

It's finally time for Jay to leave but he's having difficulty telling Lily that she will have to come back home with him. Since the day that Lily's father threw her out of the house, he and Lily has been staying together in his hotel suite and not once has he made any attempt of touching her. He wants to prove to Lily that he is not like some other guys who will take advantage of a Lady in need of help.

Lily on the other hand has been expecting Jay to make an attempt in trying to woo her so that she can turn him down. It came as a surprise to her when he never made any attempt to touch her because she has always seen men as selfish people who will only do things that they will benefit from. Lily knows that Jay was leaving today but she was waiting for them to have the conversation about her apartment. She felt that she and Jay would have gone out to check out some apartments but he never said anything and she didn't want to appear to be impatient so she decided to wait for the right time because she knows that he can't leave town without getting her a place to stay. She was wondering what was happening until Jay walked up to her with his phone and told her that somebody would like to speak to her. She collected the phone from him, placed it to her ear, and heard the voice of a woman that she doesn't know.

Lola heard the voice of the girl whom she has been waiting to speak to for almost an eternity. She was surprised to know that Lily still has fear in her voice for a person that she has never seen or knows anything about. "Hey young lady, don't be afraid of me because I am your friend. The thing here is, Jay and I have decided that you cannot be left behind due to certain reasons. I just want you to put yourself Jay's shoes and the imagine that he leaves you behind and something happens to you. What do you think your family will do to him? For now, we are not sure of what your stepmother and her daughters are capable of and our sole responsibility is to keep you safe. My name is Lola and just as Jay calls me, I run his damage control. You will return with him today and I will be at the airport to pick you up and do not worry about missing a semester because I have my ways around such things. You will study from home for this semester and before the next one, we would have successfully worked your transfer to the new school." 

Lily could not understand anything that the strange lady was saying because she felt that she and Jay had an agreement. As the lady was talking, all Lily could do was nod until she heard the lady asking her if she can hear and understand what she is saying. After Lily heard Lola's question which brought her back to reality, she replied in that slightly trembling voice again "yes, I can hear you and I can understand you also but I don't think that I want to follow Jay anywhere because I will like to stay behind as my family still lives here. I know nobody wherever you're taking me and I don't think it will be easy for me to cope in a place where I am a stranger."

Lola sighed as she could not imagine the stupidity of this girl called Lily. She wanted to scream at the young lady but decided to keep her anger at bay "I am sorry to say this to you Lily, but you and I know that you don't have a family anymore. A family is supposed to protect their own but what has your father done so far? I know that Jay has tried his best to talk you out of that family of yours because they no longer see you as a member of the family rather, they see you as a threat. I know that you are stubborn and will rather die with your family than stay away from them. I am not Jay who will talk to you nicely so I will not bother beating about the bush. You have to come off your foolishness because the moment Jay steps his feet out of that hotel, he will no longer be responsible for you and whatever happens to you will not be his concern anymore. If you know what is good for you, pack your bags and follow him down here." 

Hearing this Lola's voice made Lily angry and she felt that lady has no right to command her that way because she is not a child that needs babysitting or instructions on how to live her life. Lily so badly wanted to reply the lady but as usual her courage killed her. Everyone knows that lady has always been a coward and that's the reason why her family can treat her the way they do.

In the end, she could say and do nothing because Lola disconnected the call after speaking her mind to Lily and left the rest to her.

After Lola disconnected the call, she felt very angry at Jay as she told herself that if only Jay would keep his dick in his trousers, he wouldn't be involved with little girls who will likely bring him problems at the end of the day. She feels that she has done her best trying to convince the girl as she never wants the girl to come in the first place. Lola has never had any romantic feelings for Jay, she never wanted Lily around because she wanted Jay to focus more on his music and avoid unnecessary distractions. She knows that if anything happens to Jay's brand, she will also go down because she gets her money from him and being with naive girls such as Lily will cause many problems.

Lily walked up to Jay with accusations in her eyes as she said "I thought we had an agreement that I will not come with you and you will get an apartment for me to stay over here? So who is that lady and why is she commanding me to come with you? Are you guys trying to kidnap me?"

Jay laughed after hearing Lily's accusations and said "I am sorry Lily, and please don't get me wrong but if I kidnap you, how much are we going to get out of you? We all know that you've got no money so what could we probably gain from the kidnap? You have to look at the bright side and see that I want to help you but I've also got my own life to live. Your father is no longer in control of his house as your stepmother is the one with the reins right now and whatever she says, goes. You still suspect her of killing your mother but want to live in the same house as her. Lily if that is not stupidity at it's peak, please tell me what is. Who else sees danger and jumps into it if not you? You don't have to worry about me taking advantage of you because I am a very busy person and the person who will be in charge of you is Lola. I don't want you to think ill of her because she is a very nice person and only turns hard when she wants her voice to be heard.

Lily felt offended that Jay made fun of her financial situation. She only asked him a rhetorical question which he was supposed to be quiet about but he decided to laugh about it and also make fun of her in the process.

She decided not to speak to Jay anymore after telling him that he should inform her when he's ready to leave because they've left her with no choice than to go with them.

Zahid decided to get a present for his wife before going to her place as he does not want to go there empty-handed. While getting the present he ran into a very beautiful lady who piqued his attention. He kept staring at her as she noticed and began to sway her hips and make eye contact with him. After a while, he forgot that he was supposed to meet up with his wife as he walked up to the young beautiful lady and introduced himself to her.

The young lady smiled at him with a set of perfect white teeth. She is of average height and a slim build. She was wearing a pair of pumps and a very short dress that could barely cover her ass cheeks. She told him that her name was Nadira while blinking her sexy eyes at him.

The slight fragrance of Rose and Spice emanating from her body made Zahid lose all senses and told himself that Najiba can always wait. He looked at the beautiful young lady called Nadira who looks like an angel and said, "I do not mean to insult you but just to appreciate your beauty, I am willing to pay for whatever you buy over here" 

Zahid was grinning from ear-to-ear like a child who has just gotten a new toy. His generosity was soon thrown back at his face as Nadira told him that she owns everything here and she does not need any man to pay her bills. "You do not need to appreciate my beauty because you are not the one who created me. The fact that I appreciate me is enough for me and I do not need some rich married billionaire to pay my bills. I know who you are Zahid and everyone around here also knows who you are. And I will like you to know that not every woman wants to insert themselves in your list of conquests. You can go ahead and show your generosity to women who are hungry for wealth and power but I Nadira, I'm not interested. Once again thank you for the offer"

Nadira walked away after letting him know her stand. As she was walking away she shook her head and couldn't believe that this is the Zahid that many women want to kill themselves for. She told herself that she would rather remain single than get married if Zahid was the last man on Earth because the man is a dog in human skin.

Nadira's rejection and polite insult did not dampen Zahid's spirits as he saw that as a challenge for conquest instead. He smiled to himself and told one of his men that he will like to know everything about the young lady by the next day. "Nadira, I can see that you are amongst the tough ones as you are playing hard to get but I guess you do not know who I am because I always get what I want. In the next five months, we will see and know where you stand." After saying those words, Zahid took his present and walked out of the mall.

 Najiba was at home and running out of patience because her husband was supposed to have arrived over an hour ago but he is still nowhere to be found. She has been trying to reach him on his mobile phone but he is not answering. She began to speak to herself like a crazy person "Zahid, I hope that you are not at it again because if you ditch me this time, I promise that you will look for me and beg me because I will announce to the world that I am having your baby but you will not be able to gain access to me because I will leave your house with your baby." She was pacing around as she was talking because she could no longer sit in one place as the tension was killing her.

As she was pacing, one of the maids ran in and Najiba felt that her husband had arrived. She looked at the made with expectations and said "what happened? And why did you run in like that? Has my husband arrived?" The maid could not reply any of her questions and was only looking at her with fear in her eyes as she said with a trembling voice "I am sorry madam, I don't know what happened as I was walking in the kitchen. I slipped and poured the desert on the floor."

Najiba could not react immediately because she could not believe her ears as she thought that the maid was saying something but because she was tensed, she was hearing another thing. She first smilee at the maid before saying "I don't think I understand what you were saying a while ago. were you saying that my husband has arrived?"

The maid just stood where she was and was trembling because she knows that Najiba has a nasty temper and anything could happen to her tonight for what she has done. She put her head down and said again with a very low voice "I mistakenly poured the dessert in the kitchen." 

Najiba got very mad at the maid and said "what was the desert doing in the kitchen? Wasn't it supposed to be served on the dining table by this time? I warned all of you today that I want nothing to go wrong but you just can't help it as you must create a mess. I do not want to hear any stories as what I want to see on that table before my husband arrives, is a dessert. I don't care how you do it because I did not send you to pour the one that was made in the first place. Get out of my sight before I lose it and descend on you." 

As Najiba was talking to the maid, her husband walked in with a present in his hand and she felt very relieved. She smiled at him and began to ask him what kept him. Zahid smiled at his wife and told her that he went to get her a present that was the reason why he came late. After his explanation, she looked at him weirdly and said "since when did you start going to buy presents by yourself? I thought you always have people do that for you? So why did you go into a store or wherever to get a present by yourself?" 

Zahid laughed as he could smell jealousy taking over his wife. He knows that she is not stupid and she has begun to think that he met different ladies in there already and should have their contacts by now. "My wife deserves the best so I had to go pick the present myself. Instead of questioning me like a detective, I believe that you should appreciate my efforts as not many husbands are this romantic."