
The Escape

It's an evening in the human realm! I don't like it that I wake up at this time here. The sunset🥺makes me feel somehow sad; suddenly I really wish to meet that asshole so much ( my head hurts thinking about him all the time). So, I ended up studying a little more about my botany major to forget about the shit. I had my dinner and was watching videos I didn't know when I fall asleep and wake up there again.

went I wake up something really messes up there. The girls were all out from their rooms, scared and murmuring about what's going on about but when Ratos comes towards our girl's hostels. He comes directly towards me and smiles again while speaking, " have you sleep well! Ari?"

confused and I feel something is off. So, I asked him rather than replying, "did something happened? I feel you are checking on me if I am fine or not? what happened?"

Byzan speaks up to me, " the woman has not changed; simply forget his memory right? she the same woman!"

(who is he referring too; seem like he is referring to me!), "what just happened to me before?" I asked Byzan.

Byzan looks at me and leaves telling me to cautious about my surroundings. some girls really talking about the stuff like how handsome they are ( well I won't lie they are all handsome. surely woman will love to be with them).

Ratos touch my head and said, " don't worry! its time for classes change into a uniform and come, " just then he left too.

Every girl was looking at me scared. I approach them and asked, " what's the matter?"

They were all trying to hide it. One of the girls tries to speak to me " hello I am cecella! we don't have permission to tell you about this, "

(but I really need to know; I am so curious. I need to know something if I have already come to this place). I asked with a forced tone to them again, " tell!"

scared they spilled out to me, "master murang is injured last night and some people telling its because of ummm..of..", cecella tremble speaking to me.

I asked again, " who?"

someone replies from my back, " it's you! you're the Queens of power, Arina zainlee!" The girls run back as soon as they show her. " sorry senior!" cecella ready to run back with them and gone.

I look back at the unknown (hostile nature, power rank! second greatest than me, hmm seductive and beautiful but use lest brain).

I talk back, "I don't like you why?"

with a hostile attitude, she talks back, "Oh my my, fiery as always. Let me introduce my name; I am Lydia rosain! didn't know you will come back so soon" laughs off and swiftly pass by me.

( i guess I remember somewhere inside me but I couldn't pinpoint where. cause its ache from the parts of my body) but I don't care 😏who told him to get injured for me let him stay painfully in the medical room. I am gonna practice some magic, let's go to take a class.

meanwhile on the other side in the medical room.

Ratos ensure, " she's fine! don't need to worry"

Murang expressionless nod him.

" she's careless now not like she's used to and the meantime too independent like she uses, too," Byzan said with a serious tone.

Jojee speaks, " let's go, the class is about to start! are you coming murang?"

urus smirk, " of course he's coming"

🥺 ( let me tell you how the institute work! The classes divided into three types of high rank, middle rank, lower rank; In high rankers, they have two or three abilities which they inherited from their heritage, got their unique ability born from their own and can obtain many abilities as much as they can, depends on their ability. The middle rankers are the people who are very good at staying calm, They have two ability! one inherited from their family genes and one from their own. highly good in magic and arts that can manipulate others' minds. The lowest rank has only one ability! they learn magic and very good at their own abilities. The lower and the middle needs to respect higher rankers (most of the higher rankers are cold-blooded and got attitudes). The lower rankers and middle-rankers stay friendly. 10 exams in 5 years, after completing you may as well activate yourself were to go and stay. use your magic powers anywhere and get married have kids and leave them until they grew up. you don't die but goes to the spirit world for the next contract (still it's your choices).

after a long walk reach my classroom

located in the uppermost building (high rankers classes for black magic)

when I enter in the class he is almost there (what kind of injury it is; he can still come to the class) The moment we met our eyes we kept looking at each other. why is that? why is so I am into his eyes (sitting with others witches already) makes my heart grows fiery. I can feel his wounds on his chest but couldn't judge him by his looks; why is that?

The dark art master enter, " Arina darling! it's been a while seeing you domineering face; where have you been honey?"

( i can tell you he is gay; the way he talks makes me laugh out). " why is that! miss me, teacher?" talking back with my chuckle expression (Everyone looks at me, that's not what I want to say but I begin to think that I am out of control of myself).

The teacher walks towards my bench; observing me intentionally and speak again, " hmmm even if you are the same; you are still somewhat different! I couldn't trust that you still able to come back so early?"

I talk back with another question, "Maybe some people are scared aren't they?"

(he's eyes widened up. about to talk back with that furious looks )

In a sudden, the white beard old man arrived

" What a master! to say something about like this when the things are already solved out in the meeting chamber; are not you going towards against the rules master Hiroshi?" The old man exclaimed with a witty tone.

I look at him and he smiles, " pardon miss! about The question and suspension but let's start our dark arts now!"

The master Hiroshi temper up and told us to open our books. everyone was reciting the phrases. just than lower rankers start screaming and shouting. (sound of using their ability to strike up can be heard in the higher-ranked classroom).just then the middle ranker informs us in our class, (all high ranker students look at the middle ranker) he goes on with his words " your master she's back! The dark witches, " (with a scared expression)

Every witch was so scared they start screaming and running even the other tribes of girls. The boys stood still.

The old man stood up and shouted, " everyone keeps calm; stay here don't run"

Aidan comes towards me hold my hand ( what is wrong with him, most of the time he will just stay like a stranger and now he's holding my hand so fucking tide). just as jojee holds my other hand (copying Aidan), Aidan stares at him as Jojee will get killed by the look. jojee smirk and stop holding my hand. then Byzan holds my hand again trying to cast a spell ( Aidan stare him as he could but Byzan was busy casting spells). Aidan shows the witch coming towards our side and the witch attacked the windows before we run. everyone screams and running to hide; The dark witches laugh out loud, " dear you smell great. why not let me taste you?"

( she is looking at me). Aidan attacked her but in vain. The witch chuckled, " Oh my my, dear love you are still injured from last nights and you still wants to fight me for her haahhahahahahaha, " she laughed it off.

my body does not get scared of her. she's disappointed that I didn't get afraid and throws the fire from her hand but I throw it somewhere else. people gasped out.

I watch her patiently ( she speak some nonsense again), "I wish to kill you bitch, again and again, you still got that attitude. I hate it" uses her powers against me again.

I speak a phrase, " parole-toae-nie Nah-aeristoh-enzha" which turns my red eyes and blurted out the words again and it strikes at her that she died in the middle of everyone ( the lower and middle ranker shows what I did; the high ranker watch me scared).

I explained to them, " it was too noisy! I get tired of it and leave!" ( all watch me leaving).

Aidan was wounded ( what happened to his power no one knows. The two masters where shock and dismissed the classes. Reach my room worried sick for Aidan ( don't know why I come out from my room to find him).

it's evening, silence wind ( why are they so sad about) goes where the wind flows. There he is, sitting on the tree.

"Why are you here?" Aidan speaks without looking at her.

"how do you know I am here anyway" Aidan added. "did you got eyes in your back too?" arina question.

Aidan smirk (feeling pain from the wound), " geez! can't company you I am tired" Aidan hops down trying to walk away from me so I grab his hand ( he gets angry changing his hairs into white and turn his eyes into red).

"you dare try to touch me, " Aidan talks with strong attitudes.

( what does he mean; he's wounded I am tryna help you, man). he pulls me towards him and I bump to his chest. I guess I was right he's wounded. I touch his chest look at him in his eyes and he keeps staring me like that. I heal his wound ( feel dizzy; too strong for me)

Aidan talks to arina, "stop touching my chest. are you a pervert? if you are done then..." (Ari got unconscious),

"hmm who told you to heal me. why worry about me too much?" Aidan speaks softly while holding Ari in his arms.

jojee comes out and smiles, " think like your plans didn't t gonna work, huh, your wounded chapter flops. we need to find other plans to capture the beast witch. she kills the second greatest one today. That master gonna come to hunt again" jojee explained to Aidan.

Aidan frowned, " she's smell like a human, that's why they are coming over here for her again and again. we need to protect her even more than that"

jojee nods and leave.

To the other side of the scene~~

beast witch to his evil king, " master! we lost her, "

evil master speaks, " to whom?"

"Arina, master" beast witch explained

"Arina!" ( feels pain in his heart and warm at the same time, he smiles), " so you are back again! after escaping from me my Ari!!! The demon smiles with joy chuckle on his face.