
In the Devil's Arms

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] Beatrice Devonshire is a successful erotic novelist, drawing inspiration from her vivid dreams of a mysterious and seductive man. But when she discovers that her dream lover is none other than the Devil himself, seeking to claim her as his bride, her life takes a dark turn. Desperate for guidance, Beatrice turns to a kind priest, and their forbidden love affair further complicates her situation. Meanwhile, her family begins to act strangely, consumed with their desire to possess her or betray her. She finally found out that she has been cursed. As Beatrice delves deeper into the mystery surrounding her cursed fate, she must make a difficult choice: give in to the Devil's temptations and accept her fate, or risk everything to break the curse and free herself from his grasp. With each decision, she is faced with temptation and danger, and the stakes couldn't be higher. Will she succumb to the Devil's promises of power and freedom, or find the strength to resist and save herself?

Suzu_Rim · Fantasy
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106 Chs

The Delusional Beatrice?

Thunder roared outside Devonshire Manor, its echoes reaching every corner of the dark corridor. In one room, the sound of a man crying out as the whip tore into his skin was excruciating and a woman was tied to the bed, crying for it to stop. 

Beatrice couldn't help but smile at the sight of it all. All her hate and fury had been repaid by her brother. The sight of Edward, covered in blood and misery, filled her heart with satisfaction, as if it were a balm to the wounds he had inflicted upon her.

She couldn't help but wonder, why did he do it? Was it because she wasn't good enough for him? But if that were the case, then Edward was just as inadequate as a fiancé. He had made her fall deeply into her own lecherous dream, driving her mad, driving her to be chased by the Devil himself. It was all his fault.

He deserved every bit of the blood on the floor and for every torn piece of skin! If only he had given in to her desires, she would never have ended up in such misery! 

But then, why did he choose her mother? Why not her? Why not her? Why, Why, Why, Why!?! The questions kept swirling in her mind, tormenting her with their endless repetition. Beatrice stood up from her seat and the whip stopped.

She glared at Edward, approaching him with venomous hatred. She kissed his temple and whispered in a soothing voice, "It's all your fault, Edward. I will never do something like this to people, never. It was too cruel, but you deserve it." with a low voice.

Suddenly, Beatrice screamed and started crying. "Why did you do that to my own mother!?! Why did you choose her!?!" Her voice was filled with pain and betrayal, the emotions twisting and contorting her features.

The atmosphere in the room became ominous and tense, as lightning flashed and thunder rumbled on. It was as if the very elements were responding to the turmoil in Beatrice's heart.

As he lay there, the pain of the lashes tearing into his flesh, Edward's mind wandered to how it had all come to this. If only he had known the true price of his actions, he would never have given in to Alicia's seduction.

He loved Beatrice, and yet he felt abandoned by her, left to navigate the twists and turns of their relationship on his own. Why did she avoid him, keep secrets from him? Wasn't she cheating on him too? It was too much to bear, too much for him to handle on his own.

As for Beatrice, she used to be an honorable woman, but now she was nothing more than a vulgar, despicable creature. He couldn't stand the sight of her, the way she dressed, the way she acted. It was all her fault, not his! How dare she make him suffer like this, when she was just as guilty as he was?

But now, as he lay there, bleeding and in pain, he wondered if she had truly succumbed to darkness. Was she possessed by the Devil, as she had claimed? Had she lost herself to its seductive whispers, leaving him to suffer the consequences of her actions?

He didn't know anymore, and it scared him to think that he might never truly understand what had happened to the woman he had loved so deeply.

In the end, he knew only one thing: he didn't deserve any of this. Even if he had made mistakes, so had Beatrice. She was just as guilty as he was. Yet here he was, alone and in pain, while she continued to live her life without a care in the world. It wasn't fair, it wasn't right, and it wasn't his fault.

The storm outside raged on, as if mirroring the tumultuous emotions that swirled within Beatrice and everyone in the room. She left Edward who didn't respond to her and approached her mother, who appeared outwardly miserable, but not nearly as miserable as Beatrice felt. 

Betrayed and hurt, she couldn't understand why her mother would ruin her life by taking her fiance. Even though she didn't love Edward that much, the fact that her own mother would betray her in such a way was heart-wrenching.

She couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, as she had just cheated on Edward herself, with a priest no less, in the middle of the temple. The memory of their passionate kiss made her forget everything else, including Edward. She knew it was wrong, but at least she wasn't cheating on her own father, like her mother had done with Edward!

As Beatrice dwelled on the thought of her mother and fiance's affair, she realized that her love for Edward had faded. She couldn't help but wonder how long they had been sneaking around behind her back, laughing at her naivete and devotion to Edward. The thought made her stomach turn and she felt like she was going to be sick.

Finally, Beatrice stormed towards her mother, her fury boiling over into a deep sense of despair and heartbreak as she tugged at her mother's mantle. "How long have you been cheating on me with my own fiancé!? How many times have you betrayed me!? Did you carry out these vile acts right under my nose, in every corner of this manor, while I foolishly believed that he was faithful to me!? All the while, I was in love with him and thought that he loved me!?" Her voice shook with emotion, and her eyes were already hollow with the weight of her despair.

"Beatrice, please," pleaded the duchess, her voice congested by the force of Beatrice's tugging. But Beatrice was beyond reason, consumed by her feelings of betrayal and hurt. She needed answers, and she needed them now.

The sound of the slap reverberated through the room, matching the intensity of the storm outside. Beatrice's eyes were filled with fury and despair as she confronted her mother, "You loved me, didn't you, mother? Now tell me with those lips that have been sullied by lies and have kissed that bastard Edward!" Her voice shook with emotion, the weight of betrayal crushing her spirit.

All the pain and sadness that had been festering inside was now too much to bear. Tears streamed down her face as she lashed out. The storm outside echoed the turmoil in her heart.

She couldn't believe that the person she was supposed to be trusted who had conceived and raised her had betrayed her in such a heinous way. The slap was a release, but it didn't ease the pain of her mother's treachery.

The room was filled with tension as Beatrice's inner turmoil reached its peak. Suddenly, the door burst open, and Richard - Beatrice's older brother - appeared with an annoyed expression on his face. His jet-black hair framed his sharp features, and his piercing emerald eyes scanned the room in disbelief.

"What happened with all of this mess?" Richard's baritone voice rang out, massaging his temple in frustration.

"Richard, please help me! Your sister and brother are crazy! They accused me of cheating with Beatrice's fiance. They're saying terrible things about me, but I swear it's not true! You know me better than that, right?" The duchess shouted, still tied to the bed.

"Bitch!" Arthur spat at her own mother, unable to control her rage.

Beatrice's body shook with rage, her heart aching with furry. How could her mother deny the truth when it was right in front of her eyes? "You're lying, mother! I saw the two of you making love with my own eyes!" she shouted back, her voice cracking.

The air crackled with tension as everyone's emotions spiraled out of control. Beatrice couldn't understand why her mother would do such a thing, and Duchess Alicia refused to admit her infidelity, shifting the blame to her own daughter. There was something seriously wrong with her mother! 

The duchess eyes narrowed as she retorted, "You're delusional, Beatrice. You've always been unstable and needy of attention. You'll do anything to keep Edward to yourself."

Her voice rose in pitch and volume with every word, her anger palpable. "You can't handle the fact that he's not interested in you anymore, so you concocted this ridiculous story about us having an affair."

Beatrice's heart pounded with disbelief as she listened to her mother's accusations. She couldn't fathom what she had just heard. It was as if her mother was attempting to shift the blame onto her and portray her as the one who had done something wrong.

"How could you even say that?" she cried out, her voice quivering. "You know it's not true. How long have you and Edward been carrying on behind my back?"

Duchess Alicia's eyes widened in mock shock. "What nonsense! You're just jealous of the connection between Edward and me. He's always found me more attractive than you, and you can't stand it."

She laughed, a high-pitched sound that grated on Beatrice's nerves. "Help me Richard, look at your insane sister! She whipped Edward and even tied me here! You can judge which one of us is more sane!" she screamed and echoed in the room.

Richard looked between the two women. His brow furrowed in amusement and ignorance. He had always been caught in the middle of their arguments, and it seemed like things had only gotten worse. While watching them with a straight face, he did not intend to interfere in this matter. 

"Don't you see, Richard? Your sister is out of control. She's been acting this way for years, and it's only getting worse." She turned to Beatrice, a sneer on her lips. "You're not fooling anyone, Beatrice. You're delusional."

Beatrice was furious about that insult. Even the blind could see that her mother was cheating with her fiance! How could she say that? Her delusion was all over the place!

"How could you do this to me mother? You're twisting the truth, mother! You're just trying to cover up your affair with Edward!" Tears streamed down her face as she reached out to grab her mother hand, but the ropes around her mother's wrists suddenly gave way.

The duchess took advantage of the momentary freedom and slapped Beatrice across the face. "Don't you dare touch me with your filthy hands, you lying bitch!" she spat, her eyes flashing with anger.

"You're the one who's been spreading rumors about us, and now you're trying to attack me? You're sick, Beatrice."

I'm bad at making chapter titles, if you have any ideas please comment on this chapter. Anyway enjoy~

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