
In The Eye of The Cyclone

Heroes live only once. If that's true, then does than mean someone who is not a hero is fated to reincarnate again and again?

Nice_Waxflower · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: Ep.3 - Labyrinth of Echoes (2)

As we explored deeper into the labyrinth, the paths diverged. I decided to stick to the left flank of the wall. Most of the time there weren't multiple paths at a point, so it was relatively easy to move forward. I kept track of the junctions we crossed and travelled ahead. Till this point we had crossed 4 junctions and stuck to the left wall each time. Keeping track of the beginning point was not necessary now as we couldn't exit through the entrance but there was a possibility that we could leave through the entrance after fulfilling some sort of requirements. As we were not aware of any such things, keeping a track deemed necessary.

I regretted not asking details about the dungeon when the vice-leader told me about the double dungeon. I would had one thing less to worry about had asked rather than indulging myself in thinking about baseless scenarios and creating theories about how guild vice-leader came to know about the double dungeon.

After traveling for a while we came across a dead end and had to turn back. The whole squad did not have to move, only I and the division representatives had to change our positions. The members of the Mystic division took this chance to give the responsibility of carrying the torch to other members. They started to channel their mana through out their body and regenerating it. We decided to keep moving even though it is difficult to regenerate mana while moving as it was better the faster we leave the dungeon. Or rather they leave, for me to find the double dungeon.

We returned to the previous junction and took a left again. We walked along the curved path when I heard the sound of crumbling of rocks. I raised the sword in my felt hand and stopped, signaling the squad to stop. I put the torch back in the waist pouch and wore the mana reinforced goggles. Everyone behind me followed my example and wore their goggles. These goggle made seeing mana with eyes possible. I supplied mana in the left lens of the goggle and looked around to find a mana circuit.

There was mana all around us, so I had to supply more mana to sense a circuit. After doing so a few times, I found one. Highly concentrated, dark brown mana. It was flowing in form of veins like in human body originating from a large orb at the center. From the structure of the circuit, I could make out the shape of the structure which was as large as the corridor we were traveling through. Dark brown mana meant Earth elemental mana and the large figure only meant it was a golem.

It moved perpendicular to our path and halted some distance away from us. I could not see it with the naked eye, but through the mana reinforced goggles, I could make out its movement. It looked in out direction as if it found our location.

Without a moment's delay, it started gathering mana in both of his fists while raising them and slammed them down with full force, transferring the mana in the ground.

Spikes started originating from the ground and grew as they approached us.

"Barrier! Below us." I instructed the Mystic division.

Slowly a barrier started to form below us, separating us from the ground. I swapped the sword from my left hand to my right.

The Mystic division connected the individual barriers and made a massive one through which not even a pebble would pass without their permission.

The spikes started forming below us but were flattened as they hit the barrier.

I took a step forward, put the sword in the sheathe and drew it with full force.

Imperial Blade Apotheosis, First Technique, Sovereign Slash.

Howls of the Five Dragons, Wind Dragon's First Howl, Gale Swipe.

A swift and powerful slash flew towards the the golem. It was not meant to hit the golem but to cut the spikes which were created due to the golem's attack. I infused the technique with wind elemental mana which became powerful when dealing with earth elemental mana.

All the spikes created were split in 2 right from the base and cleared the path for us.

Just then the golem began charging toward us full speed.

Howls of the Five Dragons, Wind Dragon's Second Howl, Tempest Cyclone.

I rotated my hand and drew the sword from the bottom right to top left. By infusing a huge amount of wind elemental mana in it, a small tornado was created which gathered the spikes fallen on the ground and took it with it towards the charging golem.

Even when faced with the combine force of Tempest Cyclone and the spikes, the golem didn't seem to slow down.

"Stick to the walls." I instructed while creating earth elemental mana in my left hand. The hand started to feel numb as the concentration of earth elemental mana increased. I knelt down and made a tiger claw with my left hand and waited for perfect opportunity.

Howls of the Five Dragons, Earth Dragon's Second Howl, Titan Grip.

Just when the golem was a few inches away, I slammed the tiger claw in the ground, creating a huge pillar right below the golem, disrupting its movement. The golem blew in the air, hit the ceiling and fell back on the ground.

While using Titan Grip, it usually create a rocky terrain in the surroundings from where the impact was made but if the terrain was already rocky or was earth, one could determine the location of impact. I was not that proficient in it, so I could only do so in a radius of few inches.

I took the opportunity when the golem was trying to regain its balance to cut off its legs and disable its movement to a certain extent.

Imperial Blade Apotheosis, First Technique, Sovereign Slash.

Howls of the Five Dragons, Wind Dragon's First Howl, Gale Swipe.

The golem tried to regenerate it's legs but I would be fool to let the things go his way.

Imperial Blade Apotheosis, Fourth Technique, Regal Cascade.

I started a series of strikes which were connected with smooth movements. The attacks started to overwhelm the golem so it started to throw rocks towards me. One of them hit me and I was blown away by it.

Seeing it's attack succeed, it started throwing rocks at me using both of his hands.

Imperial Blade Apotheosis, Second Technique, Celestial Guard.

I started to deflect the incoming stones using the sword while the golem continued throwing rocks. I was getting pushed behind little by little to the point none of the rocks reached me. The golem started reinforcing its chest through which its core was visible due to Regal Cascade.

Wind Whisperer's Guide.

I started running towards him and the golem started throwing stones at me again. But the Wind Whisperer's Guide showed me a path through which I could avoid the rocks. But again there was a gap in between which I couldn't avoid and the rocks would surely hit me. If I was hit by a single rock, Wind Whisperer's Guide would be deactivated which I couldn't afford.

Imperial Blade Apotheosis, Fifth Technique, Imperial Vortex.

I made a spinning slash that generated a vortex of wind and disoriented the pathway of the throwing rocks. This cleared the path for me and I continued using the Wind Whisperer's Guide.

Seeing me adapt to its attack, the golem stopped throwing rocks and started infusing earth elemental mana in it's fist. I expected it to slam down both of his fists like the last time but instead it only slammed one of his fist. Spikes grew in my direction and I avoided them due to the area of effect being less.

I thought it was over when I heard the golem slam his fist. Another series of spikes grew in my direction and the golem started slamming his fists simultaneously creating spikes with less reach and area of effect.

I kept on avoided them but a wall was being built around the golem so I decided to hurry up. They should have learned the attack pattern by now.

Falling Debris Chase.

I started running towards him while balancing on the spike's surface and tip and approached him. Falling Debris Chase allowed me to maintain balance on uneven surfaces and run on surface even harsher then the current one.

I approached the golem while avoiding its spikes and jumped on his chest.

Imperial Blade Apotheosis, Seventh Technique, Emperor's Judgement.

It was a powerful, overhead strike, meant to break the core of the golem but the golem avoided the core from breaking and the strike scraped the side of the core. Now, the golem was split with its right hand and abdomen fallen and its core exposed.

Imperial Blade Apotheosis, Third Technique, Dominion Thrust.

I stabbed the core with full force and the core broke. The mana from the core started leaking and I absorbed it, regenerating my own. I dug out the drained core and put it in the waist pouch.

I climbed on the head of the golem and looked at the squad. Each one of them were thrilled with the combat that took place and the excitement could be seen on their face.

"I wont help you guys the next time. You are all on your own." I said, smirking at them.