

Finally, it's Jay's concert today and

the venue was filling up with people

as many have been looking forward

to attending this concert. Despite

how Jay feels every time he thinks

about how he got the money to

fund this event, he was still very

happy after seeing that his tickets

were sold out and people were still

begging for more. While everyone

was excited and trooping into Jay's

concert, Ima was in Abu Dhabi

meeting with someone for a

special job. They choose a place

far away from home for the meeting

so that when it all finally goes

down, no one will suspect that it

was from them. Ima was wearing

a veil as she gave a hooded man

a picture. "I came to you because

the person who recommended you

said many great things about you,

so do a clean job for me. I don't

want anything to be traced back

to me that's the reason I'm paying

you this much." After speaking,

she gave the hooded man a bag

of money as he never accepts bank

transfers and Ima was also trying

to cover her tracks. After giving

the hooded man everything, she

turned around and left as she

boarded the next flight back to

her country. 

This concert saw different

musicians performing that night

and everyone couldn't wait to see

the anonymous star who will be

performing as the person's name

and picture when not on the posters.

The fact that the musician was

anonymous, was something that

really drew many people to the

event. There were many party hard

at the event and ladies who wanted

to hook up with guys also.

Chris did not attend the concert

because while the concert was

ongoing, Chris and Doja were on

their way to the hospital. Since the

day that she learned that she is

five weeks pregnant, she has not

been to the hospital for a proper

check-up. They were given an

appointment to come on this day

for both examination and scan.

Sometimes, Chris asks herself if

she has not made a mistake by

accepting to have this baby. She

wanted to be sure of her decisions

before she calls her friends to tell

them about it as she didn't want

Jade and Candace filling her head

with their own ideas and making

her think that those are her ideas.

When they got to the hospital, they

were directed to the maternity ward.

Although Chris was in disguise when

they got to the maternity ward,

someone still saw her and recognized

her. The person secretly took a

picture of her and Doja as they

were entering the doctor's office.

 By the time Chris was done with

her checkup at the hospital, different

pictures of her have been taken

and even a video was recorded. She

and Doja first went to a restaurant

to have something to eat before

he drove her back home. When

they got to her apartment she

expected him to leave but Doja

refused as usual and forced his

way in. Chris was tired of arguing

with him so she just allowed him

to stay since he was behaving like

a child and lying that he can't drive

himself back home because his

leg aches.

Itohan was relaxing in a hotel VIP

lounge when someone came in.

At first, she thought that she

mistook someone else for him but

when he turned his face and she

saw him properly, she was shocked

and wanted to run away. She quickly

picked up a bag and was about to

walk away when the man walked

up to her and said "hello, long time

no see." she hypocritically turned

back to him and laughed like she

never saw him coming. "Hello Jamil,

it's really been a while." She was

about to walk away when he held

onto her hand and said can you

please have a drink with me?" She

smiled at him apologetically and

said "thanks for the invite but I will

have to decline because I need to

meet up with someone and I'm

running late to my appointment."

He bent his head and looked at

her sideways and said "not even if

I beg you?" She laughed and said

"why should you beg me? I'm very

sure there are many ladies out here

who will like to keep you company.

But don't worry, I will give you a few

minutes of my time."

They walked into the bar and found

a place to sit. Jamil smiled at her

and said, "should I confess something

to you?" She looked at him suspiciously

and said "what do you want to

confess to me?" He cleared his

throat and said I actually saw you

about ten minutes ago. I wanted to

walk up to you but I couldn't find

the courage to do that so I stayed

behind and was watching you." She

smiled and said, "you were watching

me like a creep?" He said nothing

and kept staring at her and a few

seconds later, he said "I wasn't

watching you like a creepy stalker. I

was watching you like a man who

just realized something precious

that he threw away and he finally

sees that thing again but lacks the

courage to even try getting it back

so he just has to stay and watch it

from a distance as someone else

takes it away." Itohan laughed and

said "did I get the impression that

you are hitting on me?" Jamil smiled

as he placed his hand on his chest

and said, "no it's just an innocent

comment on how I see you." "Well,

thanks for your innocent comment

but why did you want to see me? And

sorry I never said anything or even

tried calling you. I heard what

happened please accept my

condolences." Jamil frowned as he

looked at her and said, "and where

did you get that information from?"

After hearing Jamil's question, Itohan

got a bit scared as she began to

wonder if Sarah has fooled her again

with her lies. By the time she looked

back at Jamil, she had a serious look

on her face and said "I'm sorry if I

heard wrongly. I guess someone

gave me the wrong information

that you lost your wife and I spoke

without trying to know if it's true

or not." Jamil looked at her face

and laughed. "Did you know that

since I lost my wife this is the first

time I'm actually having a good laugh?

You need to have seen your face.

You looked like you have committed

a grave offense. I wasn't accusing

you of anything I only asked a question

or maybe I asked wrongly that was

why you felt that you have

overstepped or said something

wrong. I only meant to ask that

who told you about it?" Itohan

smiled and said, "your sister Sarah

told me about it when she came

over to my office to taunt me some

time ago." Jamil got angry and said

why would she do that? That was

the same issue Samantha had with

her when she was still alive. I thought

she would have learned her lessons

from the accusations Samantha's

mother heaped on her after Samantha's

death, but obviously, she's just

pretending to have changed as

usual because she is still the same

insecure and insensible person."

Itohan laughed and said "I  thought

your sister Sarah was the best person

on Earth and she can never harm

anyone or commit any offense? When

did she suddenly become insensitive

and all of that? Anyway, you don't

need to worry because I gave her

the beating of her life and I'm very

sure that she will think twice before

approaching me next time. Unless

she misses the pain of my hands

on her body and she wants a

second-round." Jamil splashed

drink from his mouth as he burst

into laughter. "Please, forgive my

manners. Don't tell me that the two

of you fought like little girls fighting

for candy?" Itohan took a sip of her

drink before saying, "oh, you don't

know how much I've always wanted

to beat up that girl. In the past, I was

ignoring her because of you but now,

times have changed and if she tries

crossing my way, I will cross her

like a zebra.

 Shulamite has been partying all

night at the concert and has hooked

up with different men. She was very

happy for the contacts she got this

night as every step that she takes

higher, brings her closer to Zahid

Najiba's husband. Shulamite has

promised herself that come rain

come shine, she must get Zahid.

She wants to prove to Najiba that

Zahid married her not because she

is so great and also, Shulamite has

been hearing rumors about the

size of Zahid's cock and she wants

to have a taste of it too. Shulamite

has always been a fan of big cocks.

If she has sex with a man once and

discovers that he has a small cock

or medium size, she is never going

to have any sexual relationship with

such a man again except if he is

wealthy. Sometimes, she fantasizes

and even has dreams of her and

Zahid in bed.

 When she went into the ladies'

bathroom to apply some powder,

she looked into the mirror and said

to herself, "don't worry, it won't be

long. You will get Zahid and all your

financial and career problems will

be over by then. I am tired of moving

from one man to another simply

because I need their support. I

deserve to live like a queen and get

any kind of man that I wish to

have." When she came out of the

ladies toilet, she noticed that

there was a man standing outside

and he looks suspicious but she

decided not to pay any attention

to him because it looks like the

man was after another lady.

She got outside and joined the

group of models whom she has

made friends with after her epic

fight with Ima. She was lonely after

she and Ima stopped being friends

and Najiba also distanced herself

from her as she has begun to feel

like she is the Queen of England.

Shulamite had no other choice than

to look for new friends and also

see what she can get out of those

new friends. She sat with the girls

and the continued drinking and

discussing them while listening

to good music coming from the

stage by different artists who are

performing at the concert.

 When it was time for Jay to perform,

as he was singing on the stage,

Shulamite looked towards him and

an idea came into her head as she

said to herself, "I don't think that Jay

can resist a beautiful woman like

me if Chris can get him on a platter

of gold, and even toy with him and

Doja, then I can also get him. The

only problem that Shulamite had

right now, was how to get to Jay

and shoot her shot at him. If only

she knows who to bribe to get her

close to him so that they can be

introduced, she would have bribed

the person.

Chris went into the bathroom to

take a shower and before she could

lock the door, Doja jumped in with

her. She tried pushing him out but

he said that he was not here for her

and that he was only here to bathe

his baby in her womb. "Doja please

I don't want to struggle or quarrel

with you because I'm tired and I

need to be somewhere very early

tomorrow. I want you to kindly step

out of the bathroom. I want to have

my bath. " Doja laughed and said,

"that's the same thing I'm talking

about. I am not here to obstruct

your activities. You can be yourself

while I bathe your stomach so that

the baby inside can be clean also.

Chris looked at him and said, "please

which high school did you attend

because it seems that you weren't

taught biology in that school." Doja

hugged her from behind as they stood

in front of the mirror and he said

"look how perfectly you and I merge

together. For the question that you

asked, I attended a girl's secondary

school." She laughed and said, "now

I understand why you behave the

way you do. It's all clear to me

now." while Chris was talking, Doja

began to kiss her from behind and

she started struggling with him

again. "Why do you always like to

struggle with me when you know

that you will always lose at the

end? There is no denying the fact

that you and I like each other. So

stop denying it and accept us for

the way we are." 

 "I am not denying anything Doja. All

I'm just saying is that I am not ready

for any kind of relationship right

now and you are being a distraction.

Anytime I allow you an inch, you

take a mile. You always like to take

advantage and I don't like that and

also, I promised myself that I will

not go into any kind of relationship

with anyone at this stage of my life."

Doja snickered and said, "so at

what stage of your life do you want

to go into a relationship with a man?

Is it when you are fifty years old?

You had better enjoy your youth

while you can so that you won't

regret it when you get older. You

might look back to this day sometime

in the future and regret that you

did not give me a chance. That's

the reason I am forcing myself on

you because I don't want you to

regret it." 

"Doja please let me regret. In fact,

I want to look back and regret this

day. As long as you stay away from

me, I will happily accept the regrets."

As she was busy giving Doja every

reason why she doesn't want to be

with him, he locked her mouth with

a kiss, and just as always, Chris

couldn't resist him. He kissed her

for a few minutes before kissing

down her chest down to her breasts.

He played with her breast and sucked

on her nipples for a while before

kissing down her stomach and kept

going until he got between her legs.

She moaned and trembled when she

felt Doja's mouth in her core. He

lightly sucked on her clit and Chris's

legs trembled. He put one of her

legs on his shoulder so that he will

have access to savor the sweet

sensation that he is getting from

sucking on her core. After sucking

on her clit, Doja began to flick his

tongue in and out of her core as

Chris held onto his head and moaned

out loud. He kept pleasuring her

with his mouth and she kept moaning

until she finally came with another

moan and her hot juice spilled down

his tongue.