
In the End it’s Him and I

The1nOnly · Teen
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2 Chs


"Moving! Mom, what do you mean we are moving??" I shouted at my mom.

"Kayla, please stop complaining. What I mean is that we are moving in two days. We are going to live in a different house and you will be at a different school. What else would I mean?." My mother questioned sarcastically.

"But what about all my friends??" I said in a frustrated whine.

"You can keep in touch with them. That's kinda why you have a phone. To communicate with other humans. I don't pay for it for nothing." My mom retorted.

"You don't have to be so sarcastic about everything." I said walking up the stairs towards my room.

I looked around at my decent sized room. My room isn't huge but its not small either. Where should I start packing? I'll start with my closet since I have so many clothes. Might as well give away the clothes I no longer wear as well

Two Hours Later:

" Kayla, dinner is done. Come down and eat." My mother shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

" Okay I'll be down in 5 minutes." I yelled at my closed door.

I grab the last empty box and start packing the last group of clothes from my closet. I put all my clothes in different piles according to who or what was on them. Most of them have bands names or are of my favorite artist. I finally get to the last shirt from the pile and it's my Blackbear shirt I got from his concert a couple months ago. This has to be one of my favorite shirts at the moment. It's a tie dyed shirt with the colors red and black. I love this shirt obviously because my favorite color is red. It's also made out of good quality shirt material. I can sleep in it, eat in it, shit in it, and wear it without worrying about it fading out or falling apart. I grab the box tape off of my dresser next to my bed and tap the box closed. I then put on my Nike slides and head downstairs for some much needed dinner.

I open my door attacked by the beautiful smell of fried chicken. I rushed down the stairs and run into the kitchen.

"Woah there Kayla. Slow down before you hurt yourself." she said scolding me.

"Anttohny get your ass down here now." My mother screamed to my older brother.

Anttohny walk down the stairs 5 seconds later on his phone. He wasn't paying attention to the last step on the stairs and ran into the door. I was laughing so hard that I was on the floor with tears in my eyes. He walked over to me and slapped the top of my head with the back of his fucking IPhone. Fucking idiot, it's not my fault that he ran into the door. Just thinking about him running into the door threw me into another fit of laughter.

"Shut up Kayla!" Anttohny yelled at me.

He walked up to me and punched my shoulder really hard. Then I punched him in the arm. He started war. I will always get the last hit and he knows this. I start running towards him, but before I could slap his big ass head my mom started screaming at us.

"Anttohny and Kayla stop hitting each other and go set the table!" She commanded.

In two days we will be moving, my mom is a single mom. I will be helping her with the rest of the house after I get done with my room. Since dad died, I've been helping mom as much as I can with anything that I can. I don't know if I'm not ready to start school, especially not with the fact that it's a completely new school. I don't have a problem with meeting new people and making new friends, I just hate being the new kid. My mom wants to move to Denver, Colorado. I don't know if I can handle moving from my home state to a stranger state. But the good thing is, is that I can get a fresh start at school. With people who don't even know me or anything about me matter of fact. On that note, I might be excited for the new school. I finish the last piece of chicken on my plate and the rest of my green beans. I start to clean the pots and the rest of the dirty dishes, so that my brother is left with wiping the counters, sweeping, and mopping. When I finish wiping the sink out, I say goodnight to my mom and head to my room to finish packing. Before I walk past my brother, I debate smacking him on the back of the head. I start to run out the kitchen and right as I get behind him, I smacked the shit out of his head. My mom just rolled her eyes as I sprinted towards the stairs.

"Ow!" My brother shouted still surprised by my secret attack.

I want to help my mom all day tomorrow with the kitchen and the living room. My mom is superwoman or something because she finished packing her room today and still was able to make dinner on time. I love this woman so much. I start towards the bathroom and start packing all my soap and conditioners. After packing the bathroom, I will start my main room. Then I will get some sweet sleep.