
In the End I Reincarnated as Underwear

When seeing the engulfing light, the first and last thought that came into Marcus's mind was, (Man… I hope I reincarnate with a different body) However that thought didn't last long after seeing, well more precisely, sensing his current body. A simple pair of white underwear, that looked strangely charming. (Well… at least I look better than, how I used to)

MundaneGrasshopper · Fantasy
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I Guess I Look Better Now

A young person whose face, can't be loved by even god, was walking down a street alleyway slightly illuminated by the peaceful moonlight, when a lightning strike smited right into his unlikeable face out of nowhere, as if the world had had enough of his existence and wanted to erase him as fast as possible.

Weirdly enough when the light was engulfing the young man, there was no fear or shock, just hope for a new life

In the temple of reincarnation where the destinations of the dead are chosen, the goddess Atropos stayed still with her golden hair and wearing a white lose robe, showcasing her saintly beauty that can tople entire kingdoms into doom with a simple indiferent glanze, she stood silently watching Marcus dying, in a tablet like object, and said with incredibility.

"I think I found the most compatible".

After realizing that, her eyes shone with a bright glint, showcasing her beauty of incredible proportions, making whoever watched her faint, from even the quickest of glanzes.

She then Immediately said.

" "Eye of the gods", send a fax to "⭐Supreme God⭐" saying that I have found the perfect one, and to send his soul to the monster".

She then swiped the, tablet looking object, to the right, showing a small monster with white skin and a bloody fang hanging from a tree limply, while smiling happily she looking deeply at the monster, showing a image inside her mind, not too different to a status screen from a game.

'[ Name: none ]'

'[ Species: White Goblin (Extremely scarce)]'

'[ Attributes: 10 strength 10 agility 10 intelligence 10 physique 10 Senses ]'

'[ Skills: none ]'

'[ Potential: SSS+ / currently not developed ]'

'[ Description: a variant of the commonly seen Goblin, with a chance of 0,0000...(many zeros later)...01 of appearing! Known for its weirdly good looks, it currently has no soul ]'

But her happy smile became stiffer that a rock, after seeing a tall, fierce looking young man wearing a monster skin grabbing the White Goblin's foot and dragging it to what looked like a clothing shop.

. . .

When seeing the light that was engulfing him the first thought that came into Marcus's mind was

(Man… I hope I reincarnate with a different body)

However that thought didn't last long after seeing, well more precisely, sensing his current body.

A simple white underwear, that looked strangely good.

(Well… at least I look better than I used to)

Thought depressingly Marcus.

"Ugh, i better inspect where i am"

"I seem to be inside a workshop on a used burly wooden table, next to some weird looking animals without skin, ugh, i'm gonna vomit, oh... but i don't have a throat…"

"How will I eat or drink then?... But now that I think about it I don't need to, also why can i think, is it because my soul is inside the underwear?"

(Damn, I hope whoever made me reincarnate into underwear to turn themself into one! For pants sake!)

The goddess Atropos stood still with a stiff face, while looking at her tablet, thinking

(I fucked up)

(I fucked up)

That was the thought Arthur first had when he saw the underwear he made talking to itself, he hid next to the door, so the monster underwear couldn't see him.

(What do I do, no, wait, it's just underwear, what can it do to me? ahh, fuck it)

"Stay still monster" Arthur said in his deepest voice



Hearing the unexpected scream the underwear monster made, he unconsciously let a scream out too

. . .

Arthur was a young man, that had lost everything to a monster wave that seemed like a never-ending hell in earth, but when he thought he was going to fall into the deepest abyss, a hero saved him from falling,

The hero heroically saving people, lit a enormous fire in his heart, making him want to do the same, so he asked her

"W..what can I do to save other people too?"

(I will never forget her answer, that has changed my life)

"I am still alive thanks to my clothes, so do that, will ya"

After hearing this, it was as if an entire world had opened before him. He wanted to protect people like she did, so he chose to take her words and opened a clothing and armor shop, where he sold comfortable yet sturdy clothes.

However, even if he did so, he still wanted to be a hero like her but he knew he wasn't capable enough in neither magic nor swordsmanship so he kept selling clothes and armor. slowly making his fire go cold.

But the words of the Underwear Monster lit his heart in hope.

"I can make you stronger, so become my owner"

. . .

The reason Marcus said so wasn't because he finally went crazy but due to the description in his status screen, that appeared inside his mind after emptying his mind from the scream

'[ Name: Marcus ]'

'[ Species: lefka esóroucha / White underwear ]'

'[ Attributes: 0,5 strength 0,5 agility 20 intelligence 7 physique 20 senses ]'

'[ Potential: ???/???]'

'[ Skills: Ownership: can select a human as its owner, Shop: can buy different skills, Legacy: can pass its skills to its owner, Staying still: can stay calm in most situations]'

'[ Description: a miracle only made possible by a great artesian and a god of reincarnation, if lefka esóroucha doesn't select an owner and isn't worn it will slowly lose its wisdom turning into a mindless beast ]'

Hope you liked it!

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