

Five Friends, one male and four females, who had been together since diapers to College gets a new friend, Hans, A wealthy Prince, whoose life they believe is an engima, and only accept him because Blake thinks he needs a male friend. When he invites them for a picnic at a lonely forest, only Emma thinks it's a bad idea, She was the youngest and weakest, had poor eyesight and cannot express herself. Into the heart of The Fauri Forest lies a danger they would never expect and even more betrayal. They must fight together, with all the strength they could muster, if they want to leave the forest alive, even if to the last drop of their bloods, and if they survive, their lives would never be normal again. A Story of Friendship, Love, Betrayal, Power, Magic, Dark powers, Adventure, Crime, Thriller, Fantasy and Mysteries ready to be unravelled by whoever can.

Princess_Omenachi · Fantasy
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The Birthday Party and The Trip

August 15 was Emma's birthday party and it was a week after their graduation ceremony which means double celebration for The BLADE, except for Emma who had phobias for loud music and parties. It reminded her of the day her Nigerian mother was killed, They had gone to the Club to see a family friend when a gun man walked into the place and began to shoot sporadically aiming for the head. Emma's mother pushed her under the table to protect her till everything was over but when Emma finally managed to creep out of the table when the Police arrived, The sight of her mother's bloodied face was enough to keep her in a mental health hospital for two years, it took the rest of the BLADE and Her Father to bring her back to her senses and also Dr. Sharon Tate, a psychologist Her father later got married to.

The BLADE had wanted to make Emma's birthday a memorable one and Hans suggested going to Fauri Forest. They had resolved their differences with Hans and accepted Him as a friend because of Blake but not part of The BLADE Team because Emma hated the number 6, Anna was positive that She would always get into a fight with Hans, He was proud and rude, Lana was always having fights with Him, Dara ignored him like He never existed except for times He took them for a shopping spree. The BLADE were all from very wealthy Families with Booming Businesses all over the Place, contrary Rodney, Lana's Mom was a Minister of Foreign Affairs in Her Country and Her father was the 2nd Richest in his country.

Fauri Forest was famed for it's lovely beaches, beautiful pools and running springs, Tall Palm, Coconut and Date Palm Trees, Edible Fruits, plants and mushrooms. Natural games which was strictly under Reserve Laws and Strict Laws to avoid crowding and illegal camping in the Forest. It was the Number 5, World Center of Attraction. Hans had booked a place for them a month before the graduation before it became overbooked.

One week before the Trip, Emma was still having second thoughts and told the group she had a feeling that something would go wrong, Lana quickly dismissed it as Emma's response to the Rumours that currently hovered around the Forest

"Not rumours" Emma would protest, "My instincts never lie, it happened before my mother died and before Anne had the accident"

"Fauri Forest is the best place we can go, forget your nightmares and free yourself a bit please, it is what you believe that happens, don't let your instincts ruin our chances to a good vacation" Lana would throw back to Her,

Emma knew it was no use trying to persuade anyone, She had tried to persuade Anne against taking part of the school Bike race and She declined, She took part and spent two weeks in the hospital, Her bike was obviously tampered with and She crashed into the finish line, She had won but with Injuries, Anne was of the opinion that even if something bad would happen in Fauri Forest, it would not be too bad.

Hans had pleaded they don't tell anyone He was going with them, so his parents would not get to know and rip him of all his Luxury, Lana felt it was strange but still kept shut since they were saving a life as She puts it.

Hans Benz G-Class was the ride for the trip, it was new and his birthday present from his parents, Emma was dragged into the Car and they began the journey, taking turns to drive, except for Emma who grudgingly sat at the back.

Fauri Forest was more beautiful than videos and pictures depicted, It was Haven, Emma swore Sh had never seen anything more enchanting,

"You would have successfully denied yourself of a life time opportunity because of a stupid dream" Dara whispered to Her,

Emma just shrugged her shoulders and headed to their Cabin where they would unpack and begin to explore the Place.

The Houses was built with wood and was for Tourist to avoid illegal camping and destroying of Plants in the Forest. Theirs had Seven rooms and a sitting room and they were surprised to find out it had all the Household Facilities, Good water, Electricity and Network Services, There was even Wifi available.

Outside They went Fishing and Emma caught more than a week meal even though She had not seen a fishing net in real life before, The Tour guards were impressed, Dara took pictures with her camera, Anne turned Nature into pictures with Pencils, Blake with Colours. Lana resolved to learning every food recipe the guards had to share and Emma turned her wood work lessons into practice, She made Anne a Sword, Blake, a bow and some arrows, a dummy camera for Dara, cooking utensils for Lana, a bracelet for The guard she thought was the prettiest, a penknife for Herself and a dummy rifle for all the other Tourist.

The place was so beautiful and relaxing that evenEmma forgot all her fears, everything went well for a few days till Emma went missing.