
In the Devil Embrace

Corona virus and a complicated love story, Crazy people, vampires, human, too

ooh_reeta · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Ep58| The Empty Shell

The date (2050/10th of June)

at 8:45 pm.

- Ella, what is all this nonsense?!

Ella lowered the tip of her index finger, the tip of her teeth, while sitting on the chair in her father's office with one foot on top of the other.

Asher threw the papers in front of his daughter on the desk and got up, resting both hands on the desk, furrowing his eyebrows in anger.

- Dad, this audio recording and these papers can easily take down Slaughter without having to rely on our power as vampires as you wanted.

Ella slowly got up from her seat and slowly walked away with her black heels towards the door and then turned around to smile.

Aren't you the one who taught me not to use my strength for the least thing? Didn't you tell me to use my mind for such things?

Asher turned his head to the right and sighed, then looked back at her worriedly

My daughter, Mr. René and his wife, died two and a half decades ago, and in time everyone will forget everything, don't you see that everyone is starting to forget about it little by little?

Ella smiled in a cold provocative way to respond to her father coldly

- But Eugene wants to take revenge on the defamation of his parents, and I help him in this because I am his wife, do you have any doubts about that?

Asher raised his head fidgetly to take a step back and then sat quietly on the chair, trying to calm his nerves, knowing that his daughter would not stick to his words, even if he spoke for hours


Asher gave in to the fait accompli and let her quietly leave the office without saying another word

He sighed with his eyes closed, raising his head up, saying in a sad voice

- Rene... Your son has become a criminal and my daughter is even more.


The date is (2050 / the tenth of June)

at 9:10 pm.

- I wish I was raised in your arms, mother...

Eugene puts the picture in which Renee appears with Lorena in a cute picture, as he hugs her from behind and she takes the picture through a selfie stick on the large rectangular table in front of him, with his back on the sofa, and the features of sadness rotate on his face, as if he misses the childhood he did not have with his parents before,

those dilapidated features And the pale face, even his blue eyes almost lost their luster

He drowned in a sea of ​​endless sadness that

feels like he's drowning every time he closes his eyes

He woke up after being held by someone's hand to turn around after opening his eyes slowly to see that woman who had been with him all his life

- Ella...

He straightened up and leaned his head on her chest like a child who had never been in his mother's embrace before

- Thank you for being by my side

Ella smiled as he shook his head, trying to calm his weary heart

Sometimes, I feel like I'm just an atom lost in this great realm, and sometimes I feel like I shouldn't have been born.

Can a congenitally broken heart be healed?

You are an orphan right? Where is your father? Why do you keep making trouble? This is what everyone used to tell me in elementary school, middle school, high school...even college...

I can't deny that your father taught me a lot and trained me too...

- That's right, your father did not fail me in anything, he treated me as if I were his son.

- But I wanted to lay my head on my mother's chest to feel that tenderness that I always wanted to feel when I watched my friends in their mother's arms... I

wanted to climb on my father's shoulders as children do... I didn't have any of this... I Its shell is beautiful on the outside only, but it is completely empty on the inside...

Ella raised Eugene's head to look him in the eyes

Eugene, you are a wonderful man. You are not an empty shell. You are a wonderful man in every way, and you are beautiful too. I don't allow you to talk about yourself that way.

Ella hugged him back to hold her with his hands like a child.


The date (2050/11th of June)

at 5:43 pm.

Well, I guess you've understood that

lesson by now, haven't you?

Ella kept her promise to that blond who did not have time to attend all the lectures by going to teach him in his small apartment where he lives alone

Ella was teaching him in the living room on the sofa in front of a wide table scattered with papers where Ella sat in front of her barefoot with a short skirt showing a few of her thighs from above, ignorant of the matter of the blonde next to her who was losing focus every minute looking at her thighs

- Miss Ella... I'm going to get some

coffee. Please wait here and let's

talk. Don't leave too early.

Well, I'll wait for you, Mike.

Ella smiled fakely, removing that smile from her face as soon as Mike got up and headed to the kitchen.

Ella began to play with her hair, as she put one foot on top of the other, quietly, in a way that made her smile involuntarily.

- That looks great...

Mike smiled back as he picked up the two cups of coffee and sat quietly next to her and offered her the coffee.

Miss Ella, will you tell me

a few things about yourself?

She smiled, her eyes shining as she breathed a cup of coffee close to her lips

- What do you want to know about me?

She said in a sexy tone, making Mike wince a little and lean back on the sofa a little.

Ah, I mean, for example, how did you know all

these things about vampires, and why did

you choose the Department of Teaching the

Paranormal when you were originally an engineer?

Ella sighed and lowered her cup of coffee and answered him coldly and calmly, focusing in his eyes as if they were shooting at him with hot bullets.

From the beginning I loved these

supernatural things, until I grew up and

it became clear that I was a vampire from a noble family

and my father was the second most powerful person after Eugene, the heir of the late master Rene, or we could call him by his original name (The King of Humans Evil).

Mike got up from the sofa, his hand trembling violently, and dropped the cup of coffee from his hand, and his heartbeat rose rapidly .

- W... what are you talking

about, woman?!

Ella took another sip of her coffee, placed the cup on the table and quietly placed her back on the sofa .

- Do you think I had no luck what you were


Ella got up from the sofa and pushed the big table with her foot to drop everything on it.

It was enough to make Mime fall back even more frightened

. It can't be forgotten that his whole body was trembling and his heartbeat was rising little by little.

Sex, money, love, hate

Ella walked around Mike with slow steps that made him look like dry wood.

- These things,

humans cannot have all of them at once

Whoever searches for a body

in which to satisfy himself will not search for a heart

that satisfies his heart

Whoever seeks love will not

find the opportunity to be rich, he will become

stupid and think that love will suffice him

for everything.

Whoever searches for money will not be able

to find true love for him, believing that

everyone who loves his money does not love it

for himself, and he will hate everyone in this case.

Ella stops spinning around Mike who feels like his heart is about to pop out

She stopped right in front of him, approaching him, causing him to step back on the edge of the window, which was slightly open from below.

Even you tried to make me

sleep by putting you to sleep in this coffee

to make your body enjoy,

- And before that, I wanted to know a lot of information about me in order to make a big scandal and uproar among everyone

- so what? Do you think I did luck your looks at me that day in front of the car?

Well, you were such a smart kid to notice that I was on the defensive when I attacked that guy whom I started kissing later but, what then?

Do you think you will get many things in the future?

What a greedy kid, Mike

Ella cornered him at the window,

and her eyes on him with pity were akin to false sadness

Poor you, Mike.

Ella approached him little by little, her lips reaching the level of his neck, whispering in a cold voice that made a shiver run through his body from top to bottom.

- Take your life in your own hands, Mike, you are

just an empty shell that will soon be broken

in any way.

Mike screamed loudly and quickly fell backwards, losing control of his balance and falling from the fifth floor, ending his life with his hand.

Ella looked up coldly and put her hand over her mouth

- Oh, he fell.


Two hours after the accident, where Ella was at the police station to investigate this matter, she explained everything in a completely different way.

Detective Jones, I was just sitting like this and he started trying to assault me ​​and then... and then I just tried to get him away from me and he just backed away and fell out of the window.

The weeping and bruising on her body were quite evident to Detective Jones and some of the other policemen who were surrounding her in Detective Jones' office.

Detective Jones threw the pen over the papers in front of him, with his back on the chair

Did you write down everything, Steve?

- Yes sir

Well, you can go out now, I'll take care of the rest

All the cops are out so Detective Jones can only stay with Ella

And between her sobs and sobs, a hysterical laughter made Detective Jones furrow his eyebrows in alarm.

- Shut up, and tell me what happened now, you were so good at acting.

Ella raised her hair and placed her right foot on top of the other, smiling slyly

- That boy just knew me and was waiting for answers from me to finally expose me

Did you have to be that clear?

I'm sorry, Mr. Jones, but that kid was smarter than the others, and there was no other choice but to kill him...

Ella smiled and shook her head in a very casual tone, making it sound so natural.

- No, and killing was hard for you, after you killed so many people, and so many people also died because of you, like Miss Chun Li Li who looked like Mrs. Lorena.

- Ella, shut up, you should know your limits, you are not allowed to talk about these things here in such a random way!

With a quick movement without Detective Jones being able to realize it, Ella pulled him by his collar, approaching his face with a sharp tone and eyes shining brightly, as if devouring the air around her, making the Kurds as silent as an airless room.

- Do you think you are stronger than me? You're only an old man in the fall of your life and you'll die, you don't think your fight with my father these years before means anything to me.

- Everything you fought for that year was for nothing, after you let those people ruin the reputations of Mr. René and Mrs. Lorena.

I pushed him back hard on the chair and got out of the office quickly heading outside while everyone was looking at her to stand outside the police station and then quickly waved for a taxi and got up quickly

Those idiots don't understand what situation they put themselves in


Then I said he tried to molest me.

The office was filled with laughter from Ella, who was standing in front of Eugene, who was sitting on the sofa, listening carefully and laughing.

I don't want you to see how funny the policemen's faces were while they listen seriously to that fake story.

- you are really wonderful

Ella laughed and then went to sit next to Eugene without a centimeter separating them, even took a glass of beer to drink slowly and put it on the table.

Right, Eugene, why don't we leave the idea of ​​setting up those bastards in this formal way.

- What do you mean

Here, events began to take another turn, as Ella began to distract Eugene and add dangerous thoughts to his mind that would change his possible future plans.

- I mean, we vampires and members

of the Council of the Hour were the ones who killed the kings of the

world at that time with

your father's sacrifice as well.

And instead of thanking us, they

slandered your father.

Other than that, why should we

vampires hide

our identity from the world if we feed on

donated and animal blood?

Eugene's smile disappeared, and his expression turned to an excessive seriousness that was topped by the clear hatred that permeated inside him.

You're right about that, but your father

said the best way to get rid of them

is to make them fall into their own evil, and let humans destroy


I got close to his ear and whispered warmly

This is what my father wants, not what you want.


Several days had passed since then, and Ella's words were constantly echoing in Eugene's mind

everywhere at every moment, as if she was charging him with energy for revenge.

Eugene opened his eyes, sweating and panting in the light sunshine after a long struggle on the bed with a nightmare breaking into his head from time to time.

Not again...

Eugene lifted his hair with his hands up and his head down tiredly to get up lazily from the bed and stand under the splattered bathroom water, the drops of water sliding down his prominent stomach muscles

. That boy looked like his father, but with blue eyes and shorter hair than his father's.

He went out drying his hair with a towel and the other wrapped around his waist and headed towards the closet

- the T-shirt

And with every word he says, one of the lockers is opened electronically, everything has become easier with time

He wore a white T-shirt with black jeans, a light jacket suitable for the summer weather, and black sneakers

He arranged his neck-length hair to tie it loosely at the back as he looked at the woman with his blue eyes shining in the sun that reflected in his eyes in front of the woman.

Well, let's go and see what

Ella is doing at this hour of the

morning at the university

Eugene left the house in his white car, heading towards the university, looking right and left, paying attention to the road without thinking about anything at this moment until his phone rang and the voice opened through the car robot.

Eugene Gowanz speaks.

hoarse voice across the line

Your father is alive

, little Eugene.

Then the line cut off without any more words, leaving Eugene in shock

Eugene's eyes widened as he lost control of the car and lost his attention to the traffic light that was for pedestrians at the time.

He came to his senses after he nearly crushed a young girl who stopped at her feet, causing her to fall on her butt with fear and trembling.

- Who was that...!

Everyone in the surrounding area ran to check on the girl who seemed to be about to die from her fear

Eugene came to his senses when some people started knocking on the window of his car to get Eugene out of the car apologizing and then went towards the girl and grabbed her two hands while she was in shock and just looking at him

- Are you okay, miss? I really apologize?

- I.. I'm fine, yes I'm fine.

Everyone sighed, their hands over their hearts

- Get up, miss

Eugene lifted her from her hands from the ground easily to make her stand on her feet and collected the papers that were scattered on the ground to put them in her hands with a smile

Well, how can I

correct this error?

No thanks, it's okay, I'm fine, thank you

She pulled her hair back and put it behind her ears, smiling worriedly

Well, at least let me drive

you where you want to go

. Take this as an apology

- No, sir, I thank you, I don't

really need this!

-I insist

That girl surrendered to get into the car with Eugene after he opened the door for her in the midst of the crowd, which the girls began to feel jealous of in the crowd.

One of them said to her friend

Next time I'll throw myself under a car




