

Jay's concert was on the lips of

everyone. There were television

and radio commercials of the concert

and crowds were buying tickets

because their favorite artists will be

performing at the concert.

Setting up this concert has not been

easy for Jay as he had to meet up

with many top people who are likely to

support his concert financially. He got

to the club of Mr. Jeff who asked him to

see him so that they can discuss his

upcoming concert. When they arrived

at the club, he got the shock of his life

because he saw Maria whom he picked

up from the club the previous night.

Jay and Maria had a one-night stand

yesterday after he picked her up from

the club to his house. He was very

shocked when he learned that Maria

is the wife of Mr. Jeff. When she saw

Jay, she had this very broad smile on

her face as she welcomed him with a

hug. Jay Couldn't understand what

was happening here because if Maria

was the wife of Mr. Jeff, what was she

doing at the club last night and even

having a one-night stand with him.

Mr. Jeff looked at his wife affectionately

and said, "I want to be the sole sponsor

of your concert because my wife has

always been a great fan of yours. She

has been pleading with me to

sponsor your upcoming concert

because she wants to do something

for her idol. You can see that my wife

is a very generous woman and that's

one of the reasons I love her." Jay

looked at Maria confusedly but had

no choice than to say "thank you very

much madam for your generosity." She

stood from her seat and walked up to

where Jay was sitting and she said,

"you don't need to thank me because

I will be needing your services." Jay

looked at her confusedly again as sat

on his thighs and began to kiss him

while her husband was laughing.

When her husband was done laughing,

he stood, walked to the bar, and poured

them three glasses of scotch. When

he returned, he cleared his throat and

said, "don't be surprised Jay, my wife

has these wild fantasies which I like

to help her fulfill most times. The

only send you have to do to earn my

sponsorship is to do what she wants."

Mr. Jeff looks towards his wife and

asked her how long she needed Jay's


Maria was Jeff's friend's daughter

whom Jeff took a liking to right from

when she was seven years old. Maria's

father never knew that his friend was

taking advantage of his daughter and

he died not knowing that fact. When

Maria was seven years old, she went

to Jeff's house to stay with the maids

because her parents were out of town.

Maria's mother liked to party and

every time her husband is on a

business trip, she takes that as an

opportunity to go partying. She was

never one who cared about children

and she only had Maria because she

had no choice as the pregnancy sprung

upon her. Even though Maria's mother

was married, she still had lovers whom

she brings home on days when her

husband has gone on a business trip.

That fateful afternoon, Maria was in

Jeff's house but the maids were not

in, because he discharged them for

the weekend. She walked into Jeff's

office and almost ran out when she

saw him watching a video and was

naked. Before she could run out, Jeff

who was faster than she was, closed

the door and dragged her inside. He

promised to give her all the things that

her parents could not afford if she

tells no one what the two of them

wants to do. He put young Maria's

hands on his cock and that was how

the abuse started.

By the time Maria was eighteen years

old, she has lost her father and her

mother has moved on. She got an

apartment where she was living alone

but was always visiting Jeff and by

the time she was nineteen, she started

to have sex with Jeff and his friends.

Every weekend Jeff's friends will come

over to his house just to have Maria

pleasure them in different ways.

Sometimes Maria gets two cocks in

her core and one in her asshole at the

same time. Jeff's friends and Jeff

turned Maria into a pornstar and that

was how she got addicted to hardcore


At twenty, Maria got married to Jeff

and they were living together as husband

and wife only in name as Maria was

free to do whatever she wants to do

and with whoever she wants to do it.

Sometimes Jeff even makes her

dreams come true by getting the man

she wants right to their bedroom for

her. The primary reason why Jeff got

married to Maria and was making her

insane dreams come true, was because

he uses her to please his business

partners most times.

From the first time Maria set her eyes

on Jay in one of his music videos, she

has been obsessed with him but

fate had not created a chance for

them to get in contact with him as

her husband wanted her to have Jay

on a platter of gold. He has always

told Maria to be patient that Jay will

walk into their lives on his own one

of these days and then she can have

what she has always been dreaming

of. And just like Jeff has always said,

Jay is here in person today and Maria

is about to get what she wants.

Jay looked at the couple like they

were insane because he couldn't

believe that a man will allow his wife

to do such vile things in his presence.

He looked towards the couple and

said "I am sorry but the two of you

cannot trap me and make me your

puppet. I don't need you as my sole

sponsor because I can get sponsors

who will not try to take advantage of

me." He stood and as he was about

walking out, Mr. Jeff laughed and

said you had better think more about

your decision before walking out of

here, else you will regret it. You know

that I'm very influential and I have

friends everywhere who can bring

down your career within a minute if I

choose to. All my wife wants, is a taste

of you and after that, you can get all

the sponsorship that you need. While

you are still in the business of pleasuring

my wife, you will receive your alert. A

billion Naira is not something you can

just throw out of the window, so I will

suggest that you think twice before

stepping out of that door." 

When Jay heard a billion Naira, he

thought he had heard wrongly and had

to ask the man again. "Excuse me,

Mr. Jeff, did I just hear you mention a

billion naira?" The older man laughed

and said did you expect any less from

me in the first place? Yes, a billion Naira

it is. If you please my wife to her heart's

content, you can have more. What you

are doing is not a crime it's just showbiz." 

Jay stood for a while and thought more

about it as he told himself "isn't it just

to have sex with her which we did last

night? Fuck my conscience. How

much has my conscience brought to

me since the day it started pricking

me for little wrongdoings?" Jay turned

around and asked the man if he can

use a condom. Mr. Jeff laughed and

said "did you think that I will let you

touch my wife without a condom?

Maria was very happy after seeing

that he has agreed to their deal. She's

smiled at her husband and asked

him where he would like Jay to take

her and Mr. Jeff said he will like to

see them have sex in his garden. By

the time Jay was done with Maria,

Mr. Jeff has already made the

donation. He walked up to Jay and

said you my friend, are a stallion. It is

rare to see a man who will make my

wife moan this much. Because I saw

that she was enjoying you, I added to

your money.

Even though Jay said fuck his

conscience, his conscience is really

still pricking him as this is one of the

grossest things he has done in his life.

He has the money but he has no joy

or feelings of accomplishment. Thinking

about how he got this money now

makes him feel like a gigolo and he

just wishes that he never did what Mr.

Jeff and his wife wanted but he just

can't turn back the hands of time as

what has been done, has been

done already.

Finally, the family of Candice got a

call from her kidnappers requesting

a ransom. Her kidnappers were

requesting 800 million dollars which

her husband even if he works for the

rest of his life at the job he's doing

right now, will never be able to make

such an amount.

Her mother was very relieved as

she told her husband to request proof

of life. She was overcome with joy as

tears began to stream down her face

when she heard her daughter's voice

even though the voice sounded

terrified. She looked at her husband

and said "the responsibility falls on us

now because you and I know that her

husband can never afford such an

amount and her father almost cursed

his daughter for marrying such a low

life. But what could he do? His

daughter loves the man and right now,

she needs his help also. Candace is

their only child and even if those men

requested more than that amount, he

will get it to them even if it means

selling all that he has and still

borrowing from others. If anything

happens to their daughter, he knows

that his wife will be lost to him forever

as she will not be able to handle the

pain of losing her daughter.

The kidnappers strictly warned them

that if they want to see their daughter

alive again and in one piece, the

police must never be notified about

this. They were told that even if they

have a slight suspicion of the police

being involved, then they can forget

about their daughter coming back


 Candace's husband was relieved when

his mother-in-law came to him and

said you don't need to worry about

the money because we know you

don't have it. The most important

thing here is how to get the money

across to them.

That night candace's husband was in

a hotel room with another woman as

they were discussing and laughing.

"Mica you and I will have to disappear

when she returns else the world will

know what we were doing when she

came back that day and everyone

will come to know that we were

involved in her kidnap. She is such

a killjoy. She said she was going to

the hospital for her regular check-ups

not knowing that she was suspecting

me and keeping a tab on me. What

was she thinking in the first place

following me around like that? Was

she thinking that if she catches me I

will go on my knees and start begging

her?" The lady he was talking to whose

name is Mica laughed and said "your

wife is a comedian. She was very

shocked when she saw my face as

she never expected that poor Mica

their roommate will one day take her

husband away from her. She was in

so much tears as she kept looking

at me and shaking her head. She

even gave me a history of how she

and her friends were helping me when

we were in the university." They kept

laughing and having fun while

Candace's parents and friends were

tensed and praying for her safe return.

Richard has always been a greedy

con man. Although he acquired some

wealth from his con business it was

still not enough for him. Mica is his

girlfriend who told him about Candace.

Before Richard approached Candace,

he and Mica have studied her family

and learned the extent of their wealth.

They hatched the plan where Richard

had to get a job in a low-life company

to work as an average man. The

meeting of Richard and Candace

was not a coincidence as it was all

planned by Richard, his girlfriend Mica,

and their group of con artists. Their

plan was for Richard to approach

Candace and dupe her. Unfortunately,

they realized when it was late that

Candace was not the one with the

money but her family, so they changed

their tactics and Richard had to marry

Candace. It was all planned as Richard

and Mika were not the only ones

involved in this plan. Mark Jade's

ex-boyfriend and Rita were also involved

in the plan. Rita was very happy to

show herself to Candace while she

was in their den. "Dear Candace, what

I told you the last time about you and

your friends being pathetic losers, do

you think I was lying? Despite

everything that the three of you tried

to do with your lives, you ended up

having issues with keeping your men.

I guess you never knew that Richard

is not the angel that you have always

thought him to be. This plan has been

hatched before the day you met

Richard. Your meeting with Richard

did not happen by chance, it was

orchestrated by us, but you can see

that we are not wicked because we

gave your parents something in

return. Richard gave you a daughter

so you wouldn't be too sad any time

you think about him. You can see that

Richard is more generous than Mark

so do not see us as some Savages."

Candace looked at Rita as more tears

streamed down her face. She would

have never believed even in a million

years that have quiet and loving husband

Richard will do this to her and her family

after everything they've done for him.

"Rita I only have one question to ask

you. There was a woman who Richard

claimed to be his estranged mother

who was sick last year and my family

spent seventy eight million naira on

her surgery. Is that woman Richard's

mother and was that money spent on

surgery?" Rita laughed so hard that

she fell on her ass before saying

"forgive my laughter but your family is

so dumb that they spent money on

someone they do not know. That

hospital you transferred the money

to in India, never got that money

because we intercepted the money

and that rat Richard whom you call

your husband, does not have a mother

because he lost his mother when he

was a child. The woman who posed

as his mother is one of us."