description of irrelevant layers into boundless within transcendental and mathematical scale making this impossible world into a reality, combining the vastness of both in a single atom.

Imagine, this vastness, all within an atom, just how huge is the universe of this size.

And that's the type of the iceberg. In mathematics, there is also an axiom called 0 = 1, a number so large that it destroys the very fundamental logic of mathematics that we use, making it an impossible world, so within this rule, the EMR will also contain a world where an atom has a cosmology of 0 = 1 amount of dimensions or hierarchy of transcendent fictional worlds where each higher world views the lower one as fiction for an 0 = 1 amount of times, this is crazy, this is impossible, and all of this within an atom, all possible within EMR, just how crazy and unbelievable are the laws of heaven, a normal man will never comprehend.

This is natural as EMR is the assembly of all possible, impossible, and all imaginable things that you can imagine in the world, yet it is still just a second grade transcendental number in the mathematical scale, so just with the mathematical scale things that are larger than all imaginable cosmology exists, just with this normal logic breaks away, as there are always impossibilities greater than other impossibilities or indinities greater than other infinities.

Of course, we can go even further than this as this is not even the tip of the iceberg within the mathematical scale alone.

Mathematics can be calculated with transcendental comprehension, by increasing the number we can obtain a higher form of transcendence, whether it's small and understandable like going from 1 to 2 or 3 with is increasing value within grade 0 of transcendence or going from 1 to infinite which is increasing grade from 0 to 1 because no amount of 0-grade addition will ever reach infinite only an increase in the transcendental grade can reach it.

Similarly just increasing the cardinality will never let you reach grade 2 as this is still within the limits and logic of grade 1. To get to grade 2 one must destroy the laws and logic of grade 1 transcendental numbers as such only the 0 = 1, Berkeley and Reinhardt cardinals can achieve that since they are not bounded by the axiom of choice and break the laws of grade 1 transcendental numbers.

Now imagine grades 3, 4, and 5 each break the laws of previous ones the same way 2 breaks the laws of grade 1. Keep in mind that EMR is a concept bounded by the laws of grade 2 and since grade 3 breaks grade 2 then some impossibilities are larger than others, the same way someone can imagine a cosmology larger than EMR.

With this in mind, just how many grades there are. Infinite, 0 = 1, grade 3 random number amount of grades which can be labeled as Ax, Ax amount of grades which we can label as Bx, then grade Bx amount of grades, truth is we don't know, because you can always imagine a bigger number.

With no limits on how much it can get the mathematical scale and its amount of power will be endless, perhaps even an omniscient being may not reach the true limit.

As such we can only imagine a cardinal V = ultimate L extended by the essence of mathematics, which is a cardinal number that contains all numbers with all of their respective grade that can be imagined, as long as there are unlimited grades that can be imagined, no matter how illogical it will be included.

This is the complete form of mathematics and its entire depths, once the power of your essence is greater than this one can surpass mathematical scale.

Yes, Golden Wings is very powerful, the real question is, how effective is this against The Administrator?

Well, he will soon find out.

As some forces prepared for their goals, others were strolling through life unaware of the circumstances it could offer, living it in blissful ignorance.

"Are you ready to leave and transcend into a higher realm of the myriad dream wheel plane, son?" said the voice of a woman, his mother.

"Of course, because I'm Golden Wings, the most prideful and successful cultivator from our Great Blue Star Immortal Realm, and now I'm about to transcend and achieve even greater realms."

"My mastery over essence is great and thanks to that I've surpassed the mathematical scale and I can finally be considered a decent Dao Vision realm cultivator. Unfortunately, this is only the beginning, there is still a higher peak in cultivation."

"For me, this is not enough, I won't stop until I reach the pinnacle of cultivation, and

become unrivaled in Heaven. I'm sorry, I love you guys but, it's just that this realm is not enough to contain my dreams and ambition."

"It's okay son, we are your family so we understand you and your feelings, go for your dream and ascend to the peak of cultivation, and remember that we'll always love you" said the mother.

The other members show up and they partied the night, celebrating the son's success.

Unfortunately, among the family, only the son was talented which let him reach such a high level. The others weren't as good, perhaps only fated to a lower level in the world of Heaven, and as a result, their cultivation was only a little higher than EMR, it's at the bottom of the Dao Vision realm.

As the new day arrived and the family said their final goodbyes, the son used his essence to arrive at the Myriad Dreamwheel Plane, it was large, spacious, full of colors, full of possibilities, full of laws, full of fate, like all the wild concepts were left astray, completely different from a normal world with an established system of physical laws.

Golden Wings could feel it at a deeper level, it was like a sixth sense, this world worked under the law of essence and anything that was imagined appeared, it was like walking into a dream world, no wonder the name.

Compared to the mortal and immortal worlds which were like a world made for normal users this world was made for hackers as the very laws it worked on were decided by your mind and imagination.

Golden Wings saw many fates, some could generate treasure, others were adventures and valuable experiences, and others could fulfill your deepest desires. Here you can find an unlimited array of possibilities within the river of fate, waiting for the next fortunate son of Heaven to poke them out.

"He, he, your new here?" said a large red figure with red skin and 4 huge tusks

"Who are you?" asked Golden Wings surprised by the sense of fashion of this red giant gorilla figure. Within the Myriad Dreamwheel Plane, there are many people, each with different esthetics, I can't be too critical of them thought Golden Wings while also sneering in his mind at his uncivilized looks. It was uninspired and unimpressive compared to his golden angelic form of beauty, the peak of fashion.

It was something that he had great pride in because he invested a lot of time in perfecting his angelic looks which supplemented his pride. Some part of him did it because he enjoyed it, and some other part did it to reach enlightenment. Only by following his heart's desire which formed from his talent and fate, and combining them with hard work, effort, experience, research, and success could one person master his talent and achieve enlightenment, to reach the door to a higher plane.

"I'm called Big Red Angry Gorilla That Eats Tofu, you can call me BRAG-TET" said The Moderator, while gulping his shame, he revealed his humiliating name, a task he was asked to do by The Administrator.

'damn him, does he have to make fun of me on every single damn occasion' thought The Moderator while grieving slightly.

Golden Wings didn't give it too much, taking the same conclusion as he did with his physical appearance.

In the Myriad DreamWheel Plane, the physical appearance of someone didn't matter too much, one could simply think of a form and it would change accordingly.

"You're in luck, young man, I know of a place with a great treasure, it accommodates the fate of enlightenment on all of the Dao paths. Unfortunately, I can't reach its deepest secrets alone, because the fate that protects its secret asks for 2 opposite Dao paths to fuse with it at the same time."

"You see the point, I mastered the dao of humility, and you mastered the dao of pride. He, he, what do you say, young man? If you work with me young man, we can strike it rich!"

said The Moderator with excitement, it was like a great opportunity arrived before him.

Of course, this was all fake, just a trap implanted by The Administrator. But sadly Golden Wings didn't know of this, so he considered what to choose while taking into consideration all the possible risks of joining for such an adventure.

"Hmm, give me a day to consider this offer, I'll give you the answer tomorrow. We'll meet at the same place, same hour."

"Ok, I have big expectations of you Golden Wings" said The Moderator with a smile.

Golden Wings nodded and vanished from the scene, unaware of what was coming for him tomorrow. They say that ignorance is bliss. Oh, if only he knew.