
Chapter EIGHT

I was sleeping in the train by listening to music, it was very melodious playlist. Slowly I dived into the dream!

I was listening to classic Indian music and randomly self healing music at the same time. I felt someone calling me, opened my eyes to check whether anyone is calling me or simply it is an illusion. Yes, it was Jahnavi calling me, standing near the door. Train is in full acceleration, wind flow is massive that we can't hear to others near the entrances.

Jahnavi is trying to speak with me, I didn't hear anything, full of disturbances. I Said like, Kya hua? What happened? Her eyes are very expressive, those looks are directly hitting me. She gave gesture to come close with her smooth and soft hands. I thought that she is feeling insecure with this heavy crowd.

I moved closer to her, her eyes made gesture to get more close, 1 feet gap is left over in between us. Still move close, her eyes with some different expression which I have never faced in my whole life. She is laughing with her eyes

and further added some firm romantic flavor. As a typical Indian men I have again fallen for her. She took some box from her bag and opened it, sweets made by her own, she picked one and looked into my eyes. I don't even know I have automatically open my mouth when she brought it near to my mouth. I bit small piece of it, then I gotta know what is going on here, why she is doing all these things and these drama with me.

Ting ting.... my phone started to beep, it is a message from 2 people ! One is from Sai, "Bro today she is going to tell you something which you have never heard until now from any other girl !"

Another one from Jahnavi, " I want to tell you one thing !".

These two messages thrown confusion at me! I'm made up my self confident to high and asked what's the matter. I just initiated with whaa.... Apparently she shut my mouth by putting her soft fingers on my lips and made sound shhh, you don't speak anything or ask anything, first listen to me.

I made a sound huh, which is a sort of acceptance to her request. Today is my birthday a sweet word started uttering

from her! I was shocked for a moment and trying to wish her, but she opposed my moment with her fingers over my lips keeping some more pressure or opposing force.

"I Love you", those three golden words uttered from her mouth with very romantic and sweet vocal. I fallen shock for a moment and kept on staring into her eyes. Her eyes are so romantic that my inner human is waken up and trying to kiss her. But still I'm her friend and college mate, I should not do this and I kept resisting my self.

Jahnavi started to explaining how it all happened with her, from very first day when I saw you playing cricket, I build crush up on you, I tried to ignore you one the first day of college because I can't handle that thought by the time seeing you beside me. The reason I went close to Sai is to explain him how badly I'm loving you, I never left you back, I was behind you in every moment in college and in colony, you are not much bothered about outside world. If you tried to see whats going on in outside world you could have seen me behind you. Having own bike and traveling with you doesn't make sense to my family but it does make sense for me.

Even on that day when you denied my call for club what happened actually is !

I dialed to you, you didn't responded to call and Dropped a message back to me " sorry I can't talk right now".

I got anger, but still I have a hope that you will never do so. We all sat in club, waiter arrived. Madam order please? He asked.

Sai ordered vodka for him and red wine for us.

It is just started fall winter, weather is cool that to night time, a fire camp is arranged in side club.

We sat nearer to it. Waiter bought our order. We Said thank you, we will call you if we need anything, Ok, madam. Welcome . He Said.

Sai can you once call Viki ? I Said.

Yes, for sure but he wont attend this party. He replied. Just try once, please for my sake.

He started dialing to him.

Viki picked call, he Said.

Turn on speaker, I insisted Sai to do so. He did it.

Hello. It's Viki's voice.

Hey bro, where are you? Sai asked.

I'm at home.

You Said you have some work with aunt? Isn't it correct? No, I don't have any work today, I lied to you.

Why you did so?

I felt that if I attend to party Jahnavi will get irked, I don't want to see her like that. I don't want to become a reason for her mood off.

Oh! No words with Sai.

Meera took over, hey Viki come naa, we will have some weekend gig.

No Meera, you guys carry on.

Sai got irritated, by seeing my face. He want to say that this to you.

Then I interrupted him and cut your call in middle.

I took vodka, have shots and hit those glass tumbler to floor with uncontrollable anger.

Another message from Sai, I opened it.

At that time she shouted like a heart broken person . Screamed with tears in her eyes.

Eye lashes were vanished. She ruined her own makeup filled her face with tears. Left that club without informing any one of us, Sai Said.

She left her bike at club. Walked alone in the streets lonely. She loves you a lot. But you failed to recognize it Viki you failed to recognize her care, her interest, her intensity up on you. Sai texted.

It was proper sync with matter, which Jahnavi is explain 'bout.

I asked how Sai knows that you love me?